When two opposites of the law meet, who will walk away alive?
Jason Fly Versus Niko Bellic
Jason Fly
The person:
When you wake up on a beach, unshure of who you are, not knowing why you have a tattoo of the number XIII on your neck and completely clueless why the CIA and mercenaries want to take you out. You have a problem.
First of all, I would like to say that I will be staying close with the XIII game and not the comics. Im known with the fact that the comics came before the game but I have chosen the game for a few reasons.
First of all, the comics are are highly complicated and talk about a lot more strange adventures that make little sense, the game is really a compact way to tell the storyline. Furthermore I read only a few of the comics but played the game a lot and lastly, there is much more info on his skills and weapons in the game.
When XIII woke up, he founds himself on a beach and without any memory's on what had happened before. Not having any idea on who he was, he only carried a key to a bank and had a strange tattoo of the roman numeral XIII on his neck. He is helped out by a girl of the coastguard, who gets shot by mercanary's. XIII escapes and steals a car from one of the thugs. After traveling towards the bank, he finds out that the locker the key belongs to is rigged with a bomb. The bomb explodes and as he tries to escape from the bank, it gets attacked. XIII escapes only to be arrested by the Cia.
The Cia indentifie him as Steve Rowland and acccuse him of the murder of the president. They proved this with photographic evidence.
With the help of a woman named Jones, Steve manages to escape and after that tries to free a man named general Carrington. Carrington knows the full identity of Steve Rowland and after he is freed, XIII gets told that he was hired by general Carrington to find out who the twenty conspiritors were.
Having a new mission, Steve goes after all twenty of them. Not only finding out about and killing everyone involved, Steve also finds out more about his own history due to his flashbacks. His real name is Jason Fly and under Carrington, he got a operation to have himself look like Steve Rowland (Number XIII of the conspiracy) Steve Rowland had murdered the president as part of the plot and has been shot by orders of number one. The operation had been done because Carrington hoped to move the members out of their hiding holes. The mercenary's that kept attacking Jason turned out to be lead by a man named the Mongoose. The mongoose was a second party, hired by number one to make the operation go smoothly.
After a lot of missions and having convinced the Cia and the new stand in president Walter Sheridan (the brother of late president William Sheridan) of his intentions, Jason takes out almost every member of this dark conspiricy, and is only left to deal with number one and the Mongoose. The secret of number one died when number two commited suicide and after the Mongools drops down a rocket shaft, they realise that the identity of number one will remain a secret.
After Walter Sheridan is chosen to become the next president, he celebrates it on his boat. The newly promoted captain Jason Fly is invited and after searching for Walter, listens in to a phone conversation where the Mongoose tries to reach number one..
The game finishes with a cliffhanger but there has never been a sequal.
Jason Fly is a trained military man who can use firearms with great precision. Having training with the Spads (special military units) he was quickly crowned the best and was called to the attention to general Carrington. Carrington saw in him a good agent and recruited him to a secret branch. Not much is known about his skills prior to his amnesia but he was supposed to be one of the best spads recruits.
After his memory slowly returned, he also rememberd some of his skills and would be a more accurate shot and sniper shot, being able to dual wield certain weapons and even hear the tapping of footsteps of a opponent.
Not important in this battle but Jason could use the grappling hook and the lockpick very well.
Because both he and his opponent used a lot of weapons ingame, I have selected five of them. This means that there will be two shortrange weapons on each side.
For the first short range, Jason has his throwing knifes. These small but lethal weapons could be either thrown at the opponent or used in close range to stab. Being the very first weapon used by XIII in the game, he has shown to be accurate in throwing them. In this match, Jason will get five throwing knifes for this match and if a knife lands in his opponent, he can get it back to reuse after he searched the body.
The knife is rather short and he would need to be really close in to use it well and when he stands further away when he throws it, he will be less accurate. The knifes also need to hit the head/throat/neck to be a kill.
For the second short range, I have chosen the 9mm pistol. This pistiol can be found early on in the game and can be found almost anywhere. Not only ingame is this a populair weapon but also in the televison series is a handpistol the weapon of choise and when you play multiplayer, you get it as default weapon.
The pistol is not a very powerfull weapon and takes 2 or three shots to the head to killl and it also lacks range. It gets less effective the further away the opponent is. The real accurate range is never mentioned ingame. Altough this pistol might seem a poor weapon now, it can be dual wielded and can have a silencer. the 9mm can store 13 bullets at one time in the gun and reloading is very fast.
For midrange, XIII will use the uzi. This small handheld submachine gun is great for close and midrange. It can fire in bursts and has a clip capacity of 32 bullets. It does not take much time to insert another clip, can be used for dual wielding and with a silencer. One shot to the head it a instant kill. To balance things out, it has a recoil and is not very accurate. XIII really needs to hit the chest in order to get a few good hits.
This weapon can be aquired later in the game and is one of the main weapons when Jason tries to spy into a hotel.
As last I would like to mention that the Mongoose used two of them in his last battle and the endfight.
For long range, the assault rifle is used. This machine gun is devastating in all ranges and is very accurate. It can fire accurately from medium to long ranges and can take out a lot of opponents with the 30 bullets ammo clip. Reloading the weapon can done very fast and it shoots in full automatic. With very powerfull bullets, a two or three against the chest willl kill. Making this weapon even more dangerous, it can also shoot small grenades which explode with a lot of power. The grenades fire slows and there will be only three in the assault rifle. However, it can destroy a opponent or a group of opponents in a instant and can destroy any vehicle with ease. The assault rifle is used a lot by the spads and XIII would use it a lot, especially considering his spads background. Ingame, it would be used a lot also if you consider that this weapon is one of the best in the game.
The crossbow is the special weapon. I am talking about a modern crossbow here, with a scope. Being a good weapon for very long range, the crossbow is a silent killer. It can stock three bolts at the same time but reloading takes some time. Its a weapon XIII used in a lot of missions where he needed to take out a guard or sneak around without being spotted. The crossbow also works very well against sentry's placed in a tower. The bolt needs to hit the head for a direct kill. It will take two bolts against the chest to kill.
This ability will help in the fight by spotting Niko, even if Niko is hiding behind a door. When Jason himself is hiding, he can spot the right moment when Niko has his back turned to the agent.
I would like to clarify two things. When there are a lot of people close together, the ability won't work very well and Jason cannot differ one set of footsteps from another and does not know if the footsteps are those of Niko or civilians.
The first link is the wikia entry of the game:
The link to the comics if anyone is interested to read into that:
And Lastly a youtube clip where you get an idea on the gameplay. It also shows the use of the 9mm, the assault rifle, the bodyarmour and the ability to hear footsteps.
A man who lost everything during the Yugoslav wars, Niko turns to America in the hope of a better life, only to become a dangerous man in the underworld.
Niko was born in Eastern Europe, most likely the Balkans. His youth was not that of a normal boy and he experienced things that changed his life forever.
His father was a alcoholic and his brother had died during the Balkan wars, Niko himself fought there as a childsoldier (he in between 13 and 17 years old). In the wars he has driven tanks, was a helicopter pilot and fought as a infantrymen.
During the war, Niko saw and acted in several attrocities, which gave him emotional detachment and a cynical perspective on life. One of the most traumatic events was the moment that his squad (most of which were his boyhood friends) got ambushed by enemy forces and killed. From the group, only him and two others survived. Knowing that one of them had betrayed the group, Niko swore that he would find the culprit and kill him. These two other survivors were Darko Brevic and Florian Cravic.
After the war was over, Niko had trouble finding work and had to deal with the death of his friends. His cousin Roman had already moved to the united states before and had send letters telling how succesfull he was. In his letters Roman told that he lived in a villa, dated supermodels and was a very rich man while in reality, Roman lived in a small apartment and had just enough money to start his own cab company.
Niko traveled to America, to Liberty city and soon got work with his cousin Roman. He helpt out with loansharks and protected his cousin in other ways. Due to the connections of his cousin, Niko got involved with the Russian Maffia.
Niko soon gets more involved in the American underworld and does jobs for several different groups and individual people. Mostly acting as a hitman, Niko did not shy down from other jobs and has done several jobs that include stealing, illigal streetracing and protection both people and valuables.
In that time, he kills a lot of people, some very influencial in the underworld. He does also make a few good friends that he can trust and even gets a girlfriend.
Near the end of the game, Niko finally finds Darko. The man lives a poor life in the us and Niko is not shure if killing the man makes him feel happy. In the end, He still shoots Darko after he finds out that the man sold the group out for only 1000 dollar.
In the last mission, a Russian mobster named Dimitri Rascalov is killed but at the cost of either Roman or his girlfriend Kate McReary. Dimitry is a mobster that has allied himself with a lot of people but also breaks his loyalty in a instance if the needs arises. He has done this to a lot of people, including Niko.
Niko is a man who is hardened by war and seeks revenge no matter the cost, even if others say he should start a new life. Having suffered a war, Niko knows only about killing and most of his jobs in America are centered around that. However, even though he is cool and does not connect very well with others, he still is kind and protective over his family and friends. He has shown this multiple times with Roman and his love interests. He also helps innocent bystanders any way he can.
Niko hates American politics and drugs. He gets enraged when he gets cheated, betrayed or accused of his loyalty. He also has a lot of nerves and has shown to go up against some big groups.
Lastly I would like to add that altough he protects and helps the innocent, in a lot of missions innocent bystanders get killed.

The first short range weapon is the knife. This weapon is a deadly close in and can be used in both cutting and thrusting. The knife can be used to kill a opponent without making much noise and even a armoured opponent gets killed with around four attacks.
The knife was the very first weapon Niko aquired in the game and would stay usefull the whole game to kill someone without police noticing or when a opponents attacks Niko with a melee weapon.
It however has a short range and Niko needs to be close in to his opponent to use it optimal.
The second close range weapon is the pistol. The pistol being used in the game is a glock 22 and is the most used pistol in GTA IV. The pistol has 17 rounds, reloads in a decent speed and shoots at a decent speed also. The glock can best be used in close range and midrange and has a good firepower. It can kill in one shot when aimed at the head but it takes two to three shots to kill if the bullets hit the chest.
The pistol is one of the few weapons that can be used while driving a car and altough the speed and accuracy lower a bit, it is still usefull. \
The glock is the very first fire-power weapon that Niko uses and it can be aquired quickly during the whole game. Most people who carry guns, carry them, including policemen.
During the gta game, Niko can use the pistol to peform executions with the pistol and kill people with style.
The midrange weapon of Niko Bellic is the smg. The smg is a submachine gun and altough the game keeps the name smg, it is actually a SW MP-10. It has a great rate of fire but a slower reload time. The mp-10 is a cross between a standard smg and a shortend one. Ideal for killing in small streets, this weapon can kill very fast. The inaccuracy of this weapon is cancelled out a bit by the small scope that gives oppertunity to aim a bit better. it will be used mostly around medium range where it deals the most damage. This weapons can shoot 30 bullets before it needs to be reloaded and can fire automaticly.
Being used with two hands, the smg can be used with one hand but aiming will become more difficult. The few times Niko used the smg with one hand were while he was running and while he was firing the weapon while driving his car.
For long range, Niko has his AK-47 assault rifle. The AK-47 is a beloved weapon on the black market since his existence because of his tougness and reliability. The ak is a very powerfull weapon and can kill very efficently. The AK lacks accuracy but again you can aim with with a small scope and shoot a bit more accurate. With a ammo of 30 bullets, it can fire very fast from long ranges but as I said, not as accurate.
The AK-47 is used a lot by the better armed criminals and there were a lot of ways that Niko would have gotten one.
The last weapon of Niko will suprise some people since it does not look like a weapon at all. It is one of the things GTA is most famous for, I am talking about the car. There are a lot of different cars in the GTA world and in most of the missions, Niko needs to drive a car.
The cars need to be stolen in order to be used and are used in different ways during combat. Niko can drive away from attacking opponents but he can also drive towards opponents and drive over them. The car is no usual weapon and does not have any ammo at all. A car can be used untill it does not work anymore and when that happens, Niko needs to find another car. The cars differ is speed but every single one of them can kill if a opponent is hit hard enough. So as long as the car drives harder then walking speed, it is enough to kill.
Niko will start off with only one car but when he won't be able to use it anymore, he can aquire another. There are two ways Niko can find another car but both of these take some time. In the first way, Niko breaks the window of a car and unlocks the door from the inside. He then wires the car to start the engine and drive away. With the second way, Niko stops a moving car and forces the driver to step out so he steps in and rights away.
The car is a deadly weapon but a fire can be started in the car and it will explode soon after. When another explosion is near the car, it will explode also and when the car has been hit too much time, it will stop.
Niko will wear body armour during this battle. The armour protects against bullets against the chest and the back. The head and legs are not protected. Niko keeps his mobility and can move with ease while wearing tis body armour.
The armour does only protect against bullets and will not help against melee weapons, falls or hits from cars.
When used, the armour can be counted as dubbel health and the body armour needs to be taken out first before the chest and back are targets.
Niko has killed around 80 people and those are named characters. During his missions, he also shows no remorse in killing innocents to reach his targets and I really need to name one of the reasons why GTA is so populair: Killing innocent bystanders in very fun ways.
This will all end in the x-factor of sociopath, when Niko starts killing, he will go on untill his target is dead and not caring on how much innocent bystanders are getting killed in the proces. Note that the x-factor will be activated only when he starts killing and that he is a nice guy when not holding a gun.
As always I have links.
This first link gives information about Niko and will give more info on his bio and the game.
This second link gives more information on the weapons used in GTA IV
And a trailer for GTA IV
I was going to put Thor against Raiden for my next match. However, Thor is that much overpowered, it would not be fair as he would crush Raiden with ease. This leaves a blank spot in my matches and I do not know yet who can replace them. I do have a special announcement planned and will have that one up soon. I hope I have my next match ready to present to you guys!
After Walter Sheridan is chosen to become the next president, he celebrates it on his boat. The newly promoted captain Jason Fly is invited and after searching for Walter, listens in to a phone conversation where the Mongoose tries to reach number one..
The game finishes with a cliffhanger but there has never been a sequal.
Jason Fly is a trained military man who can use firearms with great precision. Having training with the Spads (special military units) he was quickly crowned the best and was called to the attention to general Carrington. Carrington saw in him a good agent and recruited him to a secret branch. Not much is known about his skills prior to his amnesia but he was supposed to be one of the best spads recruits.
After his memory slowly returned, he also rememberd some of his skills and would be a more accurate shot and sniper shot, being able to dual wield certain weapons and even hear the tapping of footsteps of a opponent.
Not important in this battle but Jason could use the grappling hook and the lockpick very well.
Jason Fly used a assortment of weapons during the missions and had a suitable weapon for every range. He came by the weapons three ways. He either had them with him at the start of a mission, he took them from dead enemy's or he found them along the way. Most of the missions did have a stealth aspect and therefore some of the weapons go with silencers. These will be included in this match. Jason also had shown the ability to dual wield a few weapons and that will be counted in also.Because both he and his opponent used a lot of weapons ingame, I have selected five of them. This means that there will be two shortrange weapons on each side.
For the first short range, Jason has his throwing knifes. These small but lethal weapons could be either thrown at the opponent or used in close range to stab. Being the very first weapon used by XIII in the game, he has shown to be accurate in throwing them. In this match, Jason will get five throwing knifes for this match and if a knife lands in his opponent, he can get it back to reuse after he searched the body.
The knife is rather short and he would need to be really close in to use it well and when he stands further away when he throws it, he will be less accurate. The knifes also need to hit the head/throat/neck to be a kill.
For the second short range, I have chosen the 9mm pistol. This pistiol can be found early on in the game and can be found almost anywhere. Not only ingame is this a populair weapon but also in the televison series is a handpistol the weapon of choise and when you play multiplayer, you get it as default weapon.
The pistol is not a very powerfull weapon and takes 2 or three shots to the head to killl and it also lacks range. It gets less effective the further away the opponent is. The real accurate range is never mentioned ingame. Altough this pistol might seem a poor weapon now, it can be dual wielded and can have a silencer. the 9mm can store 13 bullets at one time in the gun and reloading is very fast.
For midrange, XIII will use the uzi. This small handheld submachine gun is great for close and midrange. It can fire in bursts and has a clip capacity of 32 bullets. It does not take much time to insert another clip, can be used for dual wielding and with a silencer. One shot to the head it a instant kill. To balance things out, it has a recoil and is not very accurate. XIII really needs to hit the chest in order to get a few good hits.
This weapon can be aquired later in the game and is one of the main weapons when Jason tries to spy into a hotel.
As last I would like to mention that the Mongoose used two of them in his last battle and the endfight.
For long range, the assault rifle is used. This machine gun is devastating in all ranges and is very accurate. It can fire accurately from medium to long ranges and can take out a lot of opponents with the 30 bullets ammo clip. Reloading the weapon can done very fast and it shoots in full automatic. With very powerfull bullets, a two or three against the chest willl kill. Making this weapon even more dangerous, it can also shoot small grenades which explode with a lot of power. The grenades fire slows and there will be only three in the assault rifle. However, it can destroy a opponent or a group of opponents in a instant and can destroy any vehicle with ease. The assault rifle is used a lot by the spads and XIII would use it a lot, especially considering his spads background. Ingame, it would be used a lot also if you consider that this weapon is one of the best in the game.
The crossbow is the special weapon. I am talking about a modern crossbow here, with a scope. Being a good weapon for very long range, the crossbow is a silent killer. It can stock three bolts at the same time but reloading takes some time. Its a weapon XIII used in a lot of missions where he needed to take out a guard or sneak around without being spotted. The crossbow also works very well against sentry's placed in a tower. The bolt needs to hit the head for a direct kill. It will take two bolts against the chest to kill.
I have chosen for this match to use bodyarmour due to all of the guns used in this battle. The body armour armour covers only the chest and back of Jason Fly and dubbels his health. Niko needs to take out the body armour first to kill or get a headshot. Its a kevlar vest that can be found in the game a lot and helps in keeping health. The spads also wore bodyarmour in the games and Jason would have experience with it before he became agent XIII. Jason can still move very agile while wearing the armour and also does not give in any speed.
The x-factor of Jason is footsteps. He can hear footsteps of opponents, even if they are in another room. Not only can he count how much opponents are in other rooms, he can also see if they are walking towards him or from away. This power really makes it harder to set a ambush for Jason and he can attack at the right moment, the back of the opponent is turned to him.This ability will help in the fight by spotting Niko, even if Niko is hiding behind a door. When Jason himself is hiding, he can spot the right moment when Niko has his back turned to the agent.
I would like to clarify two things. When there are a lot of people close together, the ability won't work very well and Jason cannot differ one set of footsteps from another and does not know if the footsteps are those of Niko or civilians.
The first link is the wikia entry of the game:
The link to the comics if anyone is interested to read into that:
Niko Bellic
The person:A man who lost everything during the Yugoslav wars, Niko turns to America in the hope of a better life, only to become a dangerous man in the underworld.
Niko was born in Eastern Europe, most likely the Balkans. His youth was not that of a normal boy and he experienced things that changed his life forever.
His father was a alcoholic and his brother had died during the Balkan wars, Niko himself fought there as a childsoldier (he in between 13 and 17 years old). In the wars he has driven tanks, was a helicopter pilot and fought as a infantrymen.
During the war, Niko saw and acted in several attrocities, which gave him emotional detachment and a cynical perspective on life. One of the most traumatic events was the moment that his squad (most of which were his boyhood friends) got ambushed by enemy forces and killed. From the group, only him and two others survived. Knowing that one of them had betrayed the group, Niko swore that he would find the culprit and kill him. These two other survivors were Darko Brevic and Florian Cravic.
After the war was over, Niko had trouble finding work and had to deal with the death of his friends. His cousin Roman had already moved to the united states before and had send letters telling how succesfull he was. In his letters Roman told that he lived in a villa, dated supermodels and was a very rich man while in reality, Roman lived in a small apartment and had just enough money to start his own cab company.
Niko traveled to America, to Liberty city and soon got work with his cousin Roman. He helpt out with loansharks and protected his cousin in other ways. Due to the connections of his cousin, Niko got involved with the Russian Maffia.
Niko soon gets more involved in the American underworld and does jobs for several different groups and individual people. Mostly acting as a hitman, Niko did not shy down from other jobs and has done several jobs that include stealing, illigal streetracing and protection both people and valuables.
In that time, he kills a lot of people, some very influencial in the underworld. He does also make a few good friends that he can trust and even gets a girlfriend.
Near the end of the game, Niko finally finds Darko. The man lives a poor life in the us and Niko is not shure if killing the man makes him feel happy. In the end, He still shoots Darko after he finds out that the man sold the group out for only 1000 dollar.
In the last mission, a Russian mobster named Dimitri Rascalov is killed but at the cost of either Roman or his girlfriend Kate McReary. Dimitry is a mobster that has allied himself with a lot of people but also breaks his loyalty in a instance if the needs arises. He has done this to a lot of people, including Niko.
Niko is a man who is hardened by war and seeks revenge no matter the cost, even if others say he should start a new life. Having suffered a war, Niko knows only about killing and most of his jobs in America are centered around that. However, even though he is cool and does not connect very well with others, he still is kind and protective over his family and friends. He has shown this multiple times with Roman and his love interests. He also helps innocent bystanders any way he can.
Niko hates American politics and drugs. He gets enraged when he gets cheated, betrayed or accused of his loyalty. He also has a lot of nerves and has shown to go up against some big groups.
Lastly I would like to add that altough he protects and helps the innocent, in a lot of missions innocent bystanders get killed.
Niko used a lot of weapons during the game and I had to narrow things down to five. I have chosen for five weapons that were used in different ranges to portray him well. I looked at Niko as a member of the American underworld and i have assigned him weapons that would be used by someone in the American underworld. Niko als knew how to use some weapons while driving a car and that will be included in this match. As with his opponent, Niko has got two short range weapons and i will look at the weapons from a game prespective and not from a real life one.
The first short range weapon is the knife. This weapon is a deadly close in and can be used in both cutting and thrusting. The knife can be used to kill a opponent without making much noise and even a armoured opponent gets killed with around four attacks.
The knife was the very first weapon Niko aquired in the game and would stay usefull the whole game to kill someone without police noticing or when a opponents attacks Niko with a melee weapon.
It however has a short range and Niko needs to be close in to his opponent to use it optimal.

The pistol is one of the few weapons that can be used while driving a car and altough the speed and accuracy lower a bit, it is still usefull. \
The glock is the very first fire-power weapon that Niko uses and it can be aquired quickly during the whole game. Most people who carry guns, carry them, including policemen.
During the gta game, Niko can use the pistol to peform executions with the pistol and kill people with style.

Being used with two hands, the smg can be used with one hand but aiming will become more difficult. The few times Niko used the smg with one hand were while he was running and while he was firing the weapon while driving his car.

The AK-47 is used a lot by the better armed criminals and there were a lot of ways that Niko would have gotten one.
The last weapon of Niko will suprise some people since it does not look like a weapon at all. It is one of the things GTA is most famous for, I am talking about the car. There are a lot of different cars in the GTA world and in most of the missions, Niko needs to drive a car.
The cars need to be stolen in order to be used and are used in different ways during combat. Niko can drive away from attacking opponents but he can also drive towards opponents and drive over them. The car is no usual weapon and does not have any ammo at all. A car can be used untill it does not work anymore and when that happens, Niko needs to find another car. The cars differ is speed but every single one of them can kill if a opponent is hit hard enough. So as long as the car drives harder then walking speed, it is enough to kill.
Niko will start off with only one car but when he won't be able to use it anymore, he can aquire another. There are two ways Niko can find another car but both of these take some time. In the first way, Niko breaks the window of a car and unlocks the door from the inside. He then wires the car to start the engine and drive away. With the second way, Niko stops a moving car and forces the driver to step out so he steps in and rights away.
The car is a deadly weapon but a fire can be started in the car and it will explode soon after. When another explosion is near the car, it will explode also and when the car has been hit too much time, it will stop.

The armour does only protect against bullets and will not help against melee weapons, falls or hits from cars.
When used, the armour can be counted as dubbel health and the body armour needs to be taken out first before the chest and back are targets.
Altough it is never officially stated, many other characters suggest that Niko is a sociopath. This because he kills people with certain ease and shows little to no remorse. If Niko is one, it came from the Yugoslav wars.Niko has killed around 80 people and those are named characters. During his missions, he also shows no remorse in killing innocents to reach his targets and I really need to name one of the reasons why GTA is so populair: Killing innocent bystanders in very fun ways.
This will all end in the x-factor of sociopath, when Niko starts killing, he will go on untill his target is dead and not caring on how much innocent bystanders are getting killed in the proces. Note that the x-factor will be activated only when he starts killing and that he is a nice guy when not holding a gun.
As always I have links.
This first link gives information about Niko and will give more info on his bio and the game.
This second link gives more information on the weapons used in GTA IV
And a trailer for GTA IV
Weapon egdes:
Throwing knifes Vs. Knife
- With this first close range weapon, we
compare the throwing knifes with the ordinary knife. The five
throwing knifes are lethal weapons that can be thrown at the opponent
from a close range and can used to stab the opponent with a upperhand
stab. The accuracy of the throwing knife will get less when Jason
gets further away from his opponent but it will still be a great
distraction weapon.
The knife of Niko can be used to both
stab and slash at the opponent and Niko can stab when Jason lies on
the ground.
The throwing knifes have a longer range
and there are five in total so even if one misses, Jason still has
four others left. The combat knife of Niko is better in melee attacks
because it is a longer weapon, has a guard and can be used to block.
However, It will take two good slashed or thrusts to kill Jason with
it while Jason can kill Niko with only one attack aimed at the head.
- When I compare the weapons against
armour, I need to say that the body armour of Jason will help against
the attacks of Niko. That means that when Niko attacks the head, it
will take around two attacks to kill his opponent but if he attacks
the chest, it will take some more attacks.
The body armour of Niko does not help
against the knifes of his opponent and any attack to the head will be
a instant kill. Against the chest however, it will still take two
attacks to kill XIII.
- Then comes the skill. Jason can throw
the throwing knife with a lot of skill from close ranges but the
longer the range, the worse is the accuracy. Jason has shown to be
very good with the throwing knifes and was even able to use them just
after he came concious on a beach. The skill with using this weapon
melee is almost non existent and Jason can only stab downwards with
Niko on the other hand, can use his
knife in melee very well. He uses it in almost the same way as he
uses his weaponless fighting and can another weapon with it. He can
can stab and slash both forward and downwards. Niko is also able to
use kicks in his fighting style.
- In the end, we have two weapons that
each have a advantage over the other. The throwing knifes can be used
from a longer range and are more deadly while the knife of Niko is
better when the two confront each other in melee. So for me to decide
which weapon gets the priority and the edge, I have to look at the
match in total. Since most of the match is a firefight, it means that
close in fighting will be very rare. Niko needs to walk towards Jason
to use the knife, a time in which he is open for attacks. Jason can
just lie low and throw his knifes from hiding, making it hard for
Niko to do anything against the attack. If I combine this information
with the fact that Jason five knifes to use, I can only come to one
When the fight goes melee, Niko will
win more times but melee will be very rare and the throwing knifes
can be used better in this fight.
Edge: Jason Fly
9mm Pistol vs. Glock .22
- Both of them are pistols and both of
them have the same accurate range. Being able to be used on close
range and midrange, these pistols get less accurate, the further away
the user is from the opponent and both weapons take around the same
time to reload.
Apart from that, there are much
differences between these two handguns. The 9mm of Jason Fly stores
13 bullets, it can be equipped with a silencer and Jason can use two
of them at the same time. It lacks however in power and takes two
bullets for a good headshot and even more for a attack to the chest.
Niko does not use a silencer or has two
pistols on him. He can use the pistol from his car, even if that
lowers the accuracy a bit. The attacks of the Glock are also more
powerfull, being able to kill a opponent with a headshot using only
one bullet.
- Before I compare these weapons against
the armour of each other, I will first look at the best range to use
these weapons. That is short to midrange and means that most shots
will be aimed at the heads. If I look at that, Niko can peform a
killshot with only one bullet while Jason has two fire two bullets to
the head for a kill. He compensates for it when he uses two pistols
at the same time but that will not always be the case.
Now I will look at the armour. Both
sets of armour will hold against the pistols and it will take some
time before the armour is penetrated and the two warriors can start
and go killing.
Now, if the 9mm has more trouble with
shots to the head then the glock, attacks to the torso will become
even harder. It takes two/three shots to the chest to kill a opponent
and if we look at the armour, this will be doubled, meaning that it
will take four to six shots to kill Jason Fly with the glock.
As for the 9mm pistol, it will take
around 4 shots to the chest to kill someone and when that someone has
armour, it takes around 8 shots. This means that when both warriors
wear armour, Jason will have more trouble killing then Niko has.
- Now for the skill. Both warriors are
skilled since both of them have a army background. When Jason uses
two pistols, his skill is slightly off and the same goes for Niko
when he uses the glock from his car. In the end, they are evenly
matched in skill.
- For the total comparison, I admit that
this is not a real contest. The 9mm has its advantages such as the
silencer and the dual wielding. Both are very important for Jason
because the silencer allows him to sneak around and even if he misses
a shot, the chance is that Niko does not know that he is near. The
dual wielding will help deal with the fact that the 9 mm is less
However, the fact that you need two
pistols to do a job that your opponent can do with only one means
something. The glock is just more powerfull and if you combine that
with the fact that it has more ammo and can be used from a car, makes
it a more dangerous weapon.
When the two of them have only one
pistol and are shooting at each other, Jason will have a higher
chance of getting killed and even when he manages to survive, he will
run out of ammo earlier.
Edge: Niko Bellic
Uzi Vs. Smg
- Two semi automatic weapons are tested
here against each other. Apart from the fact that both weapons are
semi automatic and have around the same range, both weapons differ a
lot from each other.
The uzi has a 32 bullet clip, can be
equiped with a silencer and can be dual wielded. It fires its rounds
in bursts and have slightly more power then the smg. The smg can be
used with one hand and with two hands but when used with two hands,
it can be aimed better. It stores 30 bullets and it fires
automaticly. It can also be used while driving a car. It also has a
bit of a slower reload time then the uzi.
- If I look at the weapons versus armour,
I will look first at the head again. Both weapons will peform a
instant kill when shooting at the head, however, the head proves a
hard target to reach. Both of them will be able to kill a armoured
easily. However, due to the fact that the uzi fires in bursts, it
will take somewhat longer to kill with it then with the smg. This
difference is not much and would only be a matter of seconds. The
stronger bullets of the uzi matters little in this gunfight.
- Now i take a look at skill and I can
see that both warriors are skilled with their weapons. However, both
weapons are a bit inaccurate. The use of another uzi makes the skill
worse and the same goes for the smg firing from the car.
Both weapons are a bit inaccurate but
with the smg, this can be repaired by using a small scope. This means
that it will get some of the accuracy back and the head becomes a
even more likely target.
- For the final decision, I have to
tell which of these two dangerous weapons gets the edge over the
other. The uzi has all of the advantages of a pistol; It can be dual
wielded and equiped with a silencer. It also has two more bullets
then the smg. The smg on the other hand can be used from inside a car
and can be aimed better. It also fires the bullets automaticly.
This decision is harder then it looks,
mostly because both weapons have a lot of advantages and will be used
very well in this fight.
There are two small differences between
these two weapons that gives for me the egde. The first one is that
the smg can aim slightly better and can fire rounds to the head more
accurate. The second is the fact that the uzi fires in bursts. This
is a good thing to save on bullets but when your opponent can keep on
firing while you have to pause in between, you have a problem.
Edge: Niko Bellic
Assault rifle Vs. AK 47
- Both have a ammo capacity of 30 bullets
and both fire these bullets automaticly. Both long range weapons are
very deadly and can kill someone if mere seconds. Both take some time
to reload their weapons after firing them and both are very accurate.
The assault rifle has one advantage
that the ak does not have. It has a grenade launching tube under the
barrel that can fire three small grenades at the opponent. The ak on
the other hand has the small advantage of better aiming.
- When I look at armour, I can say again
that if both hit the head, it will be a instant kill. However,
hitting the head might prove a bit harder because of the range. The
chest is a better area to fire upon and both weapons will kill a
armoured opponent in around 10 seconds. So altough it will take a bit
longer to kill a armoured opponent, the armour matters little and
both weapons are up to the task.
The assault rifle does have his small
grenades ofcourse and when these explode near Niko, the man will die.
The explosion will rip away armour and kill in one move.
- Now for the skill. Both warriors have a
lot of skill with their weapons and know how to use it very well.
Jason has shown his ability with this weapon during his time by the
spads and Niko has shown his ability in the underworld. Again, Niko
can aim a slightly bit better using his scope and may hit the target
slightly more often.
- For my final decision, I have two
weapons that are equal in almost all ways. They fire both have 30
rounds, they both can kill in mere seconds and they both are
reliable. The assault rifle has his small grenades as a extra while
the AK has a better will hit more lethal areas.
The grenades are for me the reason to
give the edge to the assault rifle. Not only can it kill Bellic
rather easy, it can also transform the car of Bellic in one huge
Edge: Jason Fly
Crossbow Vs. Car
- A contest between two very different
weapons, with very different uses.
The crossbow is a silent sniper weapon.
It can fire three bolts at a time and can use a sniperscope to pick
out the head of the opponent. However, it takes two to three bolts to
kill when the bolts hit the chest and reloading takes very long. Also
when Jason is aiming, he is open to any counterattack.
The car can be used to run over a
opponent of drive away when it becomes too hot under the feet of
Niko. It will be some sort of armour since it can take bullets untill
it starts to fire/explode and I have already talked about the weapons
that can be used from inside the car.
When the car is on fire Niko can drive
hard towards his target and jump out of it so the opponent gets blown
away instead of him. However, when Jason keeps firing the weapon or
uses the grenade, Niko himself will be blown away and the car can
just stop working if it has endured too much bullets. Altough he has
a lot of speed with his car, Niko lacks agility and the car cannot
move around as well. Also, it can not follow into small area's and
when the car overturns, Niko has a problem.
Both of them have their uses and both
of them have their disadvantages.
- When I compare the crossbow bolts to
the armour, I first need to specify that due to the sniperscope, the
bolts will hit the head most of the time. One headshot is one kill.
It will take two to three bolts to kill a unarmoured opponent when
the arrows hit the chest. This means that Jason cannot hit the chest
and kill a armoured opponent without reloading. Since the reloading
takes some time, it is better not to hit the chest.
The car negates any armour and a good
hit with the car will kill Jason without the armour being damaged.
Instead, it gives some armour itself.
However, the downside ofcourse is that
when the car explodes when Niko is inside of it, he will be blown to
little pieces himself.
- As for skill. Jason has shown to be
very skilled with the crossbow and has proven to use this silent
killer very effecive. XIII has killed enemy's over very large
distances or up guardtowers without anyone noticing it. He can attack
Niko without the eastern European man even noticing it or seeing
The car does not need skill to hit a
opponent but Niko has shown to be very good at driving cars. If it
was following others, killing people in other cars, Fleeying from
others or simply win a race, he has shown to be capable of it.
- Now, for the final edge, I have two
different yet lethal weapons. In short, the crossbow is a silent
killer and can take out Niko without him realising there is danger
but the car gives protection from almost all the weapons, excluding
the crossbow and the grenade. The car is a loud weapon and Jason will
be able to hear it coming and might escape.
Even though these two weapons are
completely different, they are matched very well and will both be
used in a diffent way. My egde goes to the car because even if it can
turn against the user, It does have enough uses to be considered very
dangerous and and will be slightly more effective then the crossbow
as weapon and tool.
Edge: Niko Bellic
The fight:
'Ready' Jason asked the African
American woman next to him. 'Ofcourse' she spoke as she nodded. The
two of them lay on the roof of a storagebuilding. Jason Fly had
finally gotten information about the Mongoose and now knew that a
rising star of the underworld was going to meet this mysterieus
The plan was simple, Jason and Major
Jones would take out this person and Jason would visit the Mongoose
If everything would go according to
plan, they would know the name of number one by nightfall.
The cia had provided evidence that this
European man would ride around this part of town soon and Jason had
to act fast. He had his crossbow in hand while Major Jones was
holding his assault rifle to provide covering fire if needed.
'Hold on' Jason spoke softly. 'They are
coming' He said while he saw the licence plate through the scope.
'I don't know why I should be coming
with you. I do not like that guy, he is scary' Roman spoke. 'Aw shut
up cousin. You have met this Mongoose, I have not' Niko spoke. The
two cousins were arguing almost the whole ride and it was driving
Niko insane. 'Let me tune in the radio' Niko spoke and he turned on
some nice relaxing music.
As the two of them drove towards their
destination, the eyes of Niko suddenly widened. 'Duck!' He yelled out
as he stopped the car and took cover himself.
Both men ducked and seconds later, a
bolt flew through the side window and stopped in the door on the
passenger side.
Another bolt flew towards them and it
rammed itself in the side of the car. 'What is happening Niko?' Roman
asked. 'We are under fucking attack' The man spoke. 'Do you still
have that pistol I gave you?' Niko asked. 'Yes, yes' his cousin
replied. 'Use it when you need it.'
Niko took his smg and fired at the spot
the two bolts had come from and his attack was answered soon after as
bullets flew at the two in the car. All around them, people started
screaming and shouting as people sought for cover for this sudden
'Drive Niko, Drive.' The now panicking
Roman yelled. Niko agreed that this was the best course of action but
after moving the car, he noticed that the tires were flat and the
sentinel they were driving hit another car on the side of the road.
'Cousin, run!' Niko yelled as he fired his weapon at his opponent.
Roman stepped out of the car and fired his pistol as he was running
away. Niko quickly did the same thing but ran the other way.
'They are running' major Jones spoke.
The two had destroyed the tires after the crossbow had failed to
succeed. This had stopped the car but the two men had started running
now. 'You go left and I will go right.' Jason spoke to his friend.
She nodded and soon left while Jason himself put his crossbow away
and headed after one of the two men.
Holding one of his throwing knifes on
ready, he soon saw the man he was after and walked with a steady pace
towards his victim.
Roman, knowing that someone was
following him, started running. Not turning around to see, he jumped
into a small alley and it was only when he saw that the alley was
dead ending that he turned around to fire his weapon.
Jason saw how the man was turning
around, with a pistil drawn and Jason quickly threw his knife at the
man. The knife entered the throat of Roman and ended his life
quickly. Roman fell against a wall and Jason fired his 9mm with
silencer, making shure the man was dead. Time to find the second man.
Niko ran from the woman. It did not
happen often that he fled from a woman but when she was holding a
uzi, he had little choise. The uzi rattled again and Niko ducked
behind a car to avoid the weapon. He fired his glock pistol, which
gave him some space to move. Firing his pistol while driving, major
Jones got hit in the left leg before she could return fire. The
musclecar then hit the woman in the head and Niko drove over her.
He then fired his pistol at the overrun
body, making shure she was dead.
With the woman dead, Niko drove away.
When he was safe, he took his cellphone and dialed the number of
Roman. Roman did not answer and this worried Niko because he knew
that his cousin was not a fighter.
He drove his car the way he came from
when he suddenly saw the man who had fired the crossbow. 'piece of
shit' Niko spoke under his breath as he started his car. He then
raced towards the man.
Jason saw the car heading towards him
and he realised that his last opponent was in it. He grabbed his two
uzi's and started firing them at the car while he ran towards a long
The car crashed against a brick wall
and Niko stepped out.
He drew his knife and headed into the
long alley.
Jason noticed the footsteps and knew
that his target was coming close to him. Holding his pistol, number
XIII was ready strike as soon as his opponent would turn his back.
Jason then saw the footsteps walk away and took his chance. The
bullet flew at the back of Niko and when he was hit, he turned
around. He body armour had saved him. Knowing that his knife would
not help much against a firearm, Niko put it away and grabbed his
smg. As soon as he had his semi-automatic weapon, he fired it at his
opponent and Jason had to duck away behind a thrash can. His armour
had taken several bullets and Jason would fight fire with fire.
Holding his two uzi's again, Jason used his weapons.
After Niko had ran out of ammo, he did
not bother to relead but switched to his ak47 directly and used it to
give himself space. Walking backwards while firing, he turned around
the corner, opened the door of a flatbuilding and ran up the stairs
while he reloaded.
As soon as his opponent had gone around
the corner, Jason had taken his assault rifle and ran after his
opponent. He walked through the open door but soon got attacked by
speeding bullets of the ak. He stepped out of the door again and fell
the pain of the bullets. His armour had stopped working. As soon as
the bullets stopped, Jason walked into the house again and fired his
own weapon up the stairs.
Niko fired some more bullets down the
stairs and kicked open the door to his right. A woman screamed and he
shot her quickly to silence her. The man who sat in the living room
met the same fate as Niko looked around to find a way out. He saw a
fire-escape on the balcony and realised that this was his chance to
escape his attacker.
Running towards the balcony, a spray
bullets hit him and he ran into the bedroom. His body armour had
given in and he felt the bullets in his lower back. Taking a deep
breath, Niko fired his ak at his opponent, who walked back into the
kitche. He could hear the police arriving now and knew he had to be
quick. He ran towards the balconony and as soon as he arrived there,
he climbed the fire-escape.
After being forced in the kitchen,
Jason saw how his opponent ran to the the balcony and down a
fire-escape. Hurrying after him, Jason saw how his opponent smashed
the window of a car and stepped in. Before the man had a chance to
get the car started, Jason fired a small grenade from a tube under
his barrel. When the grenade hit the car, a huge explosion lifted the
vehicle in the air a feet and it as it landed, it slowly burned out.
There was no way the man could have survived that.
'Police, drop your weapon' A sound came
behind him. Jason sighted and dropped his assault rifle. He then
lifted his hands up in the air, shure that General Carrington would
get him out soon enough.
Winner: Jason Fly
This was a tough battle between two
dangerous men. Both of them were very lethal and the killdifference
would be between 50 kills.
Altough Niko Bellic had the more edges,
I still feel that Jason Fly would win the match because of three
reasons. The first reason is his ability to notice the footsteps of
his opponent. This does not only help in making traps, but it also
helps in avoiding the traps of his opponent.
The second reason is the fact that
Jason can attack without making a sound because of his four silent
weapons. When your opponent does not know that you are there, it
makes killing a lot more easy. The last reason or should i say
reasons, are the grenades. They can kill with ease and and turn one
of Niko's most usefull weapons (his car) against himself.
As I said, this would be a close match
and Niko had some dangerous tools of destruction. His car would
really be a great asset in this fight since it would give him
protection while he could attack his opponent out in the open and he
could run over opponent. Another weapon that would be deadly is his
smg. A small but handy weapon that can be used all sorts of different
ways to kill.
I was going to put Thor against Raiden for my next match. However, Thor is that much overpowered, it would not be fair as he would crush Raiden with ease. This leaves a blank spot in my matches and I do not know yet who can replace them. I do have a special announcement planned and will have that one up soon. I hope I have my next match ready to present to you guys!
Brilliant start man, great way to begin :D Awesome videos and gameplay. That game XIII looks pretty sweet :D I may need to give it a try.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenaNd by the way, my latest match has all the testing done, i just need to put in the simulation.
Hey man I am really loving this match!Its to late to give edges here, but my overall prediction goes to jason Fry. He just seems like the more skilled opponent from what I have read about him
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHey man, this is a great start here! Sorry that I'm a little late to comment.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThese two look very evenly matched. I'm not really sure who will win, but I'll give a slight edge to Fly due to his government training.
Great fight, great fight overall. For a modern battle I'd say that you did a very good job with this. With a little practice you could be a master of gunfights.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreat fight and great conclusion :D With all the driveby shootings and blastings and running people over.
I Believe that assault rifle Jason uses is the M-16.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis battle was really good, I liked how you included Roman and Major, it was a nice touch to see the sidekicks join the battle!The ending was a nice touch with the car bomb, as well as Niko going crazy and running over people!
Jason Fly all the way. I just played XIII and it brought me to this blog. Fly is even more awesome than James Bond (a dead franchise since 2006) because he was too skilled for a regular operative. And thus, a character is as interesting as the opponent is. The game's story was very-well written, I actually rate it 5 out of 5.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthank you michael.
BeantwoordenVerwijderendo you know that there has recently been a french/canadian mini serie made about jason fly. also there are the comics, which are the basis of the game
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BeantwoordenVerwijderenNiko fired some more bullets down the stairs and kicked open the door to his right. A woman screamed and he shot her quickly to silence her. The man who sat in the living room met the same fate as Niko looked around to find a way out. He saw a fire-escape on the balcony and realised that this was his chance to escape his attacker.