vrijdag 19 augustus 2011

Hannibal Smith Vs. Dirty Harry

Welcome to our fightclub. After having done a lot of historical warriors, we will now use warriors from  the realm of fantasy. The same rules. The same tests and the same simulations, but with different kind of warriors and weapons.

Welcome to Deadliest Fantasy Warrior!

In our fightclub we have our familiar faces of Geoff Desmoulin, the karate blackbelt and biomedical engineer. Doctor Armand Dorian, trauma doctor and medical expert. Finally we have Max Geiger, computerwizz who will collect and input the data.

We have two modern age warriors on the show, who will have a shootout to find out who is the deadliest.
First off, we have the leader of the famed A-team. Colonel John 'Hannibal' Smith.

John Smith nicknamed Hannibal is the leader of the A-team. An colonel in the United States army, he fought in both the Korean and Vietnam wars. Near the end of the Vietnam war, he and his special forces unit were arrested and charged for crimes they did not commit. The team escaped from an military prison and went into hiding. Still fugitives wanted by the law, Hannibal and his team are soldiers of fortune now, fighting for justice and an actor portaying in Hollywood monster movies.

The man facing Hannibal is nobody less then 'Dirty' Harry Callahan.

Harold Francis Callahan is an police detective for the San Fransisco police department. He is an cop who does not care how, as long as justice is served even going as far as killing criminals. Holding the records for best shot in the shooting range and getting through partners very fast. Harry is the kind of cop who has more one-liners then full texts and is both loved and hated by his superiors for his hate everybody attitude.

Both warriors bring deadly firearms to an duel too the death. Two men who will do anything to get their job gone, it will be an no holds fight with only one man standing. But to really find out how deadly the weapons really are, we have experts to test them. These experts know everything about the warriors they represent and can give us the data we need to see who is the deadliest.

Hannibal will shoot into action with the Smith and Wesson 39, the micro uzi, the Ruger Mini-14 and good old hand to hand combat. He wears no armour but the sigar in his mouth and is ready for action.

The first Hannibal expert is an good friend and teammember of the A-team. A guy who talks himself out of every situation and would now be in prison now if not for Hannibal. It is Templeton 'Faceman' Peck. A man in casual clothing appeared, holding an pistol.

Face smiled. 'Hannibal has this match in the bag, he is never afraid. Even in the face of death, he stays calm and keeps his smile. That is the jazz.'

The second expert is an longtime rival of Hannibal who has hunted him down for a long time but always got outsmarted. A man with the military police, Colonel Roderick Decker. An aging man came forward wearing military clothing, having an cap with the letters MP on it. An gun in an holster and an big radio on his belt.

'Smith is the greatest basterd that lives on this planet. As soon as something looks impossible, he will do it. If he can outsmart the military, an cop does not stand an chance.' He said while looking very serious.

But the Dirty Harry also brings in the big guns and experts that are convinced that he will win.
the weapons carried by Dirty Harry are his Smith and Wesson 29 .44 Magnum revolver, the .44 automag pistol. The Winchester 70 Bolt action rifle and finally the switchblade knife. He will also wear no armour.

The first expert is longtime cop, friend and part time partner of dirty harry. It is Frank Digiorgio. The camera zooms to a older man wearing regular clothes but with an brown coat.

He spoke directly into the camera. 'I know Harry and he will hunt everyone down who tries to escape the law. That Hannibal Smith is just another guy escaping law and Harry will stop him, no matter the cost.'

The last expert is the last partner that worked with Harry. He is an Chinese American who helped Harry Callahan to catch an killer who hunted celebrities. It is Al Quan. An Chinese looking man in tie and with an grey Jacked  walked up.

'Harry looks like a jerk when you meet him. But he is an good and honest man who just does his job. And he can give some very good advice sometimes.' He spoke.

Now it is up to the hosts to see who they think who would win.
Max appeared first. 'Both are men who could face each other in battle if the circumstances are okay. In my mind, an military colonel will win against an police detective. I think that Hannibal will win.'

Right after that, it was Geoff who spoke. 'My initial edge is clear. You have to go with the big guns and nothing is bigger then an .44 Magnum. I go with Dirty Harry.'

At last, Armand Dorian came on. His white labcoat and white gloves were in contrast with everything else in the room. 'If I have to chose who is more dangerous in a contest of two men who will go beyond the limit. I chose the man who has dirty in his name. My initial edge goes to Dirty Harry.

With all the opinions expressed it is time to start testing the weapons.

The first test will see who has the deadlier longrange weapon.
The Ruger mini-14 of Hannibal

Will go up against the Winchester 70 bolt action rifle.

Colonel Decker walked up towards the hosts with his gun.'This is an good weapon that shoots at an good rate and is perfect for shooting anyone who defies Smith. It is an semi automatic assault rifle'

Then Frank stood ready with the Winchester in hand. 'The Ruger is an fine weapon. Just fine. But to take out real opponents, you need the winchester 70. Harry knew what to use in battle. This rifle is seen as the best rifle ever made. It does not shoot as accurate as the other one but it will be better at killing.'

The hosts and experts headed towards the shooting range together, to test these weapons.
On the field were five dummies on various distances. One was behind an window and stood behind another.
'Here you see an situation with four thugs. One is hiding behind the window and another has an hostage.' Geoff explained. 'Shoot the thugs, do not hit the hostage and do it as fast as possible.' he said. 'Colonel, you are up first' max spoke.

After Geoff gave the countdown, Decker started.
Decker started to shoot his semi automatic weapon in an fast rate. The bullets rammed into the foam dummies and at last there was an loud clang as the glass shattered and the last dummie was hit. 'Clear' Decker yelled in an low voice. '1 minute and 10 seconds' Geoff yelled.
When inspecting the carange, they saw that the first two thugs were dead. Both had several bullets in the chest. The one behind glass also had bullets in the chest and throat and the glass was shattered. When they came to the last ones, the doc noticed that altough the thug had several bullets in the face, the hostage had two bullets in the arm and one in the chest. 'The hostage is not dead, but he is seriously wounded.' Armand spoke.

Second up was Frank. He had his winchester loaded and ready. New clean dummies were set up for him, as was a new window. After the countdown, the cop started shooting. He took longer the time to shoot and shot one bullet per time. After each shot, there was an drawback and he had to aim again. After several shots, he called that he was done. '2 minutes and 50 seconds' Geoff spoke. 'More then double the time it took your opponents. But lets see what happened to the dummies.' As they approached the dummies. the first one had an bullet in the heart. 'Instant kill' Doctor Dorian said with an smile. 'Nothing more to say.' then he moved towards the second one. 'Well also an clean kill'  he commented as the the dummie had an hole in the forehead. 'The bullet hits the brain and goes trough it.' he explained. The third one was also dead by an bullet in the eye. 'What is remarkable here is that the bullet left an big hole in the glass instead of shattering it.' Geoff spoke. 'That will be because I shot only one bullet and not many more.' Commented Frank. 'True true' admitted Geoff.
Now it came to the last dummie, the one with the hostage. 'Hostage unharmed' Max spoke, since he was there first. Max then turned to the last thug and smiled. 'Well, even i can see that he is dead.' Max spoke. He pointed out that fakeblood dripped from the throat. 'Yup' The doc said. 'This one is even more interesting because the thug cannot breath as the lung is punctured. What is more, the blood drips in the lungs, making the thug choke on his own blood. Not an pretty way to go' he explained.

After seeing the two test in highspeed, the three hosts talked about the egdes. 'I liked the Winchester. it has an awesome scope and you can really shoot accurately. But the fact that it took longer to kill all the thugs then the Ruger and the fact that the Ruger is semi automatic gives it the egde for me.' Max said.

'For me, I give my egde to the Winchester.' The doctor spoke. 'The Winchester could kill without harming the hostage. Something the Ruger was unable to. he explained.

'For the final decision, there was Geoff. 'It is an tough choise. But the Winchester has an drawback. That means that after each shot, it has to be aimed again. This might take too much time in an battle. Besides, the time said enough. 1.10 against 2.50. Edge Ruger.

In this first test, the Ruger gets the egde.

The next test will be an test of special weapons, where the fistfighting of Hannibal will meet up with the switchblade of Harry.

First off, is Templeton  Peck to explain and test the unarmed abilities of Hannibal.

First off, is Templeton Peck to explain and test the unarmed abilities of Hannibal...

First off, is. Where is Peck??

'Peck!' The roaring sound of Colonel Decker was heard trough the room.
Face, who was busy entertaining an assistent and convincing her to have dinner, suddenly looked up. 'What?' 'You have the unarmed abilties to show off, you moron.' Decker said in an fury. 'Oohh, right. Hang on girl. Just have to show them how good we are. Be right back.' he spoke as he walked up to the hosts.
'We sometimes come into an situation where we need to show who is the boss, using our...fists. We all are quite good with this and especially Hannibal has its way with fistfighting. usually he jumps from an height to land on the opponent and throw him over. As both men stand up, he starts to punch.' Faceman spoke.
'That we will test.' was the answer of Geoff.

Not much later, there was an foam dummie placed in an open space of the fightclub and an an platform next to it. 'It is an easy test.' Geoff began. 'This dummie has been set up with an pressure mat that reads the psi. We can see if the attacks are killing blows or not. You start from the platform, jump on your opponent and start punching. You stop when I give the command. Do you understand.' 'Yes, Ofcourse i do' was the answer of the ladysman.
On the command of Geoff, Face jumped off the platform and hit the shoulders of the dummy with his elbows.
The Faceman then started punching the dummie in the face and in the stumach. After an minute, Geoff called: 'Time' After that, the team checked out the damage.
'Well, according to our numbers, you cracked the colarbone of the dummy but that came because you landed straight on it. If it was an real opponent and he would only move slightly. The only damage was sore shoulders. What is more, with your attacks you only knocked the opponent out for a few seconds. Nothing more.' Doctor Dorian said. 'Our like we say, Pathetic.' the voice of Al Quan sounded. 'You cannot think you have a chance fighting with your bare fists against Dirty Harry, while he has an knife.' He added. 'Yes, in fact, Hannibal has fought a lot of guys who wielded knifes. He disarmed and defeated them all' Face defended his boss. 'That Hannibal Smith of yours will fail against our supercop.' Al came.
'Show us your weapon then.' Max spoke.

'A bare knuckle fighter, will always lose if the other guy is wielding an knife. And this will be just an example of that.' Al spoke. The switchblade is rather easy to conceil and Harry will pull this weapon out when nobody looks. This is an last resort weapon, but an usefull one.' Al Qian spoke with an smile. 'Show us' Geoff spoke. 'we have here an piece of meat. I want to see the cutting and thrusting abilities of this weapon.'
After the countdown, the Chinese American started stabbing the meat. After four stabs, he slashed the pig for good messure.
'The slashes are not instant kills, or kills at all,  but the stabs can get in deep enough to deliver the kills.' The doc said. 'I have to disagree with you doctor.' Frank said. 'If my throat is slashed, I will die.'  'Do you see an throat here?' was the answer of the doctor.

After the tests, the hosts talked about which weapon got the egde. It took them less then an minute to decide. 'Since the switchblade can kill and the fistfighting cannot. The egde goes to the knife.' Armand Dorian spoke.

Up next, the two midrange weapons will go head to head when the compact Micro Uzi

Will meet up with handgun going semi automatic, the Automag

'This is the Micro Uzi' Colonel Decker spoke with pride in his voice. 'It is an smaller version of an regular uzi, it can shoot around 950 rounds an minute and has an effective range of 100 meters. Hannibal used this weapon mostly for suprise attacks. it also is usefull as cover fire or just pepper someone with bullets.'

'That is nothing.' Al Qian interrupted. The policeman placed the automag in the hand of Geoff. 'Harry loves big guns and this is an big gun going semi automatic. Is can store 8 rounds and with the .44 caliber. It blows an hole in everything.'

Both experts gazes at each other and before the two could argue at which weapon was better, Max had an idea. 'How about you shoot your guns at the same time? Both get a few targets and you can shoot it out.'

Somewhat later on the shooting range, Decker and Al stood ready. Each of them had to hit three dummies filled with fake blood. The dummies were set in different distances and had different heights. 'Listen up guys' Geoff said. 'You guys start shooting and I want to see who is done with killing first and who shoots the most accurate. You guys got that?' 'Yes' Al said, while Decker merely nodded.
'On your Marks in three, two, one. Fire!' Geoff yelled. On the command fire, both men unleashed hell with their guns. Suddenly Al lifted up his hand as sign that he was done. Half an minute later, Decker too was done. 'Lets check the damage out done by Al first'  the doctor spoke.
The first dummie had an hole in the stumach and two holes in the chest. 'He is dead.' Dorian commented. 'The next one had an hole under the chin. 'also an instant kill'  and the last one had an hole in the chest. 'this one is maybe an kill, maybe not. It depends on the bleeding. As soon as the blood leaks to the other major organs, he is dead. If not, he might survive. The hole is impressive, but if you had aimed the gun somewhat more to the right, You would have an instant kill.' The doctor spoke as he looked at Al. 'I hurried to much with the shooting' the cop admitted. Then the team turned attention to the shooting abilities of Decker. All three targets had several bulletholes in the chest and throat. 'All dead.' Commented the doc.

'After testing these midrange weapons, The egde goes to the micro uzi. The shots were better and the weapons had more bullets.' Armand spoke.

With one more test to go. The experts got into an heated discussion.
'Smith is an military man. That cop of yours does not have a chance.' Decker spoke. 'Big men play with big guns and nothing is bigger then the .44' Al Qian commented back. 'That a-team guy of yours is an leader of an weak team. Like that Franky Santana' Frank Digorgio spoke. 'Hold on, hold on. Granded Franky is an incompetent fool, but the rest is an good and solid team that fought in 'Nam.' Face spoke up. 'I thought that that Murdock guy was the incompetent fool' Frank said. 'let me rephrase that.' Face started talking. 'Franky is incompetent, Murdock is just an fool. Competent but an fool. But if you look at your Harry. He lost almost every partner he had. That does not look good to me.' he said. 'I made it. ' Al said. 'The other ones were accidents, he could do nothing about. He just is rough and it is hard to tag along with that. there is an reason they call him Dirty Harry.'

The last test will be an test of sidearms that both men used very often.
Hannibal Smith will shoot with the Smith and Wesson model 39.
Dirty Harry counters with the Smith and Wesson model 29 revolver.

'The Smith and Wesson 39 is in ideal pistol. it shoots 9 mm bullets and has an cardridge of 8.' Peck explained. 'It is an great sidearm that shoots fast and accurate with very little drawback.'

To test this weapon. The team has set up an gell dummie. 'You get two shots, so make them count.' Geoff spoke. 'One shot must be placed in the chest and the other in the forehead. As Geoff gave the command, Face fired. The two bullets landed center chest and the bridge of the nose. 'Very well. Geoff commented. Good portion of damage.

'This is the Smith and Wesson model 29 .44 revolver. This is an handcannon. Six bullets go in .44 ofcourse. It will destroy that gell dummie.' Digiogorgio spoke. He also got two bullets to kill the dummie.
he aimed and fired at command. One hole center chest and an hole that blew the face away. 'This is an facemelter.' Max joked.

When it is time to give the egde. The team is unable to agree. 'I have to give it to the model 39.' Geoff said. It has more rounds. 'I have to disagree.' The doc said. 'The model 29 is an revolver, that makes it shoots faster and with bigger power.' With both weapons having one vote, the decision will fall on Max. 'Well. The revolver looks cooler. That is why it gets the egde to me' He said.
Edge: Smith and Wesson model 29.

All weapons are tested and all edges are given. Only one thing is remaining on either side.The X-factor.
Each warrior has a certain skill. An power that drives him. That is the X-factor.

For Hannibal Smith, his x-factor is the jazz. 'The jazz is an sort of feeling. Much like adrealine, only much stronger. When it is time for action, Hannibal will be on the jazz. This makes shure he keeps cool and can create plans, no matter how dire the situation.'

For Dirty Harry, his x-factor is his brutal way of dealing with opponents. 'Harry does not just want to take an opponent out. He wants to destroy that opponent. From an Robber to an rapist. he will destroy that person, no matter the cost.' Frank spoke.

'And now, it is time for the computerprogam to run and see who is deadliest.' Max spoke.

It was an old warehouse, full of used and broken vehicles. From bikes, to big trucks.
The leader of the A-team, Hannibal Smith walked trough the dark halway. His team had been captured by an San Fransico policeman and Hannibal had heard that the man who had captured them was here.
As Hannibal made his way past the vehicles, he suddenly saw a man standing not far from him. The man had dark eyes and was holding an Winchester 70. Before Hannibal could say a thing. The man started firing.

There was the leader of that so called A-team. Those idiots had escaped law long enough but now they had tresspassed in the area of Harry Callahan.
catching the first three was easy. harry had lured them out. Now he was luring the last one out of the hidinghole. It was time to do what the United States army was unable of doing. As the leader walked towards him, Harry started shooting.

Harry kept on shooting and Hannibal kept on running. Hannibal jumped away and landed behind an old dogde. he quickly took his machine gun, the ruger and started firing back. It was now Harry who ran to get cover. He too, found an old car to hide behind. The next minute, the two men delivered shots at each other. Dirty Harry jumped away as the car, he hid behind exploded.
Hannibal switched the Ruger with his uzi and walked towards his opponent, wanting to find out where his team was. Before he could get in close, the cop took the automagand fired an bullet that went past the head of Hannibal. Hannibal started shooting his uzi, but was unable to get an clean hit. Harry walked away and fired also, managing to hit the leg of Hannibal.
The leader of the A-team dropped the micro uzi and and tried to run as good as he could with an wounded leg. Leaving blood as an trail. During his escape, Hannibal started shooting his handgun, trying to get an clean getaway.

Tick Tick. Harry grunted as he threw the automag away. That stupid gun was out of ammo. Then his revolver had to do the trick. He pulled it out and followed the trail of blood. He walked past several cars, a few small ones but also an pick up truck. As he walked past an van, he felt something against his back and he dropped on the ground, the .44 magnum flying away. As he stood up, he saw his enemy who smashes him in the stumach and then in the face. Dirty Harry pulled his switchblade quickly and slashed Hannibal in the stumach. He then jabbed the leader of the A-team in the side, rammed the head against the car and threw him on the ground. 'You are going to die, punk!' he said. Hannibal moved a bit and before Harry could face him hannibal pulled his handgun. 'hands up, sleashball.' Hannibal spoke. 'Where is my team?' He asked. 'You're team is in jail.' Harry spoke. Harry then jumped towards Hannibal, knife ready. Hannibal stepped backwards and fired two shots. The two chestshots, threw Dirty Harry on his back. His life, slipping away from him.
Hannibal would take a rest now, before he would try and rescue the others.

Winner: John 'Hannibal' Smith

Hannibal Smith: 560
the Ruger Mini-14      :260
the micro uzi              : 165
Smith and Wesson 39: 135
Hand to hand combat: 0

Dirty Harry: 440
The Winchester 70 Bolt action rifle              :208
.44 Automag pistol                                      : 104
Smith and Wesson 20 .44 Magnum revolver: 113
switchblade knife                                         : 15

'Hannibal Smith won with an kill difference of 120 kills. The most effective weapon of Hannibal was his Ruger. The winchester was the deadliest weapon of Dirty Harry' Max spoke.

'I guess that being an military beats being an cop.' Geoff admitted.

'Peck, you are officially arrested now.' Colonel Decker said. 'The truce is over.' As the military man said it, he pulled his gun and pointed it at Templeton Peck. 'Ahh comon.' Templeton tried.

'Hold it Decker.' A cameraguy with an moustache and an baseballcap spoke up. He turned around, holding an nickel plated smith and wesson 59. The man took his cap and moustache off, revealing Hannibal Smith. 'Drop it' Frank Digorgio said suddenly. Both he and Al Qian had pulled their guns and pointed it to the man who had just virtual defeated Dirty Harry. Hannibal just smiled and took an sigar from his pocket. He then took an walky talky from his pocket and gave an command.  A few seconds later, an wall broke down and the back of an black van appeared from the hole in the wall. the doors flew open and an guy, wearing an flight  jacket and with cap gave out an roar. 'I AM The Dealiest' He yelled as he started shooting with his Colt AR 15. Due to this, everyone was disorientated and max ducked under the computertable, while Geoff and Armand were waiting what would happen. Face managed to get the micro uzi and started shooting also. Colonel Decker and the two cops dropped their weapons, just before Hannibal and Face got into the van. Then they rode away. Decker ran behind them, yelling in his walky talky.

After this most unusual ending, it is clear why Hannibal won.
next week, we will pit two heroes against each other.
From Spain is the legendary outlaw Zorro. And from France, one of the most famous Musketeers. D'Artagnan. Watch it!


Hope you liked this episode of The deadliest fantasy warrior. next writing will be Julius Ceasar Vs. Khalid ibn al-walid
The next fantasy match will be Zorro vs D'Artagnan.

1 opmerking:

  1. Hey man :D Kickass fight :D I love the twist at the end.

    Much as I love dirty harry, I knew that he alone can't take down Hannibal Smith :)



    Master of the Boot
