woensdag 13 juli 2011

Batman Vs. Sub-Zero

Welcome to our fightclub After having done a lot of historical warriors, we will now use warriors from universes different then our own. The same rules, the same tests and the same computersimulation but with different warriors and different weapons.

Welcome to Deadliest warrior!
In our fightclub we have our old faces of Geoff Desmoulin, the karate blackbelt and biomedical scientist.
 Doctor Armand Dorian, Trauma doctor and Medical expert and finally Max Geiger, our very own computer expert who will input the data and give us our simulations.

Today on the show, we have two iconic warriors. Two warriors with special tools to get the job done. 
From the DC Universe, we have the man who protects Gotham City against all the lunatics, using equipment and scaretactics. We have Batman

As a child the parents of Bruce Wayne got murdered. The young biljonaire trained himself and used the his compagny Wayne enterprises to develop high tech gadgets to take the mantle of the bat and fight crime to become the fear of all criminals and the one who cannot be corrupted in a corrupt city.

His opponent is an icy killer who fights in Mortal Kombat. His name is Sub-Zero.
Sub-Zero was born as Kuai Liang, an Chinese American boy with cryomancer blood. Together with his brother Bi-Han, he was trained by the Lin Kuei, an old Chinese group of assasins. During the first mortal kombat, his brother Bi-Han and the original Sub-Zero got slain and Kuai Liang took the mantle of Sub-Zero, eventually gaining the leadership of the Lin Kuei.

Both of the warriors bring an arsenal of deadly weapons that they will use in this fight between life and death and an team of Experts to test them. Th experts have either worked alongside these warriors and against them. They know how tough these two combatants are.

The weapons Batman will be using are his martial art skills, stungun, his Batarangs and his famous utilitybelt. His armour is the batsuit, an kevlar suit with all different gadgets build in. To test these t]weapons we have two experts.
The first expert is the first Robin. He had shown himself to be such a great leader as his master and an one man army. Here is Nightwing! An young man with black hair and a black and blue jumpsuit appeared. 

'Batman was the best and I was one of the few that got a training from him. He was the one who was able to beat superman. That is an deadly warrior.' He spoke with an dark and whispering voice.
The second expert is an parttime thief, parttime hero and parttime love interest of Batman, here is Catwoman! An woman fully clothed in leather and with an catlike appearence appeard on screen. 

'Batman will crush any opponent. His mind does not work as you would think. He is an detective after all and he will use his gadgets to deafeat any opponent.'

Sub-Zero also has an arsenal of deadly weapons and two experts to test them. His weapons are his martial art skills, his kori blade, the icebeam and finally his dragon medaillion.
The first Expert is named Frost. Frost is also from the race of cryomancers and has trained under Sub-Zero for years. An woman showes up with with skin, blue clothes, an mask for her mouth and icy blue hair. 

 'There is an reason why Sub-Zero is grandmaster of the Lin Kuai' He spoke. 'He will freeze anyone who stands in his face.' she finished.
The second expert is an long time nemesis of Sub-Zero and an Netherrealm spectre. Here is Scorpion. Scorpion walked up to the testing table with his head held high. He wore an black shirt, with yellow bands that covered his chest. He also had an black with yellow mask that covered all of his face but his eyes, which were white. He finally had an chain wrapped around him and two swords on his back. 

' In mortal kombat you never know who your friends are. It is only battle you know and battle you do. Sub-Zero knows that and he is one of the best. He killed me after all.' He said with a fury in his voice.

After the experts have boased their warriors, it is for the hosts to see which warrior will win according to them.  Max started off. 'Well Batman is pretty awesome and his style is incredible. He is a normal human that can compeet with superhumans. He is an dangerous foe. I'm going to say hi to Catwoman now, excuse me.' 
Then it was the turn off Armand Dorian. 'Sub-Zero has the ability to freeze an opponent, which gives him free hits. And as the old proverb goes

Finally Geoff gave his opinion.
'I don't know. Batman really is an dark knight but Sub-Zero brings years of deadly training and fighting in the mortal kombat tournament to the ring. I think that because of the fact that Sub-Zero actually killed and Batman did not, Sub-Zero will get en egde.

And for the first test, we will test two iconic weapons of these warriors.

Batman's Batarangs, batshaped objects of destruction.

Will face off against Sub-Zero's icebeam. An attack that leaves you out cold. 

First off is Team Batman to show off the batarang.
Nightwing walked up to the three hosts with the gadget in hand. 'Gentlemen, This is an batarang' He said as he gave the object to Geoff. 'Usually meant to take out armed opponents. Apart from the normal batarangs, there are also batarangs that explode. The explosion is small enough not to hit bystanders  but big enough to either kill or blow walls away. They can also function to distract and when an bad guy sees this thing flying through the room, he knows he is in trouble.' Nightwing spoke.

To test the batarang, the team has set up four targets. Four mannequins that looks like real humans. It is to Nightwing to throw  four batarangs to show the lethality
Nightwing walked up to the line from which he would throw them and after the count  of Geoff, he started throwing. The first one slashed the hand of one of the mannequins. The second one hit the chest of one of the mannequins. Then an batarang inpaled an eye and the last one got stuck in the neck.
After Nightwing was done throwing, the doctor looked at the damage. 'Damn accurate' Geoff commented The proudness of Nightwing was over rather quickly as the doctor started speaking. 'Altough this looks impressive, it is not that impressive. The first hit in the hand was a minor slash. Enough to maybe knock the weapons out of the hand, but that is it. The hit in the chest is not deep enough to hit any vital organs. This is not a deathblow. The batarang in the eye, idem dito. It will blind the eye, but that is it. The only kill I see is the one in the neck, altough it would have been better if the throat was hit.' From the four mannequins, there is only one kill. To test this weapon further, an explosive batarang will be tested against an gell torso.
After everything had been set up, Nightwing threw his projectile. The batarang rolled through the air and hit the dummy in the throat. A few seconds later, it exploded, taking half of the face of the dummie with it.
This time Doctor Dorian could say that it was in fact an killingblow. 'you see that the strike would kill, but the explosion took half of the face with it. That is an kill' He explained. 'But it took some seconds before the batarang blew op.' Max said. 'Precious seconds.' 'That is right doc.' Was the comment of Frost. 'In these seconds, sifu Sub-Zero would freeze that little boomerang of yours. No explosion.' 'Can you do better?' Catwoman said mockingly. 'Yes, little kitty. With my eyes closed.' Was the comment of the cryomancer. 

'I have no nice thingies to show you guys' she said to the hosts. 'I do have this' as she spoke, a little ball of ice formed in her hand. 'Sounds interesting' Geoff said. 'To test this, you have to freeze an gell dummy.' He explained.
A few minutes later, Frost stood in front of an gell torso. 'Three, two, one. Freeze.' Geoff yelled. Frost took a deep breath and shot an blue and white beam from her hands. The beam hit the dummy and froze it on inpact. 
'I can be quick on this' Armand Dorian spoke. 'You froze it. The damage that is done is minimal and if you hit it once, the opponent will break out of the ice. The same will happen if you wait too long.'   

Finally the three hosts came together to discuss which weapon got the egde. 'I like the icebeam because you can freeze your opponent and have a free hit to kill.'  Max said. 'That is true, but batarangs can kill' Geoff said. 'I agree with Geoff, was the comment of Armand. 
The edge goes to the batarangs.

The next match up will test the martial art skills of both warriors. Both Batman and Sub-Zero relied heavily on  unarmed combat. 
Both Nightwing and Scorpion walked up to the three hosts. For the second time in Deadliest warrior history, the test wil be done on a human being. This human being is named Geoff. Geoff will be wearing protective gear and spar with both combatants to see which way of fighting is superior to the other. 'First off on the mat is Nightwing.

'Nightwing. This test will be in three parts. First we fight to see the style of fighting, then I will attack with an weapon and finally, you will show an special move.' Nightwing said yes with his dark voice and Geoff started attacking. With every attack that Geoff tried, he ended up the ground. The fighting style of Batman is on the defence, which means that he willl not give the first blow but redirect attacks and turns them around. 
After several minutes, it was time for the second stage. 'Now I will attack you with an item that muggers mostly use, an crowbar.' Geoff said as he took the crowbar from an employee. Nightwing watched the Canadian man and as soon as Geoff attacked, Nightwing whipped his cape around the hand holding the crowbar and threw Geoff on the mat. For the final stage of the testing, Nightwing used an grappling hook to get to the ceiling. As he was there,  he jumped off and used his cape to glide down, hitting the head and shoulders off Geoff who got knocked over. 

Scorpion was next to show off the fighting style of Sub-Zero. As soon as Geoff stood in the ring, Scorpion jumped towards him and started attacking the host. When the minutes were done, Geoff quicly took some water and had Armand check if everything was okay. 'In mortal kombat, we value the first strike'  Scorpion said.
When the doctor was done checking Geoff out, they continued. 
Geoff would attack Scorpion with a sword. As Geoff attacked, Scorpion simply blocked the attack by holding his arm in front of his body. 'That must hurt.' Max yelled out. 'A bit' Scorpion said. 
For the final attack, it was the turn of Frost. Geoff came running towards her and she glided over the mat, shoulderbashing Geoff. 

The three hosts put their heads together and discussed the winner. After they were done, the bruised Geoff explained their decision. 'The egde goes to Batman. In our opinion, the ability to use the attack of the opponent will guide all the attacks of Sub-Zero, also if you look at the other two stages of the tests, Batman has the least chance to get hit himself. Therefore, the egde.' 

With two tests done and two tests to go, two of the experts got into an heated discussion. 'Batman has encountered several of the most evil men on earth. The joker, Rhaz Al Ghul, Bane, the Riddler, Two-face. He even encountered someone using ice as a weapon, named Mr. Freeze.' Catwoman spoke. Frost laughed out hard. 'Sub-Zero does not use a gun that can be knocked out of his hand. He won against cyberwarriors and became leader of the Lin kuay. He even took on an army of tarkatan warriors, all alone.' She said. 'Whatever' was the comment of Catwoman. As soon as she turned tail, Frost froze the flour under her and as she started walking, she slipped and fell. 'You... Bi' Catwoman yelled as she saw the other woman laughing. She slashed her opponent in the face and took her whip. As she tried to whip her opponent, Frost used the ice on her feet to slide away and the whip hit Scorpion. The spectre threw his chain with kunai at the female. Catwoman jumped away and the kunai hit Nightwing. 'Get over here!' Scorpion yelled. As Nightwing was pulled towards Scorpion, Scorpion peformed an flipkick that pushed the old sidekick into a rack with weapons. Catwoman jumped into action and attacked Scorpion. Frost created two icedaggers and jumped into action. Before she could use them, Nightwing came in with an flying kick, sending Frost backwards. He had drawn his own escrima sticks and and after a short clash of weapons, Nightwing broke the icedaggers and sweeped his opponent, who tumbled on the ground. 
In the battle of the two others Scorpion was on the offence, kicking his female opponent in the stumach. He then disappeared and appeared miliseconds later behind her, hitting her back with his burning fist. Catwoman fell to the ground and as Scorpion pulled her up with one hand, he pulled his mask off with the other. This revealed his true face, an burning skull. The men let the woman go and everyone returned to their own corner. Max headed towards Catwoman to check if she was okay but he was pushed aside rather quick by that same woman.
'Listen up!' Geoff began. 'I prefer the fighting to be verbal. Let the tests decide who is best.' He finished. 

'The next test, is an test of weapons. We will test the stungun of batman 

against the kori blade of Sub-Zero.

Which of those two weapons is more deadly?

Catwoman walked up to the host. Max blushed visible. 'The stungun. An weapon batman used when he wanted to take an opponent down quick. One shock with this thing and the opponent will go down.' She said with a smile. 'Also an usefull tool for breaking in' she added softly.
'Catwoman. It is your job to hit the dummy with the shockers of the dummy. You see some measuringstrips on this dummy, Max can read the readings on his computer and tell how much electricity will be in this attack. I will be able to tell what will happen to such a person then. Do you understand?' Geoff spoke. 
'Hahaha' Catwoman laughed and walked towards the dummy. 'Iceprinses, watch and learn' she spoke. She then walked towards the dummy. Max notted that he was ready and Geof gave the countdown. 'Three, two, one. Zap him' he yelled. Catwoman fired and several cords rained down from the gun, hitting the dummy. When she was done, she walked up to Geoff to get the results. 'And?' she asked. 'The attack was not lethal.' Geoff stated. 'But the attack would knock Sub-Zero unconcious'  Max said quickly. 

Frost was next and showed off an sword made of ice.
'I am sorry to say that you cannot hold this weapon.It is way to cold for that' She spoke 'Sub-Zero and I can take the coldness, we are immune for cold.'  she explained.
'Sub-Zero created the sword ouf of the moisture in the air. It is an powerful weapon that can cut and thrust. Sub-Zero also showed off the abilitie to impale.' She said. 'That is nice. But ice can break'  was the comment of the woman in catsuit. 'Yes it can'  Frost said. 'Then the opponent has shards of ice in his body and Sub-Zero will just repair it, using his iceskills.' the bluehaired woman was not impressed. 
Before the situation could go out of hand, Geoff suggested to start testing.
Frost stood before an pig carcass that would be her opponent. Geoff counted and she started slashing ripping the carcass to pieces. It took two slashes to get through the carcass and after some more injuries, Frost impaled the carcass. 
Doctor Dorian watched he destruction the sword had created and came to his conclusion. 'This pig is dead. You ripped it apart. You showed how multifunctional this weapon is.' Geoff agreed with him.

Which one will get the egde, the hosts cannot agree. 'I think that the sword would need the egde. You guys know how I love multifunctionality in weapons.' Geoff said. 'Well i am for the stungun' was the answer of Max. 'You can really control your opponent with one attack and finish him off quickly.' He spoke in his own defence. 'I agree with Geoff' Armand said. 'Even if the attack does not outright kill you, you still have a chance of icecold shards in your body. That is not a nice way to go' 
With two against one, the egde goes to the kori blade of Sub-Zero.

With the final test in sight, both teams will show off their most important items. Items that they used during their battles and to great effiency. 
It will be a test between the utilitybelt of Batman. An swiss knife in belt format. Batman is able to store a lot of gadgets in it, from flashbangs and smokebombs to kryptonite.
against Sub-Zero's dragon medaillion. The medaillion that only the grand master of the Lin Kuai clan were allowed to carry. This juwelry enhances the powers of the user. 
Nightwing walked towards the trio with the belt in hand. 'What can you tell us about it?'  max asked. 
'This is the famous Batman utilitybelt' the masked man responded. 'the belt itself is not so much of a weapon but it can store a lot of stuff. It has batarangs, smokebombs, flashbangs, explosives, a rebreather, a grapplinghook and even an piece of kryptonite, given by Superman, in case that guy turns rogue.' He explained. ' 'How do we test it' was the question of Geoff.
'I can show you the abilities of the smoke grenade, the flashbang and the grappling hook' Nightwing suggested. 'Shure' was the response of the three hosts.

Before the test was to begin, outside in the desert, it was for team Sub-Zero to show of their item. 'This is the dragon medaillion' Frost said with a smile. 'Altough it looks ordinary, it is not. This thing is property of the grandmaster. Hold this item and you are in charge.' she said. 'I only got this with me, just for the test. Have to give it back as soon as the test is done.' she explained. 'But what does it do?' was the question of the doctor in his white labcoat. 'The medaillon charges the power of the martial art skills and the abilities to control ice.' She explained. 'While holding it, Sub-Zero can create an nugget from ice to drop down on the opponent, he can create an ice clone of himself to take attacks, with the plusside that anyone who touches it, will freeze and he can touch an opponent who will freeze.' 'That is icy' was the comment of the computer geek of the show.
'But every powerfull weapons has his bad sides, the medaillon has one too. If someone is not powerfull enough, the abilities will backfire and work in his disadvantage.' She said. 'i know, i have found out the hard way' she added with a soft and painful tone. 'i fully froze.' 'Great, an weapon that will benefit us, this battle is becoming more easy with the minute.' Catwoman spoke. 'NO!' Frost yelled an instant later. 'Sub-Zero is powerfull enough to use it safely and without any consequenses whatsoever. He has proven it over and over again.'  'But... How are we going to test this weapon if you are not powerfull enough to use it?' Was the question of Max, waiting for the announcement for a third tester. Nobody came and Frost explained that she has trained enough to use it without any trouble. 

Outside in the desert, the hosts, the crew and the experts are watching two testing grounds. For the first, there is an platform in the air, with no way reaching it, only a legde that noboy cannot reach from the ground. 
'Robin' Geoff spoke. 'Dude, the name is Nightwing. NI-GHT-Wi-NG'  Nightwing said with an angry face. 'Okay, okay sorry Nightwing' Geoff said with a blush. 'Anyhow, Nightwing. You have to unleash an gasgrenade and while the gas surrounds the area, you have to shoot the hook at the legde, get on the platform and throw the flashbang on the other side. We will time it and see if its of any use in actual combat.' Max spoke.
'Three, two, one. Go at it.' Geoff yelled. Nightwing took his weapon to create an smokescreen from his utilitybelt and threw it. Within seconds, he was invisible due to the smoke. An hook appeared out of the mist of smoke and then the warrior flew in the air. He landed on the platform with ease and threw his flashbang. Geoff stopped the timer and when it was okay to look, he walked up to the platform from which the ex-Robin glided using his cape.
'Nightwing' Geoff said. Pronouncing the name of the expert extra clear. 'We clocked you on ten seconds allround.' 'Nice' was the comment. 

To test the skill of the dragonmedallion, the team has set up a parcours. The parcours was made of wood and had three dummies. Two stationary and one on wheels. 'Freeze them' Geoff said. Frost nodded as the rules were explained to her already. As soon as Geoff gave the comment, she headed towards the first dummy, who got frozen by the hands of Frost. The next dummy had to watch as Frost created an nugget of ice over his head and as it fell down, it landed on the head, knocking the dummy over. The last dummy raced towards Frost, but just before it could hit the cool woman, she jumped backwards and left an replica of herself of ice that got hit by the dummy. Freezing it.
'22 seconds' Geoff said. Double the time of your opponent. 

The three hosts talked about who would get the egde, while drinking an coke. I'm going with the belt' Max spoke after he saw Catwoman winking at him. 'Nahh, the ice can actually kill' was the comment of the doc. Finally Geoff gave his opinion. 'The belt is the dream of every man and the icenugget was very useless. it took too long, the user is free to be attacked and as soon as the bat sidesteps, its useless.' 
For special, the egde goes the the utilitybelt.

With all the weapons tested. There is only one thing left to evaluate. An X-factor that cannot be measured by an computer but enhances the power of the user. 

For the caped crusader, his X-factor is the fear he creates in the mind of his opponents. Every villain in Gotham and beyond is afraid for him. Next to that, he has an mind of an military mastermind, using his abilities to overcome opponents greater then himself.

'Batman inspires fear into everyone. He will make you pee your pants in seven colours and then strike.' Catwoman said. 'I heard that some clown is not afraid of your guy in batsuit' Scorpion said taunting. 
'The joker is different' Nightwing helped his co-expert. 'He is insane and does not fear a thing. the feargas proved useless when scarecrow tried it.' he spoke. 
Catwoman, not wanting to stay behind in Batman logic tried an different approach. 'Batman was an very calculating man, leaving nothing to odds.
To give an example, he has written down every power and weakness of all the members of the justice leage. In case they turn rogue. He keeps everything organised and knows every strategy ever used by heart.' she said.

'That is nothing' Frost spoke. Sub-Zero fights in mortal kombat. He fights every single day an duel between life and death. He has beaten a lot of opponents and mortal kombat fans all around agree. He is terrible hard to beat. He took one an whole armie of Tarkatan on his own and lived ' Frost explained.
'Plus, he finishes his fights in style. Mortal kombat style' The netherrealm warrior added. 

after some discussion, the DW teams has decided to test two fatilities, just because it is awesome. These will not be added to the numbers. 

'These attacks can be peformed when the opponent is beaten.'Scorpion said as he walked towards an gell dummy, wearing the cowl of the bat. He grabbed the neck and pulled both the head and spine from the body.
Scorpion then threw it at the feet of the Batman experts. As he walked away, it was the turn of Frost to show off what she could do with an exact copy of the last one. As she froze it, she spoke to the crew. 'I can pull the head off and throw it at the body, shattering both. I can throw an ball of ice to shatter it, if this thing had legs, I would freeze only legs, sweep them away and as the opponent tries to crawl away using his arms, he will die.
But i will just push it.'  As she was done speaking, she simply pushed the frozen dummy backwards, shattering it as it hits the ground. She made a little bow and walked away. 
Doctor D came walking towards the dummies and saw he had no need for the gloves. 'The first one is dead and spineless. The other is a puzzlemaster's fantasy. 
Team Batman tried to look not impressed but failed hard. 

With everything measured and the computer filled with information, max hit the screen to see who would win. The dark knight or the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.

Dusk had fallen over the street, with only a few cars, trashcans and buildings. Batman was walking over the street, in search for mr. Freeze. Somehow, the opponent of Batman had frozen several bystanders without using his gun. As the dark knight saw someone heading for him, he saw that this was someone else. It was a man he had once seen in an distant world, the man used ice also as a weapon, but was more brutal then Mr. Freeze. 
As Batman thought about taking it out the opponent, an beam of ice speeded towards the bat. Batman jumped out of the way and the beam hit an car, freezing it. 

Sub-Zero walked over the empty streets. After an hard battle with the sorcerer Shang Tsung, he was send by an portal to this unknown land. He had attacked several people in a rampage, wanting to get out of here. Suddenly, he saw a man in a batcostume. The man seemed familiar but Sub-Zero could not tell from where. With the motto: Attack first and ask questions later, he send an beam of ice towards his opponent. The attack missed.

Batman retaliated by throwing a batarang which hit the wall besides, the icewarrior. Sub-Zero glided away and the batarang exploded, destroying the wall. 
Sub-Zero and Batman ran towards each other to fight in close combat, Sub-Zero started off with some hard attacks, but Batman jumped away and threw his opponent against a wall. Batman then tried to kick his opponent. Sub-Zero grabbed the leg of the man in costume and slammed three fingers against the temple of the dark knight. Both warriors struggled on for some time, untill Batman was cornered against an wall. 
In an attempt to escape, Batman threw an smoke bomb on the ground that quickly created an big black cloud. As Sub-Zero tried to see anything in the black mass, Batman shot himself in the air, on the roof of an warehouse. 
As the smoke cleared, Sub-Zero drew his sword. The weapon, made of ice, glanced in the dusk. Before Sub-Zero saw his opponent, an batarang soared towards him, hitting the icy hand and forced the seasoned warrior to drop his sword. Seconds later, an black mass came towards him from the sky and hit him in the face and stumach. As Sub-Zero tumbled down, Batman stood before him. The Superhero grabbed the shirt and pulled the Mortal kombat fighter towards him. Before the man in the cowl could knock his opponent out cold with the cartoonical pow picture to go with it, Sub-Zero reached for his opponent and froze him. Sub-Zero raised himself, slammed his opponent in the stumach and gave an headbutt. Batman walked backwards to get away from the assasin but the Lin Kuei glided towards him and hit the bat with an shoulder bash. Batman dropped to the ground and Sub-Zero started creating an nugget of ice above the superhero to crush him. As the nugget fell, Batman rolled to an side and the attack missed target. Batman rolled backwards and his stungun, just as Sub-Zero grabbed the sword from the ground again. Batman fired the electrical shocker but Sub-Zero left an icy Replica off him to be hit, The cords sunk in the ice and Sub-Zero slashed the cords. He then went to attack his costumed opponent but before he could slash, the bat threw his cape on the arm with sword and pulled  the warrior down. The Lin Kuai was forced to drop his weapon and avoid an kick. Sub-Zero then froze his opponent with an icebeam and after an punch in the face, he grabbed the throat, choking the bat. Batman struggled to get free and reached for his belt. He took an batarang from the most wanted belt and stabbed the master of ice in the stumach. Before the vigillant could finish his opponent off, Sub-Zero froze him, using the ice skills. Sub-Zero then searched for his weapon and as he found it, the bat had escaped from his icy prison. Batman threw the batarang that got slashed aside by the sword. Batman blocked the blow, using his armguards. Sub-Zero then slashed the stumach and impaled his opponent on the sword, the ice ripping organs apart.
Instead of falling over, the defeated Batman just stood there, circkeling with his head. An dark voice soared trough the sky to yell: 'Finish him!' Sub-Zero froze the legs of Batman and then sweeped the legs, shattering the ice and leaving only an upperbody to fall on the ground. Batman tried to crawl away using his arms but Sub-Zero walked towards him, reached for his neck and ripped the head and spine from the torso. 
Sub-Zero threw it away as the dark voice started yelling again. 'Sub-Zero wins, double fatality'

Winner: Sub-Zero

Sub-Zero             :708 
Martial arts          :321
Kori Blade          :387
Icebeam              :    0
Dragon medaillon:    5

Batman      :292
Martial arts:236
Stungun     :    0
Batarangs  :  56
Utilitybelt   :    0

'Out of a 1000 battles, the brutal style and power-up combination of freezing power and the medaillon made Sub-Zero victorious 708 times. Most kills came from his sword but the fighting style was also very helpfull. Batman only managed to win 292 times. His most deadly weapon was his fighting skill.' max spoke.

'I am not suprised that Sub-Zero won.' Geoff spoke. 'He brought more killing weapons to the field.'

'Ofcourse Sub-Zero was victorious' Scorpion said. 'Very few warriors are able to beat him. No man in bat costume would ever have a chance.' 

Finally, it was the word to Catwoman. 'It is not possible that Batman lost. That computer of yours is faulty.' It did not help that Max showed up, his arms wide to hug her. 'I'l cheer you up' he said. 'Get away, you pathetic little boy' She said as she pushed Max on the ground. 'Don't worry dude' Nightwing helped the sad computerwizz. 'Very few men were able to get in those tight leather pants.'

Next time on Deadliest warrior, It will be a modern faceoff. The famed leader of the A-Team, Hannibal Smith will fight the cop with the least text and most one-liners in movie history. Dirty Harry. Who will win? the man fleeing for the law or the man who has taken down any lawbreaker who crossed his path.

Somewhere far away, a man with white make-up jumped up and down in a room with cusions for walls. 'The bat is dead, the bat is dead, the bat is dead.' he sung as he watched the endcredits of the show on a tv high up the ceiling. Then he stopped and thought for a second. 'I wanted to kill the batman. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!' 
Outside were two men with white labcoats discussing. 'Shall we tell him it was just an fictional show or wait untill later.' One asked. 'Hm my shift is almost over, let the others break the news to him' the other responded.


I hope you guys liked it. The fight itself was less then you are used from me but I put some references in it, hope you can find it. The next writing will be Henri V against Hatori Hanzo and then you can enjoy another episode of my deadliest fictional warrior show, a match between Hannibal Smith and Dirty Harry.

Ow and for those of you who like visuals: 

This is not me, just an cool fight i took from Youtube. Some weapons will be different then in my match, but who cares

4 opmerkingen:

  1. good fight and expert chatter. Loved the cat fight in the middle, and the expert tests. My only quip is that a character's weapons lethality shouldnt be the only or even the biggest consideration. Batman has proven time and again that he is capable of taking out HIGHLY lethal foes without killing them, and in this fight he would do everything in his power not to kill sub zero, instead I can see him using stealth to sneak up on him and tase him, then put handcuffs on or some other tactic like that. As I said though, this was a great battle.

    Also you should check out Master of the Boot's batman vs. Punisher, Vercingetorix's newest additions, and my own as well.

  2. Heey
    I know very well that batman does not kill, his weapons were not designed to do that. He can take out larger foes but like i said, this is an battle he cannot escape and he will try to take out the warrior.
    Note that if batman won, He would not have killed his opponent. I might write an alternative ending if more people like that

  3. Also keep in mind that i do the show here, which means that weapons will be very deciding.

    Also i do believe that Sub-zero would have more chance killing batman then vice versa. He is used to fighting everyday, taking out guys like batman

  4. Damn man :D I'm seriously impressed! You've got my stamp of approval, and my stamp of awesome and my stamp of this rocks ;)

    My favourite part was where they were testing martial arts styles and where the experts start fighting each other. that was awesome. Your use of humour has improved and it made a world of difference :D

    Somehow I knew that Subzero would win but the simulation was so awesome. You've got some spelling errors here and there so you might want to look into getting an editor. Beyond that though I really like this one ;D


    Master of the Boot
