Two warriors on the crossroad between the darkness and the light. Between good and evil. Which of the two is strong enough to overcome his opponent?
Galen Marek
The warrior:
Galen Marek was a Sith assasin who fought under the name starkiller and hunted down several opponents of Darth vader to ultimately take down the emperor for Vader.
However, after fighting a jedi master by the name of Rahm Kota, Galen saw the light side of the force and slowly turned jedi.
Still fighting under Vader, Galen gets the assigment to create a rebel army, which he does. When the leaders of this new rebel army meet, Vader captures them and has no wish to kill the emperor as he has said before. because of this betrayel, Galen completely turns to the light side and infiltrates the Death star to hunt down and defeats Darth vader in combat. darth Sidious then steps in and tries to convince Galen to kill vader, which fails. Instead, Marek attacks the emperor and allows the captured Rebel leaders to escape. This however is the end for Marek, as he gets killed during the battle with the emperor.
Wanting to honour this man, the rebel leaders dedicate the rebellion to Galen and take the sign of house Marek as their own.
Galen is a warrior with deep inner conflict. Part of him was within the dark side as he repressed his traumatic childhood memories and trained in the dark side with Vader, while he was also part in the light side as he did not want to kill innocent people and actually listerend to Rahm Kota.
Having trained in the dark side for most of his life, Galen became both strong in the force and hard to bond with anyone. The only one he had a connection with was his trainingdroid and later his pilot who was also his love interest.
After having been almost killed by Vader once, he still served him and it was only after being betrayed for a second time that Galen turned to the light side and opposed darth vader. His persona completely changed as his last battles were fueled with loyalty and friendship opposed to the hatred of his earlier battles.
Galen has been said to be one of the strongest force-users in the galaxy and even the emperor had commented that Galen had the power to become stronger then himself.
Both good in the force and lightsaber combat, Galen has several great powers in his arsenal to fight opponents.
The weapons
Long Range: Telekinesis, Force push and Force pull.
Being the primary force powers of both jedi and sith, the telekinesis can throw object at a opponent or away from the user. Not only object can be controlled but opponents can be grabbed as well to hold them in one spot or slam them against anything. When the opponent is grabbed, one could use the force choke or force crush, which are brutal dark side powers that can kill the opponent instantly. However, Galen has not been shown to use them much and especially after his conversion to the light side, he will not use these dark side powers much, altough he can.
There are some combination attacks Galen can use as well. he can use force lighting on a opponent who is grabbed with the force and then throw him away to explode. This works also on objects. he can also impale the opponent with his lightsaber when he uses the lightsaber throw while holding the opponent with the force to kill the opponent in one shot. These two attacks kill weaker opponents but have a harder time working on stronger opponents.
Then there are the force push and force pull abilities. Force push can be used to push either opponents or objects away from a distance to distract them or get them off balance. The force pull can be used to pull opponents or objects closer. Again, this is useful to distract a opponent or bring him off balance but the force pull can also be used to take weapons away from the opponent.
These force powers are useful as long as Galen has enough energy to use the force. The force push and pull can be used instantly but the force grab demands concentration to execute and hold. When the concentration stops, the opponent is freed to attack Galen.
Midrange: Forcelighting and Lightsaber throw.
The forcelightning is a powerful dark side attack that Galen mastered. Even though it was used by dark side force users, Galen kept it on when he turned to the light side as well, altough he then used these attacks more to destroy machinery. Galen is able to hit multiple opponents at once and kill a weak foe with a single blast. He can also turn objects in lightning grenades by infueling them with lightning and then toss the object to the opponent and Galen is the only known person to ever use sith seeker. With Sith seeker, he pushes a opponent in the air with forcepush and then uses force lightning. The lightning become large balls of uncontrollable energy that go after the opponent. A devastating move but rather hard to pull off.
Finally, Galen was not only able to create lightning but also deflect it as he managed to deflect the force ligthning of Palpatine.
The other midrange weapon is the lightsaber throw. A usefull way of taking out the opponent with ease, a activated lightsaber can be thrown to cut or impale a opponent for a easy take out.
the throw can be used to attack opponents with the lightsaber who are a medium distance away to kill them with surprise. It works very well in combination with the Telekinesis to kill a opponent.
As long as the fighter has energy, he can still use and maintain the force lighting for maximum damage. The lightsaber throw is rather more dangerous to use. If a opponent avoids or blocks the lightsaber throw, Galen is left without a weapon, something the opponent can exploit.
Close range: Lightsaber
The main weapon of the jedi or sith lord is the lightsaber. Galen uses the lightsaber combat a lot while fighting. The lightsaber is a energy blade that can cut through most of the materials known to man and there are only a few it cannot cut through. This weapon must be created by the one who uses it and as such every lightsaber is different from the other.
Galen has knowledge on all seven forms of lightsaber combat, having taught himself using them. He can also use all these forms to fight all different foes, even the defensive styles to tire out aggresive foes.
Galen holds his lightsaber in a rare used reversed grip, which allowes for sudden and quick attacks and also makes it harder to predict where the lightsaber will be coming from.
Not only is this blade on itself rather dangerous, Galen is also able to infuse it with force lightning to give extra power behind the attacks and hit opponents with force lighting after getting hit.
However, there are materials that are resistant to lightsabers and will not break on contact. These are cortosis, phrik, darkswords, armorweave, sith alchemy, mandelorian iron, a weapon inbued with the force, vong technology and water.
One thing about the reversed grip of Galen is that it not one of the most practical ways to hold a weapon. You put your hand first in combat and then your sword, this means that your hand becomes a big target during the fight. Also you have less reach then you would have while holding this weapon normally.
Special 1: Force repulse, Mind trick and Force rage
Force repulse is a power that Galen used where he pulled all objects or people surrounding him towards him with the force and then blast them outwards. This can be used to push opponents away or attack opponents with everything in the room but it can also be used to clear rooms.
However, the force repulse takes some time to pull off and if the opponent takes enough distance, he would not be effected.
The mind trick is a way to influence the mind of the opponent using the force. This way, galen can imprint false images or even effect the mind so much that a opponent would listen and act to his command. Galen used this technique mostly to confuse the enemy and create disorganisation and chaos.
The effect of the mind trick depends on the strenght of the mind of the jedi and the mind of the opponent. Where weak minds are easily compelled, strong minds will resist its effects.
The last of these abilities is the force rage. It is actually a technique used by one of Galen's clones but i felt more suitable for the match to use this here. The opponent will have a similair upgrade ofcourse.
The force rage is a abilitie where Galen taps into his anger and rage to become more powerful. while in this mode, he is able to have shorts burst of attacks that are both powerful and quick. Ideal to attack a opponent.
However, after force rage is used, Galen is weakened and needs to recover for a short period of time.
Special 2: Force speed, High jump and Farsight.
Force speed gives Galen the abilitie to give him a short burst of speed to get to or away from a opponent quickly. this can be done both on land and in the air. ideal to get out of tight corners or suprise the opponent.
High jump is a abilitie that all jedi have. Using the force they can jump very high in the air to reach greater heights. This also gives the abiltie to land safe after jumping from a great height.
Farsight is a abilitie to peer into the future to see what will come. Strong users can see battles that still have to come played out while others can only see moves that the opponent will use.
Galen had initially much trouble with farsight when he was still with the dark side but with the turn to the light side, he managed to develop this abilitie further. Now he can see attacks coming from the opponent and wont easily be ambushed.
Galen has little for defense. His only real defenses are his lightsaber to block attacks and the force. he wears a heavy sith robe that has metal plating, a hood and a cape. This gives a minimum protection but allows for great mobility.
Galen has a lot of experience fighting clone troopers with laser guns, battle droids, but also different kind of beast and jedi's. Most of these have melee weapons and laser guns and that is what he can fight best. He has fought opponents more then twice his size that tried to crush him and even soldiers with flamethrowers.
in the end, he has experienced warriors with all different kind of attacks.
During battle, Galen prefers to combine lightsaber combat and the force in one blend. While fighting, he will push the opponents away or use other force moves. he also likes to combine different kind of attacks to take this opponent out and create chaos between the lines of opponents.
At first, Galen fought to serve his master, Darth Vader. While fighting for the dark side, he followed every command of vader, having been trained by him since Galen was a young boy.
However, after going to the light side, he fought to protect his friends and to give them a change to escape and live.
The first link I have is information on the bio of Galen. taken fro, the Star wars wikia.
Then there is another link from the star wars wikia about the force.
And a youtube link. A okay fight between Galen and Darth sidious
Dante Alighieri
The warrior:
Dante was a crusader who fought during the the second crusade under Richard lionheart. Having been pulled away by the crusade, just before he could marry his love Beatrice, she went to bed without out of wedlock with the promise that he would not cheat on her and that they would marry as soon as they returned. She also gave him his cross.
While on crusade, the priest, who had convinced Dante to come gave the young fighter absolution for all his sins and the sins he would embark on. knowing this, he commited several attrocioties such as having sex with a slave girl and murdering the islamic prisoners.
During a muslim raid, Dante got stabbed in the back with a knife and as he falls down to the ground, death comes by to take him to hell for all the sins he has commited. Shocked that Death has come, he reminds that he had gained absolution by the priest and must not be dead. he resists and after a fight, Dante kills death and takes the scythe.
he then travels home, where he sees his father and beatrice murdered. His love then appears as a spirit, together with Lucifer. lucifer takes Beatrice to hell and Dante, who is desperate for his love goes after them to find his love back.
Dante travels to the nine circles of hell to find lucifer and beatrice again, while he accepts his sins and starts showing remorse for his past misdeeds, all the while learning secrets from his past.
In the end, he battles Lucifer in the last circle of hell and after beating the master of hell, Lucifers shows Dante that he is truely dead and therefore cannot travel back to earth anymore and that Dante has to stay in hell forever.
During the travels, Dante has absolved many souls and after this last fight, he says to Lucifer that all the souls that he has absolved have the power to absolve him.
In the end, he wakes up in purgetory, where he finally meets Beatrice again. There he states: 'I am not alive and yet not dead.' referring to the fact that he was mortally wounded but killed death before the latter could take him. The two then walk away in the mists of purgertory.
Long range: Holy Cross
The cross is the long range weapon of dante. Altough it does not seem much at first, it is a cross with holy power that is able to shoot holy blasts at opponents.
Dante recieved the holy cross as a gift from Beatrice and with it, he was able to absolve opponents and attack enemies with powerful blasts. being able to spam this weapon, Dante is can fire three crosses made of white energy towards a opponent at one time. he can spam this for as long as he likes.
These are light attacks. Dante can also charge a cross and is able to shoot one very powerful cross at the opponent for maximum damage. if need be, Dante can also absolve a defeated opponent.
The small energy crosses do not much damage and altough the attacks become stronger if Dante charges his weapon, this takes time and the the range of the attacks decline.
Midrange: Righteous path and Sins of the father
Righteous path is a holy spell where Dante peforms a dash attack to hit the opponent with full power. A strong power that can be used as long as Dante has enough energy for it, the attack leaves a icy trail.
This is a very strong spell that can even stop unstoppable monsters and knocks anybody over.
Sins of the father is a spell that is associated with greed. Dante gained it after beating his father in the greed circle. When Dante uses this spell, three golden crosses appear out of thin air and attacks the opponent with spinning attacks, which usually leads to the opponent getting thrown into the air and juggled.
The righteous path is a rather liniair attack, which means it is easy to avoid by jumping to the side. As for the sins of the father, these will dissapear after being broken by the opponent or after a small timeframe.
Close range: Death's Scythe
The Scythe is the main melee weapon of Dante. This large weapon is made from steel and bone and was wielded by Death itself until Dante slew him with that exact scythe. Ever since, Dante has used this unholy weapon to fight his way through the dephts of hell.The scythe can grow and shrink on will, meaning that it can get a longer or shorter range if Dante wishes that. This weapon can also change into a straight spear form and it can collapse to a blade on the arm of Dante. it can also expend itself to grab opponents and it can be used as a hook to swing over cliffs or get to a higher position.
If Dante wishes, the scythe can also catch fire and do fire damage with the cutting or slashing. Dante can turn the scythe in a 360 degrees deathline by circling it around and when he jumps in the air, dante is able to shoot the scythe down on opponents as a harpoon. He can do a series of quick attacks, followed by one more powerful shot.
If a opponent is weakend enough, Dante is able to condemn this opponent. This can be done instantly to weak opponents.
The scythe is a weapon with tremendous reach but if a opponent managed to get past the blade, Dante is unable to fight and needs to get somewhat further away.
Redemption is a mode where Dante gains both strength and speed. When he goes into redemption mode, he turns red and gains a boost in strenght and in speed. He is able to hold this for a short period of time and after he uses it, he will have to wait a very long time to use this again. This means that he is only able to use it twice if the battle drags on.
Suicide fruit is a unholy spell where he slams the rotting fruit of a suicide tree into the ground, creating a circle. All the opponents inside this circle get stunned for a short period of time.
Dante is unable to throw the fruit far and needs to be close to where he throws it for the fruit to be much effect. Also, the opponent needs to stand on the ground for this spell to work.
Martyrdom is a spell where Dante gets a huge boost in his strenght and he will deal a lot of damage but it drains his energy and his life. This means that altough the damage is great, he will get weaker the longer he uses it.
Special 2: Divine armor, Lust storm and Dash
Divine armour is a holy abilitie and when he uses it, a holy auro surrounds him and angel wings appear out of his back. When he uses this, it instantly blinds any nearby opponents, gives him immunity to opponents attack and heals him.
However, he is capable of using this abilitie for a very short time period and he is unable to use this at the same time as Lust storm. It also drains his energy quite a bit.
When Dante uses lust storm, he becomes one with the circle of lust. This means that a vortex of pink lightning and winds surround Dante, that weakens the opponents melee attacks and blocks ranged attacks. It does also a bit of damage against opponents Fun fact, when Dante uses it, the sounds of moaning appears inside the vortex. This is a ability he can hold longer then divine armor but it also drains his energy . Dante is also unable to use this at the same time with divine armor.
Normally, the selection of either lust storm or divine armour replaces the other but he will be able to use both abilities in this fight, as his opponent got somewhat of a upgrade as well. He is still unable to use these attacks at the same time though.
Finally we have the dash abilitie. This enables Dante to leap to either the right side or left side quickly in order to avoid a attack. if a opponent is nearby, he will hurt that opponent slightly. It is a quick way to get out of range and he can use this as often as he likes.
If Dante uses this, it takes a second to recover before he can move again.
The only two real defenses Dante has are Lust storm and divine armor, with divine armor giving him full protection for a short time and lust storm giving protection against melee attacks and blocking of ranged attacks. however, both can only used for a short time.
Dante also has his scythe to block melee attacks.
Other then that, Dante has no defense as he only wears leather pants, a chainmail coif on his head with a crown of thorns above it and shoulder paudrons. He also has a cross stitched to his bare chest.
X- Factors
Dante had experience fighting swordsmen from Europe and the middle east before he decended into hell. After he did, he gained experience fighting all sorts of demons from different sizes, some ten times his size and a few even larger. Most of these opponents fought with melee weapons, altough there were demons with ranged blasts and the big ones tried to crush him.
Dante also has expierience fighting a lot of enemies at the same time and even fighting loved ones such as his best friend and his father.
Dante is not someone who plans a fight. He usually rushes into the battle and attack with all the power he has trying to overpower the opponent. he can use his spells to aid him but mostly he uses his scythe and cross to overpower opponents. He does however, tend to comdemn or abslove defeated opponents and when he fights he fights with rage in his heart.
Dante fights for only one thing: Love. He traveled trough all the circles of hell to get his love back to him, who was innocent. During his travels, he comes to understand himself better and acknowlegde the sins he has commited but he never asks for his own mercy, only that of Beatrice.
And here I have the link for the bio of Dante alighieri.
And a youtube clip of a story trailer. It gives some info on the story, shows some of the opponents Dante faced and a few of the attacks.
The Edges:
Long Range: Telekinesis, Force push and Force pull Versus Holy Cross
- Weapon on weapon, we see some awesome force powers against a christian cross. For this match, the cross will do the same damage to normal beings as to unholy beings. This means that it will effect Galen as much as it effects a demon.
Telekinesis is a useful tool where Galen is able grab a hold of the opponent and slam him to the ground or hold him in the air for a other attack. Galen can even pick stuff from the ground in order to hit Dante with it. The force push and pull are rather the same as they can pull the opponent away or weapons from the opponent away while the push can blow a opponent against something.
Being able to peform these attacks when he is holding no weapons is great for Galen as he will always be ready to fight even when disarmed.
There are a few problems with these force powers though. First of all, these attacks do not damage directly. Galen needs to use another weapon with it or something hard to slam the opponent against to work the best. Another problem is the concentration. If Galen loses his conentration, Dante can escape from the telekinesis grab and counter attack. The final problem I have with these powers is that Galen cannot use them if he runs out. If his force energy depletes, he has to wait until he can use these force powers again.
The holy cross is a completely different power then Galen's.
He has his cross attack, with which he fires three crosses at a time. This makes it really hard for a opponent to dogde the crosses and is Dante bound to hit. He can also spam this attak without having to worry of running out and altough the damage done is not that great, the cross still does damage. The cross can do more damage but that will cost Dante on range as the more powerful the cross gets, the less range he has with it.
Other then being forced to choose range or power, I have no probems with this weapon.
- Now we will look on weapons versus armour. If I want to compare these force powers with the armour of Dante, I can be short. The force powers completely bypass any form of armour as it grabs the person. Having said that, it does not matter as the force does not hurt an sich.
I can however look if Dante can take high impacts by getting slammed into objects or objects into him. if I look at that, then its obvlious that Dante does have a problem. He has only one way to protect himself from the force and that is the ability lust storm. Other then that, he has no defense against the force. He has taken hard punches and getting thrown into things but that still hurt him a lot and he dies after falling from a high drop, what the force can do.
Now I am going to look at the defenses galen has against the holy cross. Again, I can see very little protection. Galen wears a light sith robe that gives a bit of protection but will not help much against the cross attacks that do hurt. The only real way he can protect himself is avoiding the crosses, something that is more easy said then done.
In the end, neither combatant has much for protection and will take the hits of the opponent in long range.
- If we look at the way these warriors have mastered the weapons I can be frank and quick. Galen Marek was a master force user on par with Darth Vader himself.Even as a child he had far greater force capability's then his own father and under the tutoring of Vader, it only got greater. He is a master with force attacks.
Dante has mastered the use of the cross as well. It being one of his very first weapons in the game, he knows how the utilise the cross the best way and put his opponent in a disadvantage. Both guys are very skilled with the weapons they use.
- This will leave me with the final vote. On one side we have a the Force that can take down the opponent by grabbing it and is near impossible to avoid but it has its problems. The crosses are hard but not impossible to avoid and they do some decent damage.
All in all, I have to give this one to the holy cross for two reasons. One, there are too many ways the force can fail and breaking concentration by using the cross is one of them. the second reason is that the holy cross can be spammed a lot. This will put Galen on the defense right from the start.
However I think that the two weapons are both very good and because the force can be used while disarmed and assist during the battle in other ways, the egde will be a small one.
Small Edge: Dante Alighieri
Midrange: Force Lightning and Lightsaber throw Versus Righteous path and Sins of the Father
- Now to compare the weapons. Force lighting is a very useful weapon where Galen shoots lightning from his hands and at the opponent. These strong attacks hurt a lot and will stun Dante, making sure he is not able to flee from this damage. Even if Galen can not use his forcelighting directly, he can use force lighting on a object and throw that to his opponent so it explodes as a grenade. Forcelightning has proven its lethality against several opponents and Dante will have a hard time facing it. However, there is one problem with the force lightning and that is the energy. If Galen runs out of energy, he cannot use this attack anymore.
The lightsaber throw is another weapon that Galen brings to the battlefield. The lightsaber throw is a technique where Galen throws his saber towards his opponent and either hurt or kill him directly. This is a very good surprise tactic where a close range weapon suddenly become ranged and able to gut the opponent. With the saber throw, there are a few more problems however. As with the force lightning, Galen cannot use it when he has no energy for it but there is even a greater problem with this weapon. If the weapon misses target and Dante comes running at Galen, the jedi is disarmed and can not use his lightsaber to defend himself untill the weapon comes back to him.
Dante has righteous path, where he will charge at his opponent at great speed and doing a good amount of damage in the meantime. if this attack hits, it will do good damage and knock Galen on the ground. This simple technique is strong and effective but is a long way from perfect. First of all, it is very easy to dodge. It cannot be performed if Dante lacks the energy and it will take one second for recovery before Dante can fight on. In a duel, a second is a very long time.
There are several ways Galen can counter this attack while his opponent is charging straight at him.
The other weapon of Dante is a lot better. When Dante calls on his sins of the father magic, three golden crosses appear, that will attack the opponent and try to get him off balance. These crosses will keep on following the target if he tries to flee and keep on attacking untill they are destroyed or vanish themselfs after some time. These crosses do some damage but will mostly distract the opponent or make him unable to attack. Other then that they vanish after some time and that they need energy to be used, the sins of the father is a very good attack that will help him a lot during the battle.
- If we compare the weapons with the armour, we will start with the weapons of Galen against the armour of Dante. Without any extra form of defense, the armour will do nothing against the force lightning or lightsaber. Dante can however dash aside to avoid the saber throw. However, Dante still has one magical abilitie that will negate both attacks completely. This is lust storm. When Dante uses lust storm, the lightsaber cannot reach him and force lightning will have no effect whatsoever.
Now to look at the weapons of Dante and the armour of Galen. The righteous path is easy to avoid and will not hit much because of this. Galen can just jump to either side or in the air to make Dante miss the move. The sins of the father is harder to dodge because the crosses will follow the target around. The only way to get rid of them is wait untill they dissolve, which is not a good idea or destroy them with either the lightsaber or force lightning. This will take time and will distract Galen.
- Now for the skill of both warriors with the weapons. Galen is very good at the force lightning as he has shown to kill clone troopers with one simple blast. He can also use the force lightning in other forms which also show his prowess with the weapon. The lightsaber throw is another one where Galen is very skilled. He has shown to be able to throw accurately and opponents at good distances.
Dante is as skilled with his weapons as his opponent. He can blast forward rather good and be able to hit large targets or groups of opponents with the righteous path. The sins of the father will not need any more skill. He can summon three at the same time and they will simple follow and attack the target without guiding of Dante.
- Now to give my vote on the matter. With these four weapons, it is clear that two of them are rather good and two of them are not that usefull in this battle.
The two weapons that will be very usefull are the force lightning for Galen Marek and the sins of the father for Dante Alighieri. The weapons that will not score much kills are the lightsaber throw and the righteous path. This last attack is really meant for large foes that cannot dodge easily or groups of people. Not one opponent who is very mobile. The saber throw is a good move but against one who can avoid it by dashing aside it gets less usefull as Dante has now a opponent without lightsaber.
The two weapons that will work, will work very greatly. The lightning will hurt much and stun the opponent while hitting while the crosses will be more of a assister and distractor, leaving the opponent open for an attack.
Who gets the edge? The weapon that will actually hurt the most, the force lightning. The sins of the father is a close second but that attack lacks power and altough distraction is good, power will finish the opponent off.
Small edge: Galen Marek
Close range: Lightsaber Versus death's scythe
- The sword versus the scythe. The two main weapons are on the table now and it is hard to get a edge. The lughtsaber is a good one handed sword that can cut through almost anything and as soon as this weapons touches the opponent it is a kill. Galen can also infuse lightning in his slash to give the lightsaber a extra powerboost. Being a master of all forms of lightsaber combat, Galen will know what style to use best against this opponent and use that without trouble.
The scythe of death on the other hand is a completely different story. The scythe is longer then the saber, is able to cut or hook a opponent, it can extend its reach, swing in a arc of 360 degrees. It can chance into a spear that shoots forwards like a harpoon, the scythe can catch fire to do fire damage and Dante can even use the spear to climb rocks or swing himself from object to object.
Now for the big question between these two weapons that will determine a lot. Will the lightsaber be able to cut through the scythe?
In my opinion, the answer is no. Death is a very powerful persona and I believe that he would have made his weapon unbreakable. Especially considering it can catch fire without any ill effects, I believe that that the scythe is imbued with a power strong enough to survive a blow from a lightsaber. Also please note that even in the star wars universe, there are weapons that the lightsaber cannot cut through.
Now I have tackled this subject, I want to look for the downsides of these weapons. Both weapons have a problem with range. For the lightsaber is short, it cannot do much in a longer range, especially the way Galen holds his sword forces him to fight close up while the scythe has a problem very close in as it is a big weapon. This will mean that the scythe has the upper hand untill Galen can get past the blade, then the saber will have the upper hand in the battle.
- If I compare the lightsaber with the armour, then Dante has a problem. He wears little armour and it will be easy for Galen to hack him down.However, he has two ways to protect himself from the saber. The first one is the divine armour, which will make him invulrnible for some time. However, when it stops. Dante has a problem. The other is the luststorm that will take power from the attack, which might be enough to make the lightsaber from a killing weapon into a weapon that will hurt a lot. of this, I am not sure, expecially considering that Dante wears no armour of his own. The only real chance of survival is the divine armour and that an only be used to get away from a corner or blocking the lightsaber with his own weapon, which is actually hard to do with such a long pole and hook against a nimble sword.
Galen has less troube defending against the scythe. First of all does he wear a bit of armour that will protect him somewhat against slashes of the opponent and will reduce the damage. He can also use his lightsaber to block attacks. Blocking with a sword is good to do and finally he has his farsight that can tell him in what state the scythe will be and if it will attack close up or from a distance.
- Galen has trained a lot with the lightsaber since childhood and considering that he mastered every form of lightsaber combat shows him what a master he is with this sword. He knows what he'l do.
Dante has trained less with this weapon as he has took this weapon from death before jumping in hell. However, during his travels, he has mastered the use of this weapon and has showed what he can do with it. Furthermore he would have trained with a poleaxe since his youth, which would have helped a lot.
- Now to decide who will get the edge here. The lightsaber is good close in and is hard to defend against. It can also do extra lightning damage. The scythe is good a bit further away, can be used in a lot of ways and has fire damage but can be defended against rather well.
Two great powerfull weapons that are near equal to each other, It is hard to decide which of the two is slightly better.
The weapon that will get a small edge in this duel is scythe. For the lightsaber to work, Galen needs to get close in and that will be very hard with the scythe. That combined that it can transform in a spear and attack from the air makes me give it the egde.
Small Edge: Dante Alighieri
Special 1: Force repulse, Mind trick and Force rage Versus Redemption, Suicide fruit and Martyrdome
- Galen brings three different weapons to this range. The first is the force repulse where Galen uses the force to pull everything around him in with the force and then push it out. This can be used to push a opponent away, clear rubble and send projectiles all around Galen to hit a opponent. Usefull technique as long as Galen has the energy but the more powerfull the repulse gets the longer he has to load it in the air. This means that he is open to counter attacks halfway during this move. He can do it instantly but the force is weak then.
The mind trick can be used on weak mind. It can be used on very weak minds to completely remote controll them but the stronger the minds, the less effect it has. Dante has shown to be able to be weak to messing with the mind but he is strong enough to get remotely controlled. I believe that the mind trick will work in distracting Dante or confusing him for a few seconds. The force rage is a ability where Galen taps into his rage to attack the opponent with a short burst of power. The good this works, it will leave him weakened and he will need to recover. This means that Galen will only use this as last chance.
Dante has three weapons on this range, from which two have the same effect. The redemption gives him a short burst of energy equal to the force rage where his attacks are stronger. However, he has a short time to use it before the energy runs out. The martyrdome gives Dante a strenght boost but to a terrible cost. While using this, it depletes his health and if Dante is not carefull, he kills himself while in martyrdome. I believe that this will be used when Dante still have a lot of health, otherwise the attack will be dangerous for himself.
The suicide fruit is a thrown weapon. When it lands on the ground, it will stun all opponents in the neighberhood. However, Dante needs to be close to the place he throws it
All usefull weapons and techniques that will make this battle a real struggle for both opponents.
- As for armour, i can be simple. None of these techniques effect the armour of the warriors much. Both fighters have boosts that will enhance their own strenght and both have stunners that will negate armour. However, both warriors do have weapons wepons we can compare to armour.
For Galen it is the repulse. This attack itself has little to do with armour but we can see how much the rubble effect the armour. Dante has little armour itself and just as with long range, he needs to use his ability of lust storm to defend himself. this will not help if he gets blasted away himself though.
Dante has the suicide fruit that can be avoided or be thrown away with the force. When the fruit hits the ground, it cannot be avoided anymore but as soon as it is in the air, Galen can avoid it with ease. If you then look at the foresight where Galen will be able to know where it hits, he can be away before Dante even use this weapon.
- Now for skill. None of these require much skill to use but all need skill to controll. Both warriors have this skill and will know how to deal with these weapons without a problem.
- This leaves the final vote and again, it is a close one. I see the suicide fruit be least effective as it can be avoided easily and the mind trick can do the same without needing to throw something.
Both fighters have boosters and where Galen has one that will leave him weakened, Dante has one that leaves him weakened and one without a side effect.
The force repulse is another good ability that will keep Dante on his toes and will help Galen out of some nasty spots.
Dante has the advantage of using two boosters while galen has only one and a dangerous one for himself at that. However, I will give this small egde to Galen because he has three different attacks instead of three attacks where two are the same. Beside that, the mind trick is just a better distracter then the fruits.
Small edge: Galen Marek
Special 2: Force speed, High Jump and Farsight Versus Divine armour, Lust storm and Dash
- In this second special, we look at other attributes of the warriors that will help themselfs defend more rather then attack. Galen has the force speed that will give him bursts of enery to shoot forwards at great speeds. His high jumps makes sure he always can jump up to avoid attacks or get into a high position. Farsight is a interesting one. With this technique, Galen can peer into the future and predict parts of the battle. This will help him anticipate the moves of the opponent and know which weapon will be used and on what moment.
Galen has only one move to avoid and that is the dash. being able to dash forward or aside will help him evade attacks. The damage done when performing this is minimal. Dante does also have two other ways of protecting himself. The divine armour will not only make him invulrnible for a short time but also heal him. Then we have lust storm, which will create a great purple barrier around Dante, which will completely protect him against against projectiles and will lessen all other attacks.
Every single one of these moves is usefull. However I am going to give the egde to Dante here. Why? The force speed is good as long as Galen has energy but Dante can do pretty much the same without consuming energy. The high jump is just a good solid move but when in mid jump he is open to attacks. The farsight is really usefull but it will be hard for Galen to concentrate during battle and will need to use this before battle if he has the chance. He has only started mastering it when he went to the light side and his farsight is not yet as good as other jedi/sith.
The divine armour and lust storm really take up a lot of energy for Dante and both get drawn from the same energy meter, so he has to choose carefully what to use and when. The lust storm gives protection against projectiles, which is very good considering all the force thrown projectiles. Divine armour gives a combination of healing and not being able to get hit. This will be a great counter for the lightsaber.
I am growing a set of balls here and give a medium edge here to Dante because of one thing. When galen is using either of the three force powers, he cannot attack and only dogde. Dante can still attack while the divine armour or lust storm is active and the lust storm does even small damage when Galen comes near.
Medium Edge: Dante Alighieri
(Note that i did not compared these techniques against armour or the skill. This I have done because i felt no need as none of these effect armour or mastery of a weapon)
Both guys have tons of experience fighting different creatures. Both have fought opponents of greater size then they were and both have struggled against things they had never seen in their lives. Galen has faced blasters, lightsabers and the force among others while Dante has fought, demons, magic and living fire among others.
The question here is. Do the two fighters know what they are up against? Do they know the weapons the opponent carries?
The answer is both yes and no. Yes because both combatants will see some of the powers of the opponent and give it a place in their own minds. I am talking here about the magic, which will be seen as some sort of force power by Galen and the force that will be seen as some kind of magic by Dante.
Dante has seen swords, only never a sword that can cut through most objects. Galen on the other hand has probably never seen a scythe or a cross that shoots light energy.
Who gets the edge here, where both fighters bring something new to the table and something familiar?
I have to say that this is even. If Galen had brought blasters, then this egde would be different but both fighers stand equal on this matter and therefore I think that a draw is the best way to go here.
Edge: Even
Galen uses tactics but these are mostly aimed at fighting multiple opponents, where he creates chaos. Against one opponent, he usually just attacks by combining force attacks with lightsaber combat. It works good in a battle and the fact that he can combine different kind of attacks really helps with this tactic.
Dante usually rushes into battle. He will first attack with his cross against opponents from a distance or opponents in the air and then attack with his scythe, to throw his magic in when he needs it.
This edge is clear to me if I just look at what i have written. Where Dante rushes in and keeps on attacking, Galen tries to bring some sort of tactic and uses a good combination of force techniques and lightsaber combat. As I said before the combination attacks really help. I will give a small edge to Galen because he brings a bit more tactics then Dante does.
Small edge: Galen Marek
Galen fought to serve his master. The master who taught him to fight like a sith. However, since he went to the light side, he fights for for his friends of the rebel alliance. His new jedi master and his love. He has risked death only to save his love and ultimately died to get his friends time enough to get away.
Dante fights for the love of Beatrice. He has battled death because of love and he charged into hell to get his Beatrice back, not resting untill she was in heaven where she belonged.
Both warriors fight for love. For Galen its the love for his friends and the love for a woman and for Dante its the burning love of a single woman, even though she is already dead.
Who gets the egde here? Nobody. Both warriors fight for the same reasons and have shown to be willing to die or even face fates worse then death to accomplice that.
Edge: Even
The Battle:
'Get here.' Dante yelled as he shot the energy from the holy cross at the demon. Her holy cross. Dante had crossed all the circles of hell to find his love. The woman who deserved to be in heaven but now dwelled in hell because of him. The demon turned to face the damned crusader and attacked with a vicious blade. Dante avoided the blow and slashed at the demon with his scythe. The scythe he had taken from death itself. The demon leaped at him but he jumped into the air, transformed the scythe in a spear and launched attacks at his opponent from the air. After this attack, the opponent was dazed and weakened. 'Time to condemn you.' He slashed at the throat of the larger demon and after a few seconds, teared the demon apart. There was no escaping his wrath.
As the demon lay dead on the ground, Dante Alighieri continued his hunt.
Hooking his scythe to a rock, Dante swung over a gap and then jumped on a platform. In front of him stood Beatrice. His Beatrice. 'You want her back Dante?' A shadow spoke, which hovered next to Beatrice. Ignoring the shadow, Dante dropped his scythe and kneeled in front of his love. 'Please Beatrice. I have sinned, not you. Please.' It was not Beatrice but the shadow that replied. 'You want her? Come and get her.' He replied with a laugh. Following that Beatrice stepped into a portal and dissapeared from sight. 'NOOOOOOOOO' Dante yelled. Ignoring the demons around him, he took a leap and jumped into the portal after Beatrice.
Galen ran as fast as he could without using the force but he knew that the clone troopers were close behind. Here he was on the jungle planet, trying to distract the clones so his friends could escape. The newly formed rebel alliance had to survive, otherwise nothing would stand in the way of vader, of the emperor.
'Halt.' Someone yelled and seconds later, blasters fired their ammunation at him. Using his lightsaber, Galen blocked the attacks and even send shots back at the soldiers who had taken him under fire. Two out of seven imperial soldiers fell to the ground, five to go.
Using the force speed ability, Galen ran to the most dangerous one, the trooper with a flamethrower. Slashing at this opponent, Galen took the head off and then used the force to throw the lifeless body at other clones. The jedi then used force push to knock the two that were left standing away. He killed one of the downed troopers with a stab of his saber and unleashed his lightning as two others tried to stand up. The last two were killed as quickly, after which Galen fled the scene. The killing would draw attention away from the others and to him.
Suddenly in front of Galen appeared a man with a large weapon. This man had large cross on his naked chest, wore a helmet and had a large weapon in his hands. Fearing that this may be a new servant of Vader, Galen ran at him.
A burst of light suddenly appeared from this opponent and Galen stepped aside to avoid it, only to be hit by a cross of light next to hit.
The attack of the holy cross had hit this opponent in the chest and Dante saw how the man dresses in blue fell over. Dante knew he had to take this oppertunity and more crosses flew towards his opponent.
Galen got hit several times by the crosses and desperate for a save spot, he jumped behind a large standing rock.
After taking a breath, Galen reached into the force and used it to send the large rock flying at the opponent, who managed to avoid it by dashing past.
Following his first attack, Galen ran at his opponent and used force push to knock the other guy over and as he went to the ground, Galen grabbed him witht he force and slammed Dante several times into the ground, untill Dante managed to pull of a blast from his holy cross that hit Galen and broke his concentration.
Realising that the power came from a small cross in the hands of the opponent, Galen used a fierce force pull to take this weapon away and after some struggling, he could be satisfied as the cross flew into a pool of mud.
'NOOO' Dante yelled as his holy cross flew from his hands and into the mud. The cross he had gotten from Beatrice lay now in a pool of mud. He would show no mercy to this opponent. With scythe in his hands, he yelled as he ran at the man, when he suddenly got hit by some sort of lightning that forced him to the ground.
Galen had used his force lighting attack as the cross man had charged him and with full effect.
'Time to finish this quickly.' Dante muttered as he walked towards the opponent to give the man the final blow with his lightsaber.
While Galen was walking towards him, Dante stood up. He tried to calm his anger and made ready to use one of his magical abilities, the martyrdome. When he was ready, he swung his scythe towards Galen, who only defended himself after he saw that the distance was not as great as he thought it was. Just in time to block the attack, Galen was surprised to see that his saber did not cut through the weapon of his opponent. There was no time to stand still by this surprise as other attacks of the weapon came into his direction and he was forced to block them all. being forced back by this sudden burst of attack, Galen knew he had to act quickly, especially considering that the weapon of his opponent was on fire.
Spinning his burning weapon in a 360 degrees arc, Dante hoped that it would catch the opponent off guard and the attack did knock the sword out of the hands of the opponent. Coming with a slice from above, Dante knew that this attack would chop the skull of the opponent in half, who suddenly got a burst of speed and shot backwards.
The force speed at saved Galen from death, but now he had the problem of being disarmed and he used the force again to get maximum speed and get to the side. However his opponent did not attack. Dante had ended the martyrdome, now he was out of danger as the boost that he got did also damage him.
Walking to the pool of mud, he reached in and retrieved the cross, only to be hit by lightning again.
Galen had again used force lightning and now used the force to recall his lightsaber. After gaining his saber, he send a third blast of force lighting that kept his opponent against the ground.
\Before Galen could use the force lightning another time, Dante shot a large cross of energy from his own holy cross that hit Galen and forced him backwards. Dante then lay his trust in the righteous path and shot forwards himself in a beam of light.
Now being prepared for a assault, Galen force jumped up in the air and avoided the attack of his opponent. After landing on the ground again, Galen attacked with a force lightning embued lightsaber strike and altough Dante was in time to block the lightsaber, he did get the additional force lightning to endure.
Dante knew he was too close to fight good with his weapon and jumped in the air himself. his scythe became a spear and he launched several thrusting attacks at his opponent.
Galen danced around these attacks and avoided them by using foresight to predict where the attacks would land. Dante landed on the ground and before he could make a move, Galen pushed the man away with the force. The jedi then launched another force lightning, only to have it blocked by a purple ball around Dante.
The moans were hearable all around the battlefield as the lust storm covered Dante and blocked the force lightning.
Dante then jumped into action and slashed his opponent across the chest, tearing into cloth and slashing the steel plates in the sith armour. Another few strikes were dodged while Galen tried to find another wat to take his opponent down. he then threw his lightsaber but was surprised to see that even that could not penetrate the purple ball. While weaponless, Galen could not defend himself against the blade of his opponent and was forced to use the force to escape from the hellish scythe.
Using the force once again, Galen took controll of his lightsaber quick enough to defend himself against slashes from the scythe.
Knowinng thast offense had little effect at the moment, Galen jumped away from attacks and tried to stay out of reach of the extending scythe, untill the moment came to act.
That moment came as the purple ball around Dante dissapeared. Without hesistation, Galen acted. He used the force to lift a large rock from the ground, embued it with force lightning and send the rock flying at his opponent.
Near the opponent, the rock exploded and Galen saw how his opponent got pushed away.
he then jumped into the air, for a force repulse and sucked all nearby objects to him and launched them back at great speeds.
Dante went down to the ground with a cry. Trying to get controll of the situation, he threw a fruit of a suicide tree at his opponent, but without succes. The man just moved his hand and the fruit flew yards away.
The opponent was near now and Dante feared that he might not live another few seconds.
Just before his opponent was almost on top of him, Dante used another piece of magic and three crosses appeared in front of them that began to harrass his opponent. 'Its time for divine armour.' Dante murmled as he saw his opponent face the three golden crosses.
Galen pushed the crosses away with the force but to his amazement, he saw that the returned to attack him. avoiding had not worked, pushing them away with the force had failed and even force lightning did little damage against the crosses. These things did not much damage but they did stand in the way of Galen and he had no way of taking out his opponent with them around. A cross went for him and he blocked the attack with his lightsaber, to see how the cross got ripped in half by his saber. 'Perfect.' he spoke as he slashed out at the other two with the same results. Galen then turned to his opponent and stood amazed at what he saw. The man had large wings sprouting out of his back and walked self concious towards Galen. In a attemped to stop this man, galen threw his lightsaber, only to have it bounce off the chest of the man. He was just in time to regain his saber as the scythe swung through the air.
The two warriors battled again and the two times Galen had managed to get into the reach of his opponent, he had not been able to hurt the man at all. When the wings finally dissapeared, Galen pushed his attack, hoping to be able to finish the man off once and for all. This man however kept his defence better and Galen was unable to hit the man with his saber.
'I have one trick still up my sleeve.' Galen spoke at his opponent and if the man could hear him, Galen saw the man nod.
With that said, he went into rage mode to destroy his opponent.
The opponent had suddenly surpirsed Dante with furious and swift attacks. he had to move all around the dodge or block the attacks and use both his cross and buring scythe to the best of his ability. What he can do, I can do too, he thought and went into redemption.
The two warriors fought with all the power they posessed and slashed at the other with superstrengt. neither gave in while the two struggled to hit the opponent but failed. Suddenly, Galen reacted very slow as his rage stopped. Unable to avoid it, the scythe slashed his hands and then hooked on his neck to force him to the ground. A powerful blast from the cross send Galen and his lightsaber apart. As he tried to stand the scythe came down on him and slashed his throat. Dante heaved his scythe again but stopped. 'You have fought bravely and as a true knight. I will not condemn you to hell. You will allowed into heaven.' As the blood dripped out of the wounds of the surprised Galen Marek, he saw how the other man heaved his cross. A bright light ended his life.
Winner: Dante Alighieri
The results:
Galen Marek
In weapons, Galen took midrange and special one. Both in a small edge. Two of the x-factors were even and altough the final x-factor was won by him, it was only a small edge. Three small edges, with each being awarded 0.5 points makes in total 1.5 point
Dante Alighieri
Dante took the long range in a small edge, he took the close range in the small edge and even managed to get the second special in a medium edge. His luck ended with the x-factors as the two draws delivered no points and the final x-factor was won by his opponent. Still the two small edges of 0.5 points and the medium edge brought him 1 point. This means that he has in total 2 points. half a point more then his opponent.
In a battle, I can see how this was a close match, with both of them having great power behind them. What really helped Dante to swing the victory in his favor were his shields that he could use and the fact that one of his shields also healed him. This meant that he was able to keep coming while his opponent tired out slowly.
Please note that this all is my opinion how such a battle would be fought and if you disagree, you are free to write one of your own. I also know that the choise to make the scythe unbreakable against the saber was a important one and want to say here that if the scythe would break on contact, that the win would have gone to Galen without a doubt.