Avatar Aang Versus Red Robin
Avatar Aang
The story:
Master of all four elements and being trained to save the wold. As avatar, Aang had a unusual life and learned to fight and become one of the most powerfull beings on the planet. He would need this power quickly because the firenation attacked and he was the only one who could stand in the way of this danger.
Aang was born as son of two airbenders and he was taken to the monks of the southern airtemple and trained in airbending. On a very young age, Ang was discovered at being the new incarnation of the avatar, master of all four elements, but it was kept a secret from him. That he was good in bending because obvlious as he was better at bending then people twice his age when he was 6 and he was even better then most adults when he was 10 years old. Apart from training, he also met his flying Bison Appa, traveled around the world and played with a great assortment of friends.
However, the firenation decided to expand and started taking over the world. This let the teachers of Aang tell him about his avatar status at the age of 12 instead the usual 16. Knowing now his destiny, Aang stopped playing with friends and trained harder.
His teachers were deemed to soft and Aang had to move to the Eastern airtemple to complete his training, The young boy did not like that and decided to run away with Appa. As they flew through the sky, a storm overtook them and the two crashed in the water. The special avatarstate activated and unknown to himself, Aang used airbending and waterbending to imprison himself and the Bison in a block of ice, where he would stay frozen for 100 years while the war raged on.
After 100 years, Aang was freed from the iceberg by two teenagers of the southern watertribe. These were Sokka and Katara. After hearing about the war, Aang knew he had to act and learn the other three elements so he started off searching for a waterbending master while trying to avoid the firenation prince Zuko.
Aang then traveled around and in that time gained a lot of friends, a few enemies and fought the firenation. He learned to master waterbending, earthbending (altough with some trouble) and in the end also learned firebending. Not only that, but Aang also learned more about himself as the avatar and learned about the dangers. he also mastered the avatarstate, a powerfull state of energy where he was more powerfull then ever before because he could combine the power of all past avatars. The downfall of this power is however that should he be killed in this state, the avatar cycle would stop and no new avatar would be born.
Just before the final battle with the firelord ozai, Aang realised he had to kill the man and killing was something Aang hated. As airtemple monk, he had learn to respect all life. He consulted with past avatars but they all gave the same reply and desperate to find another way, Aang met the Lion turtle who learned him how to energy bend.
with this newfound power, aang fought the powerfull ozai, who's power was enhanced by a comet and in the end, managed to trap the firelord in the ground. Aang then used energy bending to take the bending of ozai away and the boy stopped him permanently.
After the 100 year war, Aang developed a relationship with Katara and he started restoring the damage done by the firenation.
After some trouble with the restoration movement, Aang and the new firelord Zuko founded the united republic of nations where all benders and non-benders could live together in harmony. he also married katara and they had three children. One waterbender, one non-bender and a airbender. He also kept true on his job and protected the world against dangerous criminals.
Aang died at the age of 66. being trapped in a iceberg for 100 years had damaged his body severly.
Aang had two sides of his personality. To the outside, Aang was fun loving, care-free and loved to play with all animals. He was also shown caring for all living beings and he tried to solve violence with talking. He had a broad sense of traveling and he had a complex netwerk of friends whom some were from 100 years before.
His interior was much darker and Aang kept himself blaming that he could not protect the world against the firenation and every time he saw the damage done in the war, it guilted him. This made him train all the more, even though he was one of the best at every type of bending.
aang was also afraid of losing his friends. this made him going into the avatar state when his friends were in life danger and causing lots of damage. He also hid a map when he heard about Katara and sokka wanting to leave and visit their father.aang then lied about recieving it.
When a buzzardwasp took one of his animal friends away, Aang struck down and decapitated the creature. This was part however because Appa was already missing and he was having raging outbursts already.
Later in the series, Aang managed to controll himself and the avatarstate and keep more the funloving side but the darker guilty side would always remain.
The weapons:
Aang had some powerfull bending that he could use in both offense and defense. Because of the different powers and the weapons Aang wields, He will get more weapons per range. I have chosen for this so i can include all his powers and that would lead to a more honest comparison. Because bending can be used in the offensive and the defensive, I will include the bending in both.
Because Aang prefers not to kill, I will not look at what weapons kan kill but also how they can take his opponent out of the battle in other ways.
Each bending style has different forms of attack and defense, it would take very long to write it all down and \i am not sure how that would be read. Therefore I will post a link under every type of bending, which holds more information.
Short range: Gliderstaff and Ba gua
There were several ways Aang could use the gliderstaff. First and foremost in battle itself. The staff was a dangerous weapon that could disarm or take out opponents without Aang having to resort to bending. Aang was a powerfull staff fighter and has shown the abilities on several ocasions. it is a good tool to do damage. Apart from that, Aang could also use the staff in the bending and has shown to earthbend and windbend while wielding the staff. However, when the wings are out, Aang will not be able to use very powerfull airbending,due to the small wings.
Lastly, the wings can be clapped out and \aang can fly around on it, using it to dodge attacks or attack from above.
Medium range: Waterbending and earthbending
To start off with waterbending, Aang was a powerfull bender in that sort. With waterbending, one can controll existing water but not created it. A powerfull waterbender could create ice out of water or water out of ice. Aang is a very powerfull waterbender and has shown to be able to use some of the hardest feats such as creating massive tidelwaves, a waterknife, icebreath and creating small streames of water.
However, Aang never caried water with him and only used water when there was natural water in the neighberhood. \therefore, he did not use waterbending often and was his least used bending style.
The second midrange weapon is the earthbending. Earthbending was the element that Aang had most difficulty to master because it was the opposite of his nature. When Aang needed to save his friend Sokka against a dangerous animal, he needed to stay his ground and then managed to do his first good earthbending. After that, earthbending became more easy and it became Aang's second most used bending style. He could throw rocks and other pieces of earth but the boy also could form earth over his body and attack with that. Aang also learned seismic sense, making him able to feel the earth and things on the earth without seeing it due to the vibrations.
Long range: Firebending and Airbending
Firebending is the element that Aang learned last and the one associated with agression.
Aang first got the chance to learn firebending early on in the series but he was impatient and the fire went out of controll, burning katara. After that, Aang swore that he would never firebend again.
Aang came back to that conclusion after the failed attempt to take out the firelord. He found his teacher in Zuko, who hunted him before and together they learned to firebend as the ancient dragons had done.
Aan can now firebend and is very dangerous with it. With the help of a comet that enhanced firebending, Aang managed to set fire to several ships. Even though he swore that he would never firebend again, Aang uses it in his fighting. Not a lot, but he used it.
Airbending is the native type of bending aang uses and also the type of bending he is best in. From a young age, Aang has shown a mastery of airbending and he mastered 35 of the 36 tiers on a young age before being disrupted in training. He mastered the last tier when he was 40. Aang also created his own airbending technique called the airscooter.
Aang could par witht he greatest master of other elements while airbending and he has been shown to create giant tornado's and powerfull streams of wind that could blow even the heaviest objects away. \it was also Aang's most used element, even after he learned the other ones.
Usually aang used airbending to defend himself and put the opponent off-balance, it was also the element he used with his only kill and could be very lethal if the avatar would become enraged. I doubt however, that he would go to such extremes.
Apart from attacking, Aang also used airbending to help him fly and enhance his agility.
Special: Avatar state and Energybending
This has changed and Aang does have the ability to control the power of the Avatarstate and go in and out of it as he wishes. However, he will always first try to solve things in other ways because if he dies in avatastate, no new avatar will be born. As example that he does wait for using the avatarstate is the battle of a adult Aang against a bloodbender. The man attacked Aang twice with bloodbending and it was only when he was aiming to kill Aang with it, that Aang went into the avatarstate. When Aang is in the avatarstate, his eyes and the tattoo on his forehead emit a bright light and when he talks, the voices of the past avatars echo with it.
As for the power of the avatarstate, Aang can create giant earthquakes that tear the earth apart, he can lift the ocean up and controll the tide. He can let vulcano's erupt and controll the magma and he can form heavy tornado's and gusts that will turn rock to rubble. Not only is the bending more powerfull but the Avatar is more resistant against controlling from the outside such as mindattacks and bloodbending.
protection: Agility, Ba Gua and Bending
The main form of defense Aang has is his agility. The boy moved around very quickly, being able to jump high, run fast, run on walls and being very agile overall. He will always first try to avoid something heading for him before anything else. He was also very acrobatic and could walk on his hands with ease and do summersaults without the aid of airbending. The fact that his only armour was the monks robe did help a lot in his agility.
Overall, Aang will be very hard to hit.
Ba Gua is as I have told a defensive martial art, that helps Aang avoid blows. Simply said, Aang will move to the side and will avoid attacks better. This will work for the hand to hand combat of his opponent but I think it also will for some other ranges.
Aang loved to get out of the way and avoid a attack, but sometimes he could not. In these instances, Aang could rely on his bending skills to help him.
With airbending, Aang could form a shield to block bending attacks and it could aid him in his agility, making Aang even harder to hit.
The waterbending could bring Aang both a watershield and a iceshield against attacks. Altough the watershield would work better against bending, the ice would help against all other attacks.
Earth could bring Aang yet another shield or even a wall to protect himself. Aang could also form armour of earth over part of his body or his entire body to form some sort of natural armour. This would help him defend and strike with more power.
Then there is the firebending that could form a powerfull shield that prevents against incoming attacks.
Lastly there is the avatarstate. This shield is the most powerfull one as it combines all elements in one powerfull shield that surrounds the avatar. Note that it can be used for offense.
Motivation: Being the Avatar
The first x-factor is motivation. Aang is the avatar and it is his job to keep the world safe. Since his birth, Aang had gotten a important task due to his immense power. He knows his task and knows how important it is. He is greatly motivated to protect the world because it is his duty and his duty alone. He does get some help from his friends but Aang knows that he is sole responsible.
Aang carries the responsibility with pride and altough he sometimes hates it, he never backs down or gives up.
Tactics: Subdue with little to no violence
Aang is a airtemple monk and as such, he has learned to respect all forms of life. He has only killed once and he has never killed a human being. Even when he knew that he had to kill the firelord and every past Avatar said the same thing, Aang managed to avoid killing his foe in the end. His fighting style is based on that. Aang will always first try to talk and solve things without violence. When that did not work, aang would rely on quick and less powerfull attacks to subdue his opponent,while trying to let his opponent surrender himself. Only when Aang cannot stop his opponent anymore and he has no other choise, Aang would go into the avatarstate and stop the fight. Again, trying to use as less violence as possible.
Experience: Benders and non-benders
Aang mostly fought Benders and then especially firebenders and earthbenders, altough he has fought waterbenders as well.
He also fought some non-benders who all had different tricks to stop benders. Either by a machinem throwing knifes, agility or simply pressure points, there were ways to stop a bender as non-bender and Aang faced a lot of them. So Aang has a lot of experience facing all different foes, and that is something that will come in handy facing anybody
The Links:
Here is a link to a Aang biography. i could only write so much about him and his travels. This bio gives a lot more information about Aang and his adventures. I highly recommend reading it.
Then there is Aang tribute that I found on youtube. It is really good and shows how Aang is.
Red Robin
The story:
Once one of the sidekicks of Batman but after joining both teen titans and young justice, Tim Drake was ready for the big work. Now as red Robin he fights solo and scares every villian who comes across him.
To quote one of batman's most dangerous villains:
Tim Drake is not Bruce Wayne. He isn't Grayson, or even Damian. Drake is different. [...] Look behind his eyes. I suspect he's already won.
- -- Ra's al Ghul src
Tim Drake is the third boy who took up the red cloak as side-kick of Batman. After the faillure of Jason Todd, Drake proved himself by finding out which man hid behind the cowl of the Bat all on his own.
He was in the circus the night the flying Graysons were murdered and years later saw Robin do a summersault that few people could, which included the Graysons. Tim Drake then found out that Bruce Wayne was the ward of Dick Grayson and realised that Wayne was Batman.
Since that day, Tim followed the adventures of Batman and Robin.
The boy saw how Grayson became nightwing and that Jason Todd followed up as Robin. After the death of Todd, the boy knew that another Robin had to step up. Batman had become reckless and needed the support of a sidekick. The boy managed to get into the Wayne manor with the help of nightwing and met Alfred. Together, they knew that Batman needed help and so the boy got dressed as Robin to save the day.
After a few missions together and helping defeating Scarecrow, Batman deemed Tim Drake worthy and did he get a own costume.
So the boy started training under Batman and helping him. These missions took him all over the world and he learned fighting from masters all around the world.
After a storyarc named nightfall where Bane releashed every Gotham criminal, Drake begane to work more solo as he feeled that Batman did not need him anymore.
Not only working alone, Drake also teamed up with other super sidekicks in Young justice. There he became teamleader and it was only when the others stopped trusting him after a failed mission were half the team got tortured that Robin decided to quitt young justice.
Tim returend but was out-voted as leader in favor of supergirl. Still he was acting as help of Supergirl and became the tactical expert.
After young justice disbanded, Tim and few others continued on as the teen titans and altough he was not the leader, the younger members saw him as such.
After the battle of the cowl where Bruce Wayne died, Grayson became the new Batman and with Damian Wayne as Robin, Drake became the superhero red robin, in which he traveled around the world in search of bruce wayne because he was convinced that his old mentor was still alive.
Finally, after searching for a long time, Drake found Bruce wayne, who had been trapped in time. Now bruce was back, he installed a bigger Batman organisation and while Drake returned into the Batman family, he still kept the mantle of red Robin.
Tim Drake was not a born acrobat or ran hotheaded into every battle, as the previous incarnations of Robin. He set himself apart with his intellect and tactical skills. His detective skills were in par with those of Batman himself and Bruce Wayne has confessed that drake does have enough potential to overcome Batman himself.
Not only did he have a great intellect, he was also a born leader, having lead both the teen titans and young justice at different points in his life.
The fighting skill is something that Drake was not born with but after recieving training in all different weapons from all sort of masters around the world and most of the superheroes, Drake became a master in most armed and unarmed combat styles.
As an interesting note, his best friends were Superboy and Kidd Flash. He also had very close relations with other superheroes and after the death of his father, he considered Bruce wayne his new father.
The Weapons:
Tim Drake has used lots of weapons during his time as Robin and Red robin. Mostly being weapons that batman himself used, Drake also had some weapons of his own that I will use. I will be using weapons and gadgets from all his time-periods and even include some that he used in the game arkham city.
His weapons may look like nothing compared to the bending that his opponent has, but he is one who should not be underestimated, especially with his modern gear.
Short range: collapseble bo staff (with hidden blade) and martial arts
Tim Drake is a master fighter with the bo staff and it is said that he has the most skill with this weapon of all the superheroes in the DC universe. The staff is made of a light steel and is collapseble, meaning that he can take it anywhere form it as weapon when he needs to use it. The staff is the main weapon of Red Robin and it won't be a surprise that Tim will use this weapon often in battle.
The staff has the advantage that it can knock out a oppponent without killing it. It is also has two dangerous sides that will knock out any opponent.
As if the bo staff is not dangerous enough, Tim also keeps a small blade hidden inside the bo staff for emergencies. If Tim needs anything sharper then the ordinary bo staff, the blade will become very usefull.
Having trained with all different kinds of martial arts masters, Tim has mastered a lot of martial arts. Some are: Kung Fu, Aikido, Jeet kun do, escrima, tae kwan do, judo, wing chun, hapkido, karate, savate, kendo, ninjutsu, tai chi and biangan. Altough he still has not learned as many martial arts as Batman, he still has learned enough to hold his own against the best. His martial arts are a combination of both offensive and defensive fighting styles, thus he can use all of them to his advantage.
Mid range: Batclaw and explosive gell
The batclaw is a grapple gun and during arkham city, Drake used it to survive in the city. He also has shown to use the tools in the cartoons. He can use it to climb buildings by lifting himself in the air with the use of a suspention cable. This is a tool, which will be usefull when Drake tries to escape from or sneak upon his opponent, as he can get on top of buildings really quick.
The claw also has another use. It can pull weapons out of the hands of the opponent or pull opponents closer. This will be usefull to disarm his opponent or interrupt Aang while bending.
I should note that the batclaw itself will not be able to hurt Aang on itself but rather aid the other weapons to disturb the battle plan of the Avatar.
The explosive gell is another weapon that Tim recieved during the game arkham city and it is another tool rather then a actual weapon. The difference between this one and the batclaw is that the explosive gell can actually stun.
The primary use of explosive gell is to break open walls.This will not be used much, if at all. But the gell can also be used to stun enemies. There are two ways that drake can use the explosive gell to stun. The first is by spraying a solid wall or the ground. As soon as his opponent walks close to the sprayed place, Tim can detonate it and stun his opponent for a few seconds. This will give enough time for a free hit. Another way to stun his opponent is by spraying a breakable wall and let the rubble fall on his opponent. This will knock the opponent out.
The explosive gell can be placed on three spots at the same time but will be detonated together. The range from which drake can detonate is not stated directly but it is very large.
Altough this is a effective weapon to knock someone out, it has to bee used with a lot of strategy, something that Tim is capable off.
long range: Discs and sling
The sling is mainly used to either distract or hit the hands, so the opponent loses the weapon but it can actually hurt and even kill altough drake would never use this weapon to kill.
Special: utility belt and bullet shield
As does Batman, Tim Drake wears a utility belt. During his time as Robin and brief period as Batman, Tim has used the utility belt with all different tools and gadgets. As Red Robin, he kept on using this great belt with all gadgets.
The belt itself will not hurt or harm any opponent and never has either Batman or robin been seen fighting with the belt. It is rather what is stored in the belt, what will be usefull.
Here are some gadgets that Tim Drake has in his belt and will help during the fight. I also will give a very brief description. Note that these are not all the gadgets stored in the utility belt.
Sleepgas, smoke pellets, knock out gas, tear gas,rebreather, snapflash, cryo capsule and handcuffs.
The sleepgas is kept in capsules and when releashed, can finish the battle as Red Robin lets his opponent sleep. The smoke pellets will make a great getaway and when drake is in danger, he will be able to escape with ease when the opponent is blinded with smoke. Knock out gas is almost the same as sleepgas. Stored in a capsule, it can knock the opponent out and end the battle. Teargas can blind the opponent for some time and gives Tim the chance of a free hit on his opponent. The rebreather enables Tim to breath under water. snapflash are small bombs that can be attached to enemies to knock them out. It also gives a signal that will attract others. The cryo capsules can freeze a opponent and the handcuffs are just handcuffs.
These are all tools and weapons that Tim Drake either used as Robin, Batman or Red Robin and even though may not all are usefull, most are.
As for the second weapon, it was rather hard to decide if i would put it in offense or defense. Finally I have decided to put the bullet shield in offense and in defense.
The bullet shield is a metal shield that Drake uses in arkham city to defend himself. Not only a defensive weapon, he can also use the shield to bash opponents from close range and either knock them to the ground or even knock them out cold. Both the boss of the shield and the edges can be used to knock someone out.
Protection: Armoured suit, agility and bullet shield
The red robin suit is a mixture of the Batman outfit, the Robin outfit and ideas from himself. It has black leggings and boots, a red tunic with chest harness and a black cowl and cape. It also has the utility belt. It is a good suit that is both protective and allows for agility.
The suit is made from all different materials, including leather, steel and nylon. It has been shown to protect Drake against supernatural punches, explosions and other sorts of attacks.
Just like all the other Robins and Batman, drake is very agile. He is trained to move like a acrobat, being able to do high jumps, salto's and summersaults. He can also run fast, glide from buildings has been shown to avoid rapid attacks from superbeings.
Even though he has a protective suit, Drake will always first try to avoid any attack instead of block it. Altough blocking will work well with a staff as weapon.
About the last defensive tool, i have spoken already for a bit. The bullet shield is a tool that Drake uses to block enemie attacks. Just as the staff, it is retractable so drake can keep it with his person and only use it when he needs it. He first got this tool in Arkham city where he could use this metal shield to block gunshots from opponents.
In this battle, Drake will be able to use the shield to block several of the bending attacks such as earth and water. Fire attacks will be dangerous as the shield could get heated up and may become to hot to use.
In overall, it is a usefull form of defense and when he needs it, Drake can rely on it.
Motivation: Being a superhero
Tim Drake became a superhero at his own choise. He followed the adventures of Batman and he became Robin at his own choise. Drake wants to protect the innocent and help the people of Gotham. Even though there are other superhero's, including Batman, Tim still feels the need to help on his own way. He has joined other superhero's in a team to be a more effective fighter and even when he stopped in teams fighting crime, he still continued on solo. This plus the years of training his mental and physical abilities shows his dedication into becoming a hero and help those in need.
The only time Tim Drake stopped being a superhero was when his father blackmailed him and threatend to reveal the identities of the other members of the Bat-family.
After his forced stop, he still protected his classmates during a attack as good as he could without weapons or a suit, still trying to protect them. Afterwards, he ignored his father and became Robin again.
So in overall, Tim has a high motivation. instead of being forced into a roll, he chose the roll with all of his heart and that is a superb motivation.
Tactics: Using the shadows and improving
Tim drake is very intelligent and is a very good strategist. During his time at the young justice, he was looked at to create tactics and that combined with his great detective skills, makes him a very tactical opponent.
His primary tactic is hiding in the shadow and attack when his target least suspect it. using fear and shadows to overcome his opponents has served both Batman, Nightwing and him many times over.
However, this is not the only tactic that Tim Drake has used. As I have said, he is a expert detective and great strategist, being trusted for that by even senior members like superman. He will be able to make up a strategy at the spot and chance tactics according to the circumstances. Tim Drake really is a cunning fighter who will surprise his opponent multiple times during the fight.
Experience: Supervillains, villains and thugs
Tim has not only fought Batman villians but also other villians from the DC universe, ranging from simple thugs with pistols or bats to villians with automatic weapons and supervillians with superpowers.
This will help a lot during the coming battle because he has fought people with powers similair to benders such as Mr. Freeze, Aqualad and Terra. This will make him understand the power of the avatar better and come up with counterattacks.
The experience with the thugs and the villains will help him fighting off people with superior ranged weapons and fighting close range.
To sum it up, Tim Drake has experience fighting all different kind of attackers.
Now for the links.
First off i will post the link to the batman wikia. I have given a very brief history of Tim Drake and i encourage everyone to read the extended history. He is a very interesting character who played a very important role in the Batman saga's.
The normal biography of Tim is great, but the Arkham city one is interesting as well. Since I used plenty weapons from his Arkham city persona, I decided to include that here.
Lastly a youtube video. This one I found, is dedicated to Tim Drake and both his Robin and red robin persona. I like it a lot and it gives a few good pictures of him.
Red Robin extra:
I completely forget to tell you guys why I chose Tim drake out of all the Robins.
Now I am going to explain why.
Let us first sum up all the robins that have fought beside batman. Note Robin and not batgirl.
We have Dick Grayson, jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephany Brown and Damian Wayne.
Jason todd got killed by the joker, Stephany got fired by batman and Damian is still in training. That means these are not good candidates to use.
That leaves us with Dick grayson and Tim Drake.
Dick is the born athlete and Tim is the born detective. I had to choose, which of these two would be better of a match against aang and I believed that Tim would be the better choise because he has an edge as a detective. Besides that, Dick has always been named as the Robin and alltough he is strong and very powerfull, i felt like Tim Drake was the better Option to use.
The Edges:
Now i am going to write edges again and as my last match, they will devided in small, medium and large edges. This will be also the first time that i will take defence as seperete egde into account. I will still work the defence against weapons in the weapon edges but i will also look at the overall defence on itself and the movebility with said defence.
Gliderstaff and Ba Gua Vs. Bo Staff and martial arts
- Both sides have similair weapons in the staff and unarmed combat. However, even though the weapons are rather similair, the styles in which the weapons are used are completely different.
if I look at Aang, his staff is a dangerous wooden staff, that can deliver quick and powerfull punches. he can fly distances with it and he can use it to aid his bending. Some very strong powers for such a simple staff. His Ba Gua is very defensive as he will dodge the attacks of the opponent and then counter. it really is a martial art that aides a monk.
Tim counters with his metal bo staff and his own martial arts. The metal bo staff is a dangerous weapon as well. it is collapsable, which means that this weapon is easy to transport, it is made of metal so that the damage is even greater then a simple wooden staff and it has a hidden blade inside as a back up. The martial arts are numerous. it would have been unfair to pick just one of those Tim trained in so i use them all. That Tim has mastered a lot of both defensive and offensive martial arts means that he can counter all sort of styles his opponents can throw at him and it will be easy to spot the style that his opponent uses and see attacks coming.
Now if I just look at all these weapons, I can see that the metal bo staff has a small edge over the gliderstaff. Both are equal in lenght but light metal is always better then wood. Then there is the hidden blade. However, the gliderstaff can aid in flying and can help with the bending. That is why I see only a small advantage. Over the fighting styles is the advantage bigger. Ba Gua is a great style and it can take a opponent down who is constantly attacking. However, Tim has mastered a lot of styles and some of them are very much like ba Gua such as hapkido. This means that tim will be able to recognise the style and counter it his own way. This is a small advantage that Aang does not have with his ba gua. Don't get me wrong. Ba Gua is a great style and it will help Aang a lot but the simple fact is that one style cannot take on multiple styles.
- If I will compare the weapons on the armour, then Aang has no armour to speak off for this. he will not use elemental shields in such a close combat and will try to avoid all staff and martial arts attacks. If he is unable to dodge it, he might use earthbending to protect himself but in such a close space, he will prefer not getting hit at all. This is a great strategy but will only work so much. No matter how much you avoid attacks, you are bound to get hit at least once. The only sort of bending i see actually usefull here is airbending, which will help avoiding attacks better.
Tim on the other hand, has his armoured suit to help him next to avoiding attacks. As aang, he will try to avoid the attacks of his opponent as good as possible. He will not use his metal shield in such a close quarters but instead use his own agility. With him I can say again that no matter how good you avoid attacks, you are bound to get hit. Luckely for him, Drake has a suit to protect himself against impact.
It should be noted that both staffs will be able to block the staff attacks of the other. neither staff will be any better then the other in this way.
- Now for the skill. First of all, Both Aang and Robin have a lot of skill with their staffs. Both use them as their main weapons and both can knock a opponent out with ease. Now for the martial arts. Tim had training with all different masters, both superhero and mortal. Apart from that, he hones his martial skill every day when he is fighting bad guys. |His skill is superb. Now Aang has trained with the monks and has taught him as much to master it. However, he does not use his Ba Gua often. In the whole show, he has only used it two episodes. Usually he either uses bending or is staff. Now when he used it, he showed it exeptionally well but still, it is something he does not use often.
- Now to give a egde. We have started off with some very good weapons on both sides. Both the staffs will be used a lot during the battles seeing that both are the main weapons of both fighters. If I have to jugde each weapon from most effective to least effective, then the bo staff of Tim would be the best weapon in this fight, due to his effectiveness on Aang, the fact that it is metal and the hidden blade. The glidingstaff that Aang uses is the next weapon in the list, with that it can aid in the bending. The follows the martial arts of Drake and the least effective weapon is ba gua. The martial arts beats the ba gua because Tim will be able to see what Aang is doing and will counter this passive fighting style by fighting passive himself.
Obvliously, Tim Drake will get this edge. Now we have to see what kind of egde he will get. The difference between the two staff weapons is rather close. The difference between the martial arts is bigger as it is multiple fighting styles that gets practices daily against one fighting style that gets practised not much at all.
Because of the big differences in the weapons, I have decided to give Drake a medium edge.
Medium edge: Tim Drake
Waterbending and earthbending Vs. Batclaw and explosive gell
- Now are the first two of aang's bending styles and these are very usefull ones. i have described the bending styles and I will not repeat it. i will say that waterbending is very great, as Aang can turn the water into ice and back into liquid. he can also form sharp knifes that can cut through a lot, including metal. Aang can also form huge waves or tentacles of water and he can envelop his opponent in water, to freeze it and trap Tim Drake in ice. However, for all these things to work, Aang needs water in the neighberhood. He can manipulate water but not create it. Some waterbenders are able to controll water inside the air or even the body but as long as Aang is not in the avatarstate, he will not be able to do this.
Eartbending is another powerfull form of bending that Aang can use. As with waterbending, he cannot create earth but he can controll it. That he cannot create earth is not that bad because earth is all around us. Some earthbenders can even bend metal but again, Aang never developed that and cannot do this.
The most simple form of eartbending constists of hurling pieces of earth towards a opponent. Aang can also form earth around him to protect himself or give his fist attacks more punch. he can also create shockwaves or controll the earth underneath his opponent to either let his opponent trip or capture his opponent in the earth itself.
Tim counters all this with his batclaw. The batclaw is no weapon that can hurt a enemy. instead, Tim can move away from his opponent and up a building rather quick. he can also pull weapons out of the hand of his opponent or even pull his opponent forwards to disrupt the bending. This weapon might not seem dangerous, but it is rather usefull in the hands of a tactical fighter.
The next weapon of Tim is again a tactical weapon. The explosive gell can explose and confuse the enemy. I see four ways that the explosive gell can be used during this battle. The first is by applying it at a weakened wall to get away from Aang. The second is by spraying it somewhere and let it explode to distract Aang. The third is by using it on the ground and when Aang walks over it, let it explode so Aang gets knocked on the ground and Tim can end this battle. The last way is to spray it on a weakened wall and let it explode when Aang is near, thus allowing the wall to collapse on Aang and knock him out and end the battle.
Tim will be very handy with this explosive gell and he can spray it three times before he needs to explode it. After exploding, he can use it three times again and so on.
Now, to see which of these weapons is best is rather hard. Aang has the lead in offense, altough he needs either earth or water to use it but Tim has weapons that have a low chance of ending the battle but can help during the fight in different ways.
Out of aang's two bending styles, i think that earthbending will be most usefull as there will be more earth then water during the battle and he can counter the attacks of his opponents better with it. As for Tim, i think that the explosive gell is the better of the tools. He can use it in more ways and even win with it, if he plays it well.
- Now to see how well the two fighters can protect themselfs against the weapons of the other.
The suit of Tim will help him protect against blows from the earth and water. however, his suit will not help him if Aang traps Tim in either ice or earth. If this happened and Tim still has his hands free, he can use the explosive gell to free himself, seeing as the gell will not hurt him in any way. The main way Tim will protect himself against the attacks of aang will be by dodging it and as I have said before, you can dodge only so much attacks. I would like to note that the pieces of earth can be blocked by the bullet shield.
Aang still has no armour and for the batclaw, this won't mind. if Tim tries to use it, Aang can cut it with a waterknife or send a boulder towards it.
The explosive gell will be harder to counter as Aang will need to look for it to see it and it can blow his protection away. the only way for Aang to really counter the explosive gell is by either trying to keep staying in the air and avoid buildings. This may be a effective way but it will hinder his use of earthbending.
So because the weapons of Tim are more tools then weapons, it is also harder for aang to counter them.
- Now I have to look at the skill that each fighter has.
Aang is a great waterbender and has been shown to beat even master waterbenders. he can see a technique and use after a few tries. He has not been able to controll water in the air or someones body but that is because he never learned it. Overall, Aang is a very gifted waterbender and his skill his on masterlevel.
With earthbending, Aang always had some trouble. because his nature is opposite earthbending, it was very hard for him to actually learn the bending but as soon as he got the hang of it, he became better and one of is more used bending styles.
Overall, Aang is very good in both bending styles and he will be able to do a lot of damage with these.
As for the batclaw and the explosive gell, the skill is more in using these weapons strategically then anything else.
Considering that Tim is a master tactician and is almost as good as Batman himself, he will know how to use these weapons best and in which ways he can surprise his opponent, even though he has already used them.
Tim will be able to surprise more then once and I can see him using these two weapons to turn the tide in his favor more then once during the battle.
- Now to sum it all up. We have two great offensive powers against two great tools. Now I know that we measure weapons on how well you can take out your opponent with it but a battle is more then only attacks. Again i am going to make a top four of these weapons and tell you why. The best weapon is the earthbending without a doubt. It gives good offense and defense. Furthermore, it can take out Tim rather quick and earth is all around us.
The second best weapon is actually a tie between waterbending and explosive gell. Waterbending is very dangerous and can bring a quick end to this battle by using either water or ice. However, Aang will need water to use it and if Tim stays away from that, then Aang is not able to use the bending. The explosive gell is rather hard to use to finish the battle as Tim needs to get Aang near the explosives but it can be done. Furthermore, it a good counter against the earthbending and can free Drake if he is trapped in earth or ice. It also gives a great escape and distraction.
The least best weapon is the batclaw. It cannot hurt Aang and can only be used to either escape or pull weapons away. If Tim flees to a building, Aang will have no trouble following him or even stop Tim when he tries to get away. As for the disarming, that can work on the staff but nothing else really as Aang can summon the element again when he loses it. The claw can work however to pull Aang off balance, altough Tim has to react quick and Aang can still protect himself.
This battle is not as one-sides as i first believed it to be but still Aang is clearly superior in this range. I would say that Aang gets a large edge here because of the two powerfull bending styles that can end the battle quickly but because Tim has a usefull counter in the name of explosive gell, the edge will not be large. instead, i will give Aang a medium edge here.
Medium edge: Avatar Aang
Firebending and airbending Vs. Discs and sling
- This is a strange match between two bending styles and throwing objects towards the opponent. Firebending is a powerfull style and the one that will be able to take out Drake the easiest. With his bending, Aang can shoot fireballs and jets of fire. it is the one style that can kill the opponent without much trouble and may be the biggest problem to the Red Robin. However, Aang had burned one of his dearest friends early on in the series with his firebending and does not like to use it. He did not want to learn firebending and even though he learned a more peacefull way of firebending, he still almost never uses it.
The other bending style that Aang uses is completely different to the firebending. Airbending is the native style of Aang and it is the bending style he is best in.
Ever since he was young, Aang was taught the airbending style and mastered the style at a young age. He even went as far as invent the airscooter as a way to travel through the air. Airbending is a great form of bending, however it is not lethal. The way I see it, airbending will be used mostly as a tool rather then a weapon like blowing the opponent or weapons of the opponent away, shoot himself forward, letting himself glide in the air and even disorientate by using tornado's. The only ways I can see the airbending being a knock out is when Tim Drake gets lifted up in the air and dropped again or getting pushed into a building.
Tim Drake has his discs to attack his opponent with. These discs work like any flying disc and are used to distract or disarm the opponent. These discs are not lethal and willl not permanently injure or kill the opponent but still very good.
The sling is a piece of string that is used to hurl rocks at the opponent and Tim uses this weapon the same way as the discs. The rocks get thrown with more power and speed then the discs and these can be used to injure or kill, however, Robin will never kill using the sling.
- Now when I look at the defence that both warriors put up, I can see Aang block or dodge the discs and the rocks from the sling with ease and in multiple ways. First of all, Aang can simply dodge the long range attacks, he can use the earth or water as shields or he can simply blow the projectiles back at Drake using airbending.
Tim has more trouble defending against the attacks of Aang. His bulletshield will not help against the fire, considering that metal gets heated with fire and may be to hot to hold on too. I also doubt that the suit will hold up against fire. That only leaves dodging as means of avoiding fire. The airbending is equally hard to avoid. Air with blow Drake with shield and armour away. Dodging the airbending is hard as well. Aang can manipulate a lot of air at the same time and has a wider range of attack. If Aang creates a tornado, Drake can get sucked in and no armour will help him with that.
- Now comes the skill. Aang has superb skill in airbending, he can use it in all different ways in the battle and it is the style that will be used most.
Then there is firebending, His skill with this element is not that great. Aang does know some techniques but not much and he never showed any form of shooting lighting. What is more, he almost never uses it.
Tim has his discs with which he is very accurate, being able to hit small targets from far away. he also is master at throwing batarangs and metal R's. Lastly there is the sling and considering that Tim trained with this weapon since before he became Robin, he is very accurate with the sling.
- Now to decide about the edge. The firebending is the strongest power here and even though it will not be used much, when it will be used Aang will devistate with it. The next strongest power is the airbending. It is versatile, as it can be used all different ways. It also the type of bending that Aang can use best and will be used the most in the whole battle. Third is the sling for its reach and power and the least best weapon is the disc.
The two weapons of Drake have the problem that aang must not see them coming. If Aang see either a rock or a disc flying at him, he will be able to avoid the attack every time and in the worst situation will Drake need to dodge his own weapons. If you combine that with the power of the airbending and add the small amount of times that the firebending is used, I can honestly say that Aang gets a large egde. There is just no way that Drake can compete at long range with the avatar.
Large Edge: Avatar Aang
Avatar state and energybending Vs. Utility belt and bulletshield
- If I start with the avatar state, I start with something strong. The avatar state is when Aang calls the power within himself and uses all the knowlegde and experience of the past avatars to accomplish things he would not be able to do on his own like controlling magma, create giant tsunami's giant tornado's and even earthquakes. When Aang calls in this power, he is near unstoppable. That the avatar gets killed when Aang gets killed here does not mind much as his opponent will not kill him. However, the avatarstate does take some energy and Aang will only use the avatarstate when he needs it. If Drake can stay away from Aang while the latter is in the avatar state, Drake has a chance to escape harm during this period.
The energybending is totally different in a way that it will not harm Drake at all. First of all, It will be hard for aang to get close enough to perform this and even when the avatar succeeds, he will find Drake has a very strong mind to overcome. even if that somehow works, Tim Drake has no bending powers that can be taken away, all his powers are his skills that he earned by training and experience. In fact, i can see the opposite happen. If aang tries to perform energybending, Drake might be able to overpower the avatar and learn bending by accident. If that is the case, then Aang has a huge problem.
The utility belt is a usefull tool as well, as it has a lot of capsules, grenades or tools to fight Aang during the battle in different terrains.
I can see Drake use the things in the belts in two different ways throughout the battle. The first one is by taking Aang out. I have written all about the offensive weapons that the belt has and Tim can use these to take out his opponent when he uses them in a surprise attack. Then there are the tools that will be usefull during the battle. Think about the rebreather when Tim gets swallowed by water, the smoke pellets to escape or even the handcuffs to arrest Aang.
The last weapon of Tim will not be much help either during the battle if you look at its offensive qualities. Tim needs to be very close to Aang to damage him with the bulletshield and even then Aang can avoid the attack. I also consider it unlikely that the bulletshield will do much harm even when it hits. So altough this is a weapon, it will do low damage and Tim is better off with the utilitybelt.
- Tim will have a very hard time blocking or dodging the attacks of a Avatar state Aang and i think that neither the bulletshield as the armour will help him resist attacks. There is only one way that Tim can keep himself spared from the attack and that is by simply hide. Altough Aang is very powerfull in the avatarstate, he still cannot see hidden opponents and when he cannot fight in the avatarstate, it is more likely that Aang gets back to his own self. So even though the avatar state is very powerfull, there is still a chance for the red Robin to stay in the battle. i would also like to say that Robin does use that tactic a lot.
As for the energybending, Tim does not need protection against that.
Aang can protect himself very well against the tools of the utilitybelt. Let me first start with saying that Aang can freeze the utilitybelt if he has the chance but that sounds easier then it is to pull off and even when it succeeds Tim might be able to free his belt by using the explosive gell.
The smoke gas and knock out gas can be blown away, as can Aang unfreeze the cyro grenade. The tools that Tim uses on himself during the battle with be impossible to stop however.
The bulletshield can easily be dodged by avoiding it or blocking with a earthshield.
- As for Skill, Aang has the skill of all the other avatars during this state and that is a lot. However, i need to adress another issue here. Will Aang spam the avatar state or get into the avatar state from the start of the battle? My personal opinion is no. I am aware that aang did so in a comic but i feel that is cheap and not the way that Aang would use it in the series. What is more, during the legend of Korra, the flashback shows clearly that Aang only gets in the avatar state after he has been bloodbended on twice and his opponent is trying to kill him. I have thus decided that Aang will only use the avatat state if he actually needs it and not more. The skill of Aang with the energybending has improbed as he can use it quicker and with less danger to himself.
Drake has a lot of skill with the utility belt and will use the weapons and tools inside in ways that Aang will never see coming. he will be able to surprise the avatar and even trap him to allow the weapons to work.
As with the bulletshield, Tim can punch hard with it.
- I am really torn between the avatar state and the utilitybelt. The avatarstate is all powerfull and can easily win the match for Aang when he can see his opponent but the utilitybelt can be used throughout the battle and combined with the tactics of Drake, can take out Aang before the latter actually goes into the avatar state.
Normally, i would side easily with the state as it could give the likes of Superman a very hard time but the utilitybelt has shown its worth many times and can help Tim a lot in this battle even before Aang thinks of going avatar state. After carefully going through all sorts of battle scenes in my mind and considering these two weapons without prejustice towards either of them, i have come up with a draw. Both the avatar state and the utilitybelt will play important roles in their own right and both may decide the battle. Therefore I think that both weapons are equal to each other and the best weapon here is therefore a draw between the avatar state and the utilitybelt.
To decide which warriors gets the egde in this battle, i have to look at the other weapons. Both the other weapons are not very good against these warriors and it is rather ironic that these will decide who gets the egde.
The bulletshield is a bit clumsy to use against such a agile opponent and i can see only very low damage there. However, low damage is still more then no damage that the energybending does and therefore the bulletshield is slightly better here.
This small detail does give Tim the tiny egde it needs and he will get a very small egde in special.
Small Edge: Tim Drake
Being the avatar Vs. being a superhero
- Both guys fight evil powers and try to save their words and so in a way, they are similair. however where Tim Drake chose to be a hero, Aang did get his job forced upon him because he is the avatar. Now I have to decide who has the better motivation. let me first say that I think that there are both positive and negative sides on chosing to be a hero and getting the avatar forced upon you. Where Aang knows that it is his destiny to fight, Tim will know with what reasons he chose to be a hero and fight for. On the other hand, Aang has shown panic and even said he could not handle being the avatar, while Tim quitt because he felt it was the right choise.
Aang is not able to really quit and will always know he needs to fight on, even with doubt but Tim will fight with all his heart. It is really difficult to say who has the better reason to fight.
To decide this, I will look at their back up. Aang has a group of friends to help him but none of them is the avatar and none is as strong as he is. he will always play the most important part and will always continue to fight because he needs to. Drake has backup of the batfamily if he needs help and even the other superhero's from DC. So where Drake can back away and come back later with stronger allies, Aang cannot ask for help from stronger friends. This will make Aang fight all the harder and do whatever it takes to win, even if it means his death.
Both have great reasons to fight but Aang cannot afford backing off. Therefore, he gets a small edge.
Small Edge: Avatar Aang
subdue with little to no violence Vs. hiding in the shadows and improvising
Aang mostly fights in a defensive style and tries to talk with his opponent rather then beat him. if that does not work and those close to Aang are in danger, aang gets angry and will fight by simply keeping attacking. This he has done few times in the series. Aang is not a tactician and leaves all the tactics to his friend Sokka.
This is in contrast to Drake, who is a master tactician. His main tactic is attacking from shadows but he is very good at using all sort of tactics and coming up with them on the spot. He has created tactics not only for him but several teams he was in.
This actually is a blowout match. Aang will keep using the same tactics and that will make him predictable. Tim will know what Aang will do and exploit it. There is no way to outsmart a young genius with a tactical brain and i cannot make anything else then a large edge.
Large Edge: Tim Drake
Benders and Non benders Vs. Supervillains, villains and thugs.
- Aang has fought a lot of benders and some non benders, being able to beat them all. he has a lot of experience taking these guys out and dealing with several bending styles and even unusual sorts of bending like swamp bending, sand bending and a opponent who sends out explosive blasts of fire.
Tim drake has fought several types of bad guys ranging from street thugs without weapons to armed opponents and even villians with superpowers. He has beat them all and he sparred with friends who have superpowers.
This is very crucial because Drake actually met people with powers similair to bending while Aang has never fought a opponent with gadgets. he has some friends who created gadgets but none of these were anything as advanced as Tim will carry. To make it clear, Tim will know a bit how to deal with Aang while Aang has no knowlegde on how to deal with the Gadgets. I do give the Red Robin only a medium edge however, since Aang will know how to handle a opponent with martial arts and a staff. Altough Tim has dealt with powers similair to bending, none were really the same or at the same level as the avatar so Tim will be surprised as well.
Medium edge: Tim Drake
The battle
boy walked through this strange town. it was nothing he had even seen
before and he was curious on what all these things were. After
fighting Azula again, the fire-princess has escaped using some sort
of crystal and Aang had been quick to follow. That was something he
now regretted, seeing that his friends could not follow and he was
alone on this strange world.
Aang heard a honking sound and he jumped into the air as some sort of
metal vehicle passed below him. Aang landed on the ground and looked
at the construction. Some friends of his would like to see such a
machine crossed the mind of Aang as he walked on, not sure where the
firebender had gone.
boy.' A man in some sort of blue outfit said as he walked towards the
young avatar. The man looked important, with a special badge and his
strong attitude. 'Aren't you a little young for tattoo's? the
man asked.
was a rather strange question. With the monks in the air temple,
every boy got such tattoo's and age had never been the issue. Aang
was just about to explain this when a woman came running towards this
man in blue. 'Fire.' She screamed. 'Not again.' The man spoke softly.
he then asked the woman where the fire was and quickly spoke in some
sort of box. He then ran away away.
fire was not good and Aang knew he had to help. he also knew that
with a fire, Azula should be around. Aang set off to run so he could
follow the man who had spoken to him and when he could see a fire
from afar, he suddenly heard a familiar laugh. Aang stopped to look
up and saw Azula walking up from a alleyway. 'Hello Avatar.' She
spoke with a evil smile. 'Azula, give up.' Aang spoke with a strong
voice. This was a busy city and Aang did not want anybody to get
hurt. The young woman smiled as a reply and send a burst of fire
towards Aang, who managed to avoid it by jumping in the air.
then blew his opponent on the ground with a gust of wind and held his
staff ready to fight.
the surprise of Aang, Azula kept on smiling. 'What is wrong? can't
you fight fire with fire?' she spoke taunting the boy. Azula then
jumped up and walked towards Aang. 'You will find this earth here
harder to bend and with no water in sight, you will need to use
fire.' She kept on speaking. To his dismay, the avatar noticed that
the firebending girl was right as he did not manage to bend the earth
here somehow. Still, he had his airbending to hold her off.
'has my brother never bothered to teach you firebending or are you
afraid to use it?' came the taunting again.
tried to ignore the taunting of this woman but he could not help
getting angrier with her. He tried everything he had learned as a
monk to keep himself in control, but it was hard.
young woman kept on taunting Aang while he tried to talk to her and
get Azula to give up but she kept hitting his sensative snares. 'Are
you afraid to hurt anybody again? What kind of avatar are you if you
cannot even use fire?' Azula looked into the air as she was searching
for a sign. aang used that moment to send another gust of wind that
rammed the fireuser against the wall. 'Now come back with me.' Aang
spoke in his most confident voice as possible. Azula only
smiled at that and started to speak again. 'you can only take me if
you dare use fire. But i think that you are just afraid. You will
always stay here while your friends get destroyed, only because you
are too afraid to use fire here.' After that, she turned away while
that moment, Aang shot forward a jet of fire. instantly he regretted
it, since he hated using firebending and he let it out in a moment of
uncontrollable anger.
his surprise, Azula cried out. Aang was stunned for a few moments,
she had never done anything like that and the young avatar wanted to
know why now. Just as he wanted to say something, a shadow flew
towards him.
thief ran towards the end of the alleyway but suddenly fell flat on
the ground. A steel R lay on the ground near the feet of the purse
thief. Red Robin towards the thief and picked up the purse from the
ground. Just as he was about to handcuff the man, he received a
message through his ear piece. 'Tim. There is a house on fire near
your position.' Came the voice of Batman. 'I'l check it out Tim
responded and after returning the purse to its owner, Tim used the
batclaw to get on a building to spot the fire. After seeing the
flames, Tim Drake ran over the buildings to get near the burning
he was there, Tim saw a two story house burning. The firemen were
trying to put out the fire while police kept the civilians away from
the fire. 'My baby.' An woman cried in fear, indicating that someone
was still in the house.
entered the house with the help of the batclaw and he walked through
the burning bedroom, trying to avoid the fire. After two doors, he
heard crying and opened a third. There a small fat boy sat in his
is okay. You are safe.' Tim muttered as he took the boy. With the boy
firmly in his grip, red Robin tried to avoid getting burned again
while he retraced his steps and finally jumped out of the window.
delivered the boy to a relieved woman and then spoke into his
intercom. 'I'm going to look around and see if i can find the
arsonist.' Tim then climbed on top of some buildings and peered down
the street.
in the street, he saw how a young bald boy was attacking a teenage
girl. Both were oddly dressed but the boy was clearly pushing the
girl to the ground somehow without getting near her. The boy then
send some fire towards the girl. The fire hit her and she fell down
screaming in pain.
thinking, Drake grabbed one of his r's and threw it at the boy. This
was the villain who had set the houses on fire the past week and he
needed to be taken down.
hard suddenly hit Aang and he took a few steps backwards. The strange
object that had hit him lay on the ground and next to it stood a
young man, dressed in red and with a black cape. Another fire
bender, was the first thought of Aang and as the young man stepped
forwards, Aang blew him away. 'Give up.' Aang spoke as he took a hold
of his staff. He looked at azula but she was no-where to be
found. The avatar then stepped towards the fire nation soldier
Tim had been blown away by some sort of hard wind, he saw the young
bald man walking towards him with a staff in the hands. Two can play
at this game, he thought as he took his bo staff and clicked it
two staffs hit each other with a lot of force as both fighters tried
to hit the other. It was Drake who followed up with some quick
attacks, using his expertise with the bo staff. Aang went on the
defense and shows as much skill by blocking every single attack.
'Give up.' Aang yelled. 'You cannot win.' Drake ignored this and kept
on attacking until Aang blew him away with air bending.
was a hard push of air that send Drake sprawling. From the corner of
his eyes, he saw how his staff was rolling away and he was now
unarmed against this super villain. Strange enough, this villian kept
asking about someone called Azula and Drake made a mental check to
see if the bat computer knew anything about that person.
red robin reached for his bat claw and fired it at the avatar. The
claw grabbed the wooden staff and drake pulled on the cord. The staff
flew out of the hands of the avatar and rolled away.
saw his opponent running towards him and he was just able to avoid a
fist. Tim then tried another few strikes, which were all evaded by
Aang and even kicks did not reach target. Suddenly, Drake fell out of
balance as his foot overextended. His opponent had seen this as well
and with a good push, Tim was send to the ground. even though he was
pushed down, Tim now knew that his opponent fought defensive. A
justing his style, Tim threw a punch, which he retracted the last
possible moment and shot his other fist forwards, hitting the bald
opponent in the face. Tim then kicked his opponent to the ground and
when the avatar had stood up again, Tim came with another fake punch
and followed up with a kick that hit the left leg of Aang. Now off
balance, Tim threw Aang to the ground.
groaned in pain. he could only avoid attacks and had never really
learned to throw punches as monks do not fight. He was unable to
either earthbend or waterbend and his opponent was coming near.
Knowing nothing else to do, Aang took a deep breath and created a
powerful gust that send his opponent flying towards a nearby
building. Aang then picked up his gliding staff, jumped in the air
and soared away, towards the forest he had seen.
saw how his opponent jumped in the air with staff and flew away. As
he took his own staff, Tim took some mental notes on his foe. This
villain could shoot fire, send blasts of wind and was a great staff
fighter. Knowing that this was not all of the power the young man
had, Tim followed while he tried to think of another strategy.
landed on the ground. He was surrounded by trees and could not see
his opponent. The first thing he did was checking if earth bending
would work here. Aang took a breath and slammed his foot on the
ground. he was happy to see that he could bend this ground. Aang then
went over his opponent. This fire nation soldier was a great fighter
at both the staff and martial arts. The man also had some sort of
disc weapon and another strange one. Not knowing how to fight this
stranger, Aang hoped that he could overpower using his bending
something hit Aang in the chest and to his surprise, he saw it was a
rock. Another rock flew at him, which Aang managed to blow off
course. Aang then stamped his foot on the ground and the piece of
earth that sprung up got send to the three where his opponent was
hiding. Just before the earth collided with the three, aang saw how
his opponent jumped out and landed on the ground. Another rock flew
at him and Aang quickly created a wall out of earth to protect
himself. He then steered the wall towards his opponent and saw the
wall crash against target.
saw how a wall made of earth was speeding towards him and he had his
bullet shield ready just in time. The wall collided with the shield
and when the dust disappeared, Tim saw his opponent standing ready
with another piece of earth. remembering Terra, Drake threw his
metallic R and aimed at the hand of his opponent. Terra had never
been able to hold a piece of earth when her hand got hit and with
this opponent, it was no different. Just as his opponent dropped the
piece of earth, Drake threw a cryo capsule at his opponent. The
capsule hit target and froze Aang. After having seen his opponent use
earth, wind and fire, Red Robin guessed that his opponent could
control water and maybe ice. Not taking a chance, he fled deeper in
the forest.
was surprised to see that his opponent could freeze someone as well
but that did not matter. Aang changed the ice into water, that he
kept in his hands. He then followed this opponent.
saw his opponent standing somewhat further in the forest and send on
of his water balls towards the man. The ball hit and the water pushed
red robin away. As aang got nearer, he prepared to throw the other
water ball and change it into ice as soon as it hit target. Just as
aang was about to throw the water ball, something exploded under his
feet and Aang got pushed to the ground, losing the water in the
process. Before he could recover, something went off near him and his
eyes suddenly start to hurt as if someone had squirted lemon juice in
his eyes. Confused and in pain, Aang went into the avatar state,
knowing he had no other choice. As soon as he had the help of all
past avatars, Aang managed to bend the strange water out of his eyes.
He then jumped into the air, where he stayed hovering in mid air.
having thrown the teargas grenade, Tim hoped the battle was over but
to his surprise, he saw how his opponent jumped up and stayed in
midair. The eyes and the tattoo of his opponent was glowing and Tim
knew he was in trouble. Wanting to test the new power of his
opponent, Tim ran at him with staff in hand but his opponent created
a blast of wind that blew the former boy wonder away several yards.
This strange opponent then created a big square out of the earth and
send it towards the robin. Just being able to use his shield, Tim
still got pushed away as a ragdoll. Putting away the shield,
Tim took his bo staff as the villain was flying towards him. Tim then
threw a smoke pellet on the ground.
flew towards his opponent. He would bind the arms and feet of this
man to the ground and then give him another chance to surrender. Just
then, smoke appeared out of nowhere. It was easy to take care of in
the avatar state but when the smoke cleared, his opponent was gone.
was unable to see his opponent and after sending a powerful
earthquake that knocked down some trees, there was still no response.
Aang then flew high in the air, only to see his opponent
running towards a small lake. Creating a powerful tornado Aang send
it towards his opponent, who got sucked in and spun around. The
avatar then used the water in the lake to create to swallow the
tornado with the robin in it.
tornado had changed into a whirlpool and Aang changed back into his
normal self. By the time the avatar state had worn off, the water had
fallen silent again and the boy watched the lake. He hoped he had not
downed his opponent as it was not his intention to kill. Still his
opponent was out and now the avatar could search for Azula once
Drake swam slowly towards the shore and when he arrived there, he put
his re-breather away. Tim was shaken, tired and cold but he still had
to take out his opponent. After getting on shore, he took his bo
staff again and sneaked towards his opponent. The bald warrior heard
him just before Tim could strike and avoided the staff by jumping
high in the air. Another attack got avoided when the avatar did a
back flip, which got followed with a gust of wind.
got pushed away and he saw how water was rising from the lake and
ready to strike him. Knowing that his opponent would freeze him
again, Tim took out the explosive gel and sprayed it in the air just
as the water hit him and froze. Just before freezing, Tim had managed
to get the trigger of the gel into his hand palm, together with his
thumb so he could still push it, although he was in the ice. Hoping
it would work, Tim pushed the trigger and a explosion sounded as he
fell on the ground, freed from the ice.
Tim was free, he was tired and every muscle in his body hurt. He
could not get himself to stand up as his opponent walked towards him.
'I give you one last chance, surrender.' the boy spoke. 'Never.' Tim
yelled and he used the knife he had taken from his staff and slashed
at his opponent, slashing the chest. The pain distracted the avatar
and Tim was able to get his bullet shield out in time and delivered a
powerful blow to the head with the rim. Tim followed up with a push
that forced Aang back. Another hit with the rim send Aang to the
ground. Tim knew that his opponent was tough and still was in the
element with all the water, so Tim threw a capsule with sleep gas and
disappeared into the forest.
wound was light as the knife had only cut the skin but the blows of
that shield did hurt. Aang rubbed his head in pain and suddenly
yawned. Aang felt tired and suddenly realized that his opponent had
released a gas. blowing all around him, Aang felt somewhat better and
after sticking his head into the water, he was ready to go again.
opponent used some of the most strange weapons Aang had ever seen and
he knew that his energy bending skills would not help this time.
There were just no powers to take away.
for his gliding staff, Aang suddenly realized that it was still in
the forest. Having no time to retrieve it, Aang created an air
scooter, jumped on and flew into the air.
in the air, Aang saw his opponent near a old hut and he raced towards
the man in red. When he was almost near, his opponent threw the
metallic discs again. Aang blew the discs back towards the owner, who
used the shield again to protect himself. Aang landed on the ground,
created a fist out of earth and when he was near his opponent, rammed
the shield with the new fist.
shield received a dent and Tim got pushed backwards but he was still
holding on. Tim saw how the fake fist dissolved and was just
wondering what would come next when Aang shot flames from his hand as
if he was holding a flamethrower. the shield stopped the flames but
his shield got hotter and hotter until Tim was forced to release the
weapon. More flames came and Tim was just able to leap away. He took
his bat claw and shot it to the roof of the hut.
was not willing to let his opponent escape and he shot in the air,
wanting to stop this person once and for all. The two met on the
roof, where Tim threw his opponent towards the middle. He himself
kept on the edge. 'This ends now.' He spoke and just before Aang
could air bend, the roof exploded and Aang fell into the hut. Parts
of the roof came down and landed on Aang as he groaned in pain but he
still managed to keep himself awake. Just as he was about to enter
the avatar state again, Aang fell on the ground, unconscious. He had
never seen the small capsule with knockout gas near him.
red Robin handcuffed his opponent, who had finally gotten down after
a incredible fight. He took the boy outside and was just about to
call batman when he heard the voice of Oracle in the comm link. 'We
know how the arsonist looks like.' She said. 'Maybe that will help
you.' she added. As Tim heard the description, he realized that it
was the woman who had been fighting this boy. This boy was no
criminal, he had only tried to stop one. As Tim Drake realized
this all, the woman who created this mess appeared and after moving
her hands, shot a ball of electricity towards Drake.
Winner: Tim Drake
The Numbers
As you guys know, I have given very sort of edge a amount of points. A small edge is 0.5 points, a medium edge is 1 point and a large edge is 1.5 points.
Avatar Aang recieved:
A medium edge in midrange = 1 point
A large edge in long range = 1.5 points
A small edge in motivation = 0.5 points
In total = 3 points
Tim Drake recieved:
A medium edge in short range = 1 point
A small edge in special = 0.5 points
A large edge in tactics = 1.5 points
A medium edge in experience = 1 point
in total = 4 points
This means that Tim Drake has gotten one point more the Aang and therefore won the match.
What really saved Drake were the x- factors. These really helped him archieve victory and if the battle was real, I could see how he could win with better tactics and more experience against a foe as the avatar. Because of these, he could really drain the avatar and set up traps that Aang would never see coming.
Aang himself is no push over and he could hold his own very well in the fight. His long range and the avatar state were his strongest attributes and would help him well but not enough. One thing that cost the match for the avatar was his defensive style and trying to talk to his opponent. If he had fought more offensive and had used firebending more, Aang would have had a better chance of winning the match.
If i had to say how many matches out of a hundred would have been won by either fighter, I would say that Drake would have won sixty matches and Aang would still get a good forty off. i should add that in none of these matches it would be likely for someone to get killed and if so, it would have been a accident.
I hoped you liked this match between these powerful warriors. Please note that i am a fan of both series and adore both of them.