dinsdag 13 september 2011

Atahualpa Vs. Hone Heke

This will be an battle between two defenders of their homeland. Both warriors fought off white man who came with gunpowder to kill them and both men were succesfull several times, but failed in the end. It is an battle between two leaders who knew how to fight well. One was the leader of an Inca empire while the other was fighting for the Maori on the other end of the world. In this duel of the ages, who will win?

 Atahualpa versus Hone Heke

This is an battle that will be duked out between these two great warriors. But the sim will be fought between five warriors on each side. The five on each side is merely an artistic choise to make the battle different and more epic. Please keep in mind that only these two gentlemen will count in the fight and during the analyses, i will keep an one on one battle in mind.


You can write his name different ways. I have seen Atahuallpa, Atabalipa or Atawallpa. I will stay with Atahualpa. He was born in 1497 and when his father died of an strange disease, he and his half-brother waged an civil war that ended when Atahualpa killed his brother Huascar. He became the Sapa Inca (Unique King)
The military career of Atahualpa is an short one. Like all young Inca warriors. he probably had military training in all weapons and had experience fighting wars. He began as miliatary leader against his half brother. Like all wars between brothers, it started when their father died and both wanted to have the incan empire.
Huascar ruled Cusco, the Inca capital. therefore, he had the loyalty of most most of the Inca people. Atahualpa on the other hand, had the lead of an great professional army and three outstanding generals.
During the battles, Atahualpa used his armies and generals succesful and was able push his brother into Cusco. An tribe allied with Huascar but was nearly destroyed by Atahualpa and his warriors.
The final battle took place in Quipaipan. Atahualpa had an army that was between 50.000 and 100.000 men strong and was routed the smaller force of his brother. The losing army got disbanned and its leader captured. Atahualpa was now in control of the great Incan empire and came across an group of 180 Spainairds. Atahualpa did not deem them an threat and let them live. The Spanish were able to march towards him rather easy and went trough difficult terrain without problems. When Atahualpa heard that the Spanish had asked for Huascar, Atahualpa got afraid that the two might make an deal. He had his half brother killed.   While in the town of Cajamarca, the leader of the Spanish, Hernando Pizarro send some soldiers towards the leading Inca and invited him to talk. Atahualpa agreed and went into the townsquare, where the spanish had occupied and hidden Spanish soldiers. Atahualpa and his men came all dressed in ceremonial dress and when the soldiers from spain were ready, they sprung the trap. It was an slaughter and many Inca's were killed. Atahualpa himself got capured.
While he was in captivity, one of his generals had an huge army and the Spanish feared an attack. They also saw Atahulpa as an danger and put up an mock trial where he was accused and found guilty of: Rebelling against the Spanish crown, practising idolatry and killing his own brother. He was to be burned alive. Atahualpa got scared, if killed by burning, his soul would be unable to go to the afterlive. The Spanish told him that he would not be burned if he turned Catholic and he did. He was baptised as Juan Santos Atahualpa. At his own request, he got strangled instead of burned. His clothes got burned with some skin and the rest got an Christian burial. He died in 1533.

Ofcourse Atahualpa had some great weapons. Every man and woman in the Inca empire had to learn how to use all weapons and then master one. It is reasonable for me to guess that as king, Atahualpa needed to know all weapons very good. The Inca fought  mainly close range and altough they had long range weapons, they preferred to go to close range as soon as possible.

For close range, the weapon of choise would be the truncheon. This small weapon was made from wood and had an iron starshaped head for maxium impact. It was used to bludgeon someone to death and the starshaped spikes made it even more lethal. I was unable to find a good lenght of this weapons but my biggest guess is, that it was around 18 inces. The weapon was used with one hand, so the other hand could be used to hold an shield. It should be noted that this weapon was used heavily in the Incan army and altough most of the heads would have been made from stone, the more important and rich warriors would use bronze.

as for midrange, the weapon of choosing is the Inca spear. The Inca spear was around six feet long and had an bone tip. The Inca spear was used with both hands and was no much different then other spears apart from the fact that spears were used mostly by the more important warriors.

As for long range, we have the Inca sling. Normally the Inca sling was only used by an selected group of warriors. The training was intensive and heavy, the first group of slingers would throw their stones and while the first group reloaded again, the second group threw their stones. Note that this does not matter in an one to one fight and i thought it was just nice info to post.
i am shure that as a very important warrior, Atahualpa would know how to use the sling accurately. The accurare range of an attack to the head was around 230 feet. The sling was one of the most dangerous weapons of the Inca warrior.

With special weapons, i have found an very special inca weapon. The Incan halberd.  I have seen a few kinds of Ican halberds but the one i am using was only used by the king. it was part status symbol and part weapon. It was made of bronze and was around 25 inces. it had axehead on one side and an sharp point on the other. The weapon was an multifunctional dealer of death. The picure shows what it would look like.

As for armour, the armour of Atahualpa would be linen padding with wooden plates protecting the chest and the back of Atahualpa.  This armour was commenly used by the more important warriors. The lower warriors would settle with cotton protection. Atahualpa would also have had an bronze helmet and an wooden shield, covered with an layer of bronze.

I enlarged this picture because it shows the spear, the inca halberd, the helmet, the wooden armour, the cotton armour and the shield. Note that the man in the back is the most important one of the three. 

Ofcourse, every warrior needs an x-factor and for the Incan warrior, it is his battlecraze. The Inca were warpeople, they brainwashed their warriors into an extent that the warriors felt no pain and no fear. They were trained to be warmachines In an battle, that would mean that Atahualpa would just keep going and going without stopping untill killed.

If you would like to research Atahualpa yourself, I have a few links.

First off, more info about our very own Inca.

And an great cartoon about Atahualpa and his capture

Hone Heke

Hone Wiremu Heke Pokai was born around 1807. He was an Maori rangata (chief) of the Nga Puhi tribe. In his youth, he got to missionary school and when Heke go an adult, he and his family coverted to Christianity. Hone Heke got much fighting experience in battles against other tribes during the musket wars. 
Hone Heke was also one of the important warriors and leaders in the rebellion against the British. 
Even though Hone Heke signed an treaty with the British ( the treaty of Waitangi), he was not happy about it. Several American traders and diplomates came to New Zealand with stories of rebellion against the Brish and the declaration of independence. The americans purposely poisend the Maori and tried to weaken the British power in the country. The Americans started to sell muskets to the natives. It also did not help that the British made decisions that were not very good for the Maori population, such as seeing the crown more important then the chiefs or controlling the distribution of land. 
This all led to Hone Heke chopping down the flagpole which had the British flag in Kororareke. 
This was an act against the crown and soon the rebel Maori were at war with the British. The flagpole was replaced and in an time of six months chopped down three times. 
Even though Hone Heke had a lot of Maori warriors to help him, there were also Maori who were in favor of the English and fought for them. 
The English send an battalion to the fort where the flagpole was to make shure that it would not be cut down anymore but Hone created an diversion. Why the English weere fighting the main force of Maori on a beach, Hone sneaked in the fort and cut down the flagpole a fourth time. This set off the flagstaffwar. 
During the early stages of the war, Hone Heke was active fighter, but due to an heavy injury, he had to rest a few months. He finally took part of the last battle, the battle of Rujapekapeka. 
Heke and his men had made an fort that was bombarded by attilery. After it was almost destroyed, the British went in and found it deserted. As they walked down the back, the maori jumped into action who had layed an ambush there. The ambush was not completely succesful and Hone Heke managed to sneak away with most of his men. The Brits claimed victory. in 1850 of tubercolosis. Hone Heke got an christian ceremony and an Maori burial.

Hone Heke had some great weapons. Most of the weapons will be traditional Maori but I also have an weapon that is a little odd for my battles. He will bring an musket. 
Why an musket? because Heke was known to find/buy muskets and use them against the British. he was very fond of these weapons and it would only be fair to portray him with one. 
Is it fair? Yes. You have to consider that his opponent has superior armour and the gunpowder weapon makes up for it. Besides, it is not a modern gun and so not as trustworthy. 

As short range weapon, the Wahaika is the weapon of choise. This weapon can be used as thrusting and striking weapon. It also has an notch for trapping the weapon of the opponent and then disarming  the opponents. It could be made from different materials such as wood to whalebone.  The Wahaika was around 15 inces and was used with one hand. Note that the name wahaika means mouth of the fish. It also had an rope on the buttend, that could go around the hand of the user. That way, it could not be easily lost in battle.

The Taiaha is the midrange weapon of Hone Heke. The taiaha may be one of the most famous and important Maori weapons since it many traditional uses. This weapon was made from wood and meant for thrusting and striking attacks. The weapon consisted out of three parts. The arero (tongue) was used for stabbing and parrying attacks. The upoko (head) is thebase from where the arero protuded. Finally there is the ate (liver) which was used for striking and parrying. The taiaha is around 5 to 6 feet long.                                                                     Nowadays you can find the Taiaha in the official badge and the coat of arms of new Zealand.

Here he is. The musket. The musket changed the Maori way of battle. The one on one fights became more rare as the Maori started focussing on group tactics. The musket had an accurate range of 50 to 70 yards. Due to the fact that it is an one on one battle and the need of his opponent to get to close range, Heke will have one chance of firing this weapons. He can also use the buttend as an club afterwards. The picture shows that muskets could also been have used as clubbing weapons much like most of the other weapons that the Maori knew.

As for special weapon, Hone Heke has the Patiti. The patiti was an tomahawk, made of whalebone and metal. it was the main weapon used to cut down the flagpole several times and could also be used in hand to hand combat. It was around 12 inces long and was an dangerous metal weapon that could chop or hack anyone to death. Note that the buttend was used for spiritual carvings and in the picture above, you can see some Maori wielding the patiti. 

As for the armour. No armour. i have heard from a friend that the Maori did have armour but so far i was unable to find an single piece of evidence supporting this fact. Therefore, Hone Heke will have no armour. The only thing he will wear is an skirt made of grass as seen in this picture. Also note the tomahawk that Hone Heke is holding. 

Luckely, Hone Heke has an x-factor, which is is martial art system. Part is the Mau rakau. The way of the weapon. Here the warriors learned how to use their weapons properly. The other part of the martial art is the death point striking art. This martial art makes use of the fingers as deadly weapons and use pressure points on the body to hit with the fingers, resulting in knock outs or even kills. This empty hand style is so deadly that it won't be teached today anymore. 
Not only do these weapon and empty hand martial art train the warrior in the weapon. They also function to give the warrior more flexability and agility in combat. 

As for more info about Hone Heke, i have a link for you. It is from the official New Zealand encyclopaedia.

i also want to share an interview with an real Maori warrior. (thank you monopolyman)

Also an youtube clip about the treaty and what happened there.

The edges:

Truncheon vs. Wahaika
- Both weapons are meant to bludgeon someone to death, but each in an unique way.Both weapons are used with one hand hand and are able to crush an opponent. But that is where the similarities end. 
The truncheon is about three inces longer and it has bronze made starshape to ram all the power in one point. If that hits, massive damage. This also means it has puncturing abilities. 
But even though it has these pro's, it also has its cons. This weapon is topheavy. That means that with an miss, the Inca has some recovery time and in that time, he is open to attacks. 
The wahaika is smaller but made of whalebone in the instance of an chief. it also uses jabs in combination with swining attacks. What is more, I thing that the weight is devided better within this weapon. It also has the ability to block attacks and disarm the opponent, while it will stay in the hand of the user due the rope. It is without question that an full hit with either of the weapons will be the end of the opponent.

- In the armour department, things are slightly different. Hone Heke is hindered by his lack of armour. Atahualpa will have bigger chances to kill his unarmoured opponent then Hone Heke has. Atahualpa fought a lot of warriors who used mace like weapons and had proper armour on the right places. The helmet and the wooden chestplate. They would break under more hits, but two hits are two many to kill an opponent when the opponent can kill with one. that said, the jab attacks can strike the throat for an instant kill, as the throat is not covered with any sort of armour. The same goes with the face of Atahualpa. 

- with skill, i can be simple as usual. Both weapons were used massive in their respective parties and both warriors would be extremely skilled with these hand to hand weapons.

- In the end, the decision falls of the offensive powers of the truncheon against the defensive powers of the wahaika. The disarming technique of the wahaika will play an important part in the battle but the slightly longer reach of the truncheon and its spikes makes me give the egde to this weapon. What i would add lastly is the fact that the shield will be important. The shield can block while the truncheon will attack and kill. i do expect both weapons to be one of the most usefull weapons in each of the warriors arsenal.
Edge: Atahualpa

Inca spear Vs. Taiaha
- The inca spear is an great bone tipped spear. This weapon  can impale the Maori with ease. Just like all spears, it is an tried and proved weapon. with its length of six feet, it is as long as its opponent, the taiaha. 
The taiaha uses thrusting attacks but also implements swinging attacks. The taiaha also has more blocking abilities then then the spear but lacks its penetration power. I also want to add that bone is an good weapon but also somewhat fragile if its hit hard. i suspect that the taiaha can break the tip of the spear if he hits it right.

- Again, the armour plays an important part. The bonetipped spear can penetrate the skin of the chief without any problems while the taiaha has armour and an helmet go around. The taiaha has the power to come with repeative attacks and a variety of attacks to counter the armour and strike the opponent beneath. Hone Heke needs this egde as he might be overwhelmed with the armour and offensive abilities of the spear. 
It is really hard to give an good edge at this stage.

- I would say, both weapons were used a lot and both warriors would be extremely deadly with these weapons. altough it is true, I really should make notice of the fact that the Maori had created an martial art style to suit this weapon. this weapon was holy to them and their skill with this weapon would be better then their skill with all other weapons. The spear was used by officers and no doubt kings, but it was not an main weapon. They would stick with what they knew with this weapon, thrusting.

- I have two totally different weapons. One of them is an better killer but the other is overall  more usefull. This almost looks like the short range match but the taiaha has more used then the wahaika and would prove a better match against its opponent.
again, the better killing blows against the blocking abilities in the game. what differs more for me is the fact that the bone point can be shattered, making the spear useless. Then the taiaha will be an destructive force. But the egde is small, due to the Inca armour and it would not have as much as impact as the short range would have.
Edge: Hone Heke

Sling Vs. Musket
- The sling is an easy, yet effective weapon. you pick up an stone, you put it in an little pouch and sling it around untill the stone flies towards the opponent and kills the targeted opponent. its an blunt impact weapon that wil come to you in incredible speed and will kill if it hits the head or the right place in the chest. It has an great speed and an accurate reach of 230 feet. 
The musket on the other hand, is slightly more complex. With the musket you need to load the weapon with blackpowder (which costs time) then you have to aim, trigger an button and when it has fired you have to load again. It has a lot of killing potential and can be used as club if needed. It has an accurate range of 210 feet. I would like to mention that the musket paralyze or kill better then the sling could and on more places of the body.

- weapon versus armour, it really does not matter much. Even though Hone Heke has no armour and is an great target for the sling, I have no doubt that the musket will penetrate the armour of the Inca with ease. This makes the armour of Atahuapa obsolete. Making the armour even

- The skilltest is somewhat different. I have seen several times that the Inca were extremely skilled with the sling and very deadly with it. It was an weapon hard to master but I have no doubt that Atahualpa would have masterd such an important and dangerous weapon. 
For the musket it is an different story. The Maori  used the musket a lot when they aquired it, but aquiring the weapons was not as easy as in europe and the warriors would not have had as much skill with his weapon.
i can certainly say that Hone Heke had more training and skill with this weapon then the average Maori but I still cannot say that Hone heke would have mastered the weapon.

- Well then, the more deadly musket has slightly less accurate range and accuracy in general why the sling is the less deadly weapon but has the better skilled user. The long loading time really makes the musket a one shot weapon. That hurts the musket badly but the only real target the sling has, is the head of the opponent, which is easy to miss. 
The musket gets the egde here for two reasons. Even it has lesser accusary, it needs less since any round in the body will be very bad for the Inca. It also can play out as short range weapon.
Edge: Hone Heke

Halberd Vs. Patiti
- The Inca halberd looks much likes the european halberd. only shorter. The spike is also at the side instead of the top and the hook is missing. The axe is still intact though. It is one handed and has an lenght of maximum 25 inces. The halberd is completely made of bronze.
The patiti is an tomahawk like we all know it. an axe usefull for cutting wood and kill an opponent. The handle is made of whalebone while the axe part is made of steel. it is 12 inces long.
The steel of the patiti is better then the bronze of the halberd but the halberd has more then twice the size of the patiti. The patiti is an axe with the same abilities like chopping and hooking the opponent while the halberd has the same abilities and an spike to end the life of an opponent. 

- The armour will play in heavily in this match up again. The halberd can be used in combination with the shield and has only skin and flesh to oppose it, while the patiti will need to counter the shield, the armour or the helmet. That might prove a bit to tough.

- The skillpart again. The Inca halberd was the personal weapon of Atahualpa. That means that he trained and fought with this weapon and would need to be very skilled with it. The patiti was also used by Hone Heke and he could deal a lot of damage with it. 

- As for my final result, it is again an hard choise. I like the fact that the patiti is made from steel and would be good to get into the bronze helmet but the halberd is just longer, has more purposes, does not need to get trough armour and will be used in combination with the shield. The egde is clear.
Edge: Atahualpa

The Battle Begins

The small boat hit the soft sand of the coast. The sea was calm and peacefull, nothing remembered of the storm that occured the night before. The Maori expedition party had left with five boats, full of warriors, but due to storms and exhaustion, only one boat with five warriors in it, survived the travels and found new land. Luckely, one of the surviving warriors was Hone Heke, the Maori chief and leader of this expedition.
A big and strong warrior called LuHu Naru stepped out of the boat and pulled it further on the beach. When he was done, the other warriors stepped out. A small yet quick and smart man called Thamas Nehheme jumped out now also, followed by Patu Ki and Pamu Karr, two close friends and loyal followers of Hone Heke. The last one out was Hone himself.
The men took all their equipment out of the boat and carried them towards the jungle before them. 
The soft sand changed into hard grass and moss. The sounds of animals far away, the bushes and trees, they all reminded the Maori to home. When the warriors arrived at an open spot, the Maori dropped their weapons. 'Men' Hone spoke to his small gang. 'We have traveled the sea and lost many of our close friends.' Thamas thought about his brother in another boat named Kelles, the boat had been destroyed by an storm and Kelles drowned. 
'But it was not for nothing that our friends and family died on this trip.' Hone Heke continued. 'If this place is convienent for us, we will get all our family that stayed home and bring them here. Then we are finally free of the white men, the British people who force us over their rule. We will be finally free once more.' After he was done, the four others smiled. 
'Now let us cut wood for fire and an fort.' He spoke.' Hone said. 'There are only two patiti with us' Thamas spoke. 'so there are only two of us who can cut wood at a time.' He went on. 'Yes I know' The Maori chief responded. 'Patu and Pamu you get the patiti and start cutting.' The two friends smiled as they gathered the two tomahawks. 'LuHu, take an taiaha and guard the two.' He spoke. 'We do not know what people and creatures call this home yet.' Heke added. 'Now Thamas and I will wield the two muskets we have left. We also will have an wahaika each. We have only gunpowder for two two shots each, so we have to be carefull using it. We will look for foodsupplies. ' The small man nodded in agreement as he grabbed the two weapons. When they were all set, the Maori started with their assigments. None saw that they were being watched.

From far away, five warriors were watching every move of those half naked intruders. It was by pure luck that an Inca warrior called Ashteaa had seen the boat near the beach on the water and had rushed to report it to his king Atahualpa. Atahuapa knew he had to inspect these strangers quick and had selected three more warriors to go with him and Ashteaa. These were Quapa, the best slinger in the empire, Kesche the second in comand of Atahualpa and Acte, a young but promising warrior. 
As the five Inca's saw the strangers taking weapons, they noted that two were holding guns. Friends of the white men no doubt. They had to be taken care off. Atahualpa recalled his band to somewhat further away to explain his battleplan. 'Quapa and Ashteaa, you take care of the gunwielding opponents with your slings When you are done, you follow us.' He said. 'The rest of us, we rush into the battle with our own weapons. Kesche, you will use your spear, Acte, you will wield your Truncheon. The same goes for Quapa and Ashteaa when you guys are done slinging. I will keep my trust in my halberd.' The others notted. Atahualpa himself had the best defence, Wooden armour, a bronze helmet and an shield covered in bronze. The rest only had cotton shirts to protect themselfs, save for Acte, who had an wooden shield.

The Inca warriors sneaked towards their opponents untill they were 100 feet away. Quapa and Ashteaa started swinging their long range weapons. The rocks flew through the air and one of them hit Thamas right on the forehead. He dropped dead on the ground as the other rock flew past Hone. Hone ducked and got on his stumach to avoid other rocks. 
After Atahualpa saw the two warriors with guns going down, he gave his soldiers the command to attack. They gave an cry and all of them jumped into action. 

The Maori got disorientated by suprise attack but it did not take long for them to focus on the  the warriors who appeared. The two sides collided and people started attacking each other. Pamu ran towards an warrior with wooden armour and an shield and tried to hit him with his patiti. Atahualpa blocked an attack with an axe quickly using his shield and rammed the axe of his own halberd in the neck of the opponent. Pamu went down with an cry. 
Kesche met up with LuHu and both moved around ready to attack their opponent. Kesche tried to thrust at his opponent using his spear but the attacks got all blocked by the taiaha. the big Maori warrior gave an hard punch with his taiaha and as the weapon smashed against the tip of the spear, the bone tip broke. 
Luhu then started to beat his opponent verociously, hitting the head two times and finished with an thrusting attack to the throat. Kesche went down without an sound, not able to make one since he drowned in his own blood.

Ashteaa ran for the two downed warriors, wanting to check out if they were really dead. Ashteaa saw bloody mess of the first warrior and as he turned around, he saw that the other warrior suddenly stood up. Hone Heke rose as he saw an opponent with an mace heading towards him. He pointed his musket and fired he weapon. The bullet got the Inca warrior in the chest, ending his life.
 LuHu was now trying to keep his new opponent on an distant. This new opponent had an mace and an shield. As the two warriors moved around, they both got jumped on from behind. LuHu was hit in the back of his head by the truncheon of Quapa. At the same time, Acte felt the pain of the patiti used by Patu in his neck and dropped dead on the ground.
The two warriors watched each other and ran to kill the two leaders. Patu ran towards Atahualpa and tried to avenge his fallen friend. His tomahawk was met in midair by the axe of the halberd and as the weapons moved to the side, Atahualpa spun his weapon back, hitting the eye of his opponent with the spike. He then thrusted the spike into the throat of his opponent. 
Quapa came running towards Hone heke, unafraid of the gun. As he tried to hit his opponent, Hone used the other end of the gun to push the mace away. Hone Heke then released his gun and pushed his finger in the elbows of the Inca, disabling them. He then grabbed his wahaika and smashed the weapon against the temple of his opponent, killing him. 

Only the two leaders were left now. Atahualpa saw his opponent moving a bit away and started running towards the Maori to finish him off.
Hone Heke saw his opponent moving and walked up to his dead friend to get the second musket. The Inca speeded towards Heke without fear of the gun that got pointed towards him. Heke stood aimed and shot at the Incan. The bullet grazed the wooden armour of Atahualpa and Atahualpa just kept running. towards his opponent. As the two warriors closed in, Heke used the buttend of his gun to hit Atahualpa. Atahualpa blocked the attack with his shield and used his small halberd to pull the weapon away from Heke. the Inca king attacked soon after. Hone Heke ducked away and grabbed his wahaika. He then blocked an attack from the bronze weapon and twisted it around, forcing the halberd out of the hand of the user. He then started to attack Atahualpa, but the attacks got either blocked by the shield or by the wooden armour. As Atahualpa defended, he saw the corpse of his friend who was hit by the musket. He took the truncheon from the dead man and recieved an punishing blow against his left shoulder. Atahualpa dropped his shield and noticed how his opponent moved in for the kill. Atahualpa ducked under another blow and rammed the kneecap of Hone Heke with his truncheon. Heke fell to his knees in pain. Atahualpa did not waste another moment and smashes his truncheon in the face of Hone Heke. The Maori fell to the ground, his face an bloody mess.
Atahualpa sat down to rest. He had protected his kingdom.
Winner: Atahualpa

In my opinion, Atahualpa would win the fight. Not only did he have superior close range weapons, he also had armour that protected him against most attacks of the Maori warrior. His truncheon and halberd would be the deadliest weapons in his arsenal.
The best weapon of Hone Heke is his musket, no suprise there. what important to note is, that the musket would be a  gamechanger in an battle where the other warrior had not seen a gun yet, it would not here. That is because of the fact Atahualpa knew guns and so the smoke and noise would not scare him at all. (nothing would scare him in battle, due to his brainwashed mind anyway) What is more, the long loading of the gun and the fact that Atahualpa loved to go into close range as soon as possible meant that the gun had only one shot and after that shot, he would lose the long range weapon.
The other important factor of Hone Heke would be his martial arts. killing his opponent with it would be hard due to armour but the training would have helped him immensly. 

Now on to the battle. Keep in mind that it was still a one to one battle, only the fight itself was with more people. i would love some feedback on that and I might write an fightstory with more warriors more often. Or I'l just keep it on an one to one battle in the sim if you guys would prefer that.

Next fight will be between El Cid and Maharana Pratap. it will be an epic battle on horseback. 

1 opmerking:

  1. Great battle man, good to see that you gave it to the Incans (I agree with the victory)> I agreed with the edges and really liked your squad on squad battle. I will still have to look up that Maori armor...
