zondag 9 oktober 2011

Information on the Monster Match Up

This blog will contain information on the Monster match. There will be info on the match itself, I will write info on the monsters and I will finally reveal new matches that i am going to do.

I will start with the info on the match itself. I will write down the way how I am planning to present this story and the rules of the story.
First of all I want to state that altough I will talk about this project as a match, It will be a story. The survivor (s) is/are already known to me. I did not pick the winner due to the chance of surviving this according to the weapons and armour, i based  it on what would bring a good story. Therefore there will be no research into the weapons and no arguments on my side on why I chose for certain things in this match.
I also want to state that the warriors might not get all the weapons they had in their own matches. Some will get one weapon and some will get more. It all depends on the story and my thoughts about moving the weapons around all the time.

I will  post this match in chapters. This means that for every chapter, there is a blog. That way, it is better to write for me, easier to read for you guys and much clearer for us all. I am not shure yet how many chapters the whole story will count, so yeah. it ends when it ends.

The rules are simple. The warriors have to kill the leader of this undead army to survive the monster attacks and be crowned winner.
The warriors will act the way people would act in those circumstances. They can join together in groups or small bands, they can attack and kill each other, they even can betray each other. The warriors will have to find the way to kill the creatures themselfs and may communicate it with each other, or not...

You guys will now get information on the bad guys of this story. The monsters!

The Zombies

- The most of the monsters are the zombies.The zombies are brainless people that can walk/run at the same speed of humans and will have the same strenght as normal humans. They will be attracted by blood, sound and movements. The zombies will try to croud the opponent and either choke them, eat them or just rip them apart. 
They used to be living people, only revived when they died. The decaying bodies can do much damage with their bare hands but some will wield weapons like a broom, shovel, knife etc. 
They can infect the warriors by biting. A single bite will not do the trick but three or four bites will. When a warrior is bitten, he will not transform into a zombie directly. The warrior needs to die first for him to transform into a zombie. When a warrior is transformed, he will be mindless and searching for blood. He will have no memory's of his past live and won't be able to respond whatsever except for low grunting. They do not feel pain

- The way to kill them is easy. Get the brain. To kill them, you  either have to hit the head and thus brain or simply behead the zombie and thus severing the connection with the rest of the body. Another way to kill is to burn the body. The attacks of the monsters are easy to dogde since it will be just dumb hacking and bludgeoning. Any skilled warrior will know how to deal with it.

The werwolf

- The werewolf is based on the balverines from the Fable series. They are with lesser numbers then the zombies but with enough to do much damage. The werewolf has some thoughts and knows when to run away or how to attack most effective. You can compare his mind with that of a savage. He runs the fasted and is the strongest of all three the creatures. They have powerfull claws and a dangerous bite. The werewolfs have great hearing and smell. These guys also are able to turn a warrior into other werewolfs by biting him. But unlike the zombie, the warrior needs to be alive when turning into werewolf. If the warrior gets killed before he turns, he will not turn. 
What also is different to the traditional werewolf is that when someone turns, he will stay a werewolf untill gets killed. They will also be able to move around during daylight without a problem. The werewolf does feel pain.

- The werewolf has some incredible powers but also has the most weaknesses. The werewolf can be hurt or killed like any other animal. They can be killed by all weapons and in all ways you can kill something like a bear. It is only harder because the werewolf fights back harder and faster. Also, they hate fire and will try to run for it. They are also easily killed by fire.

The vampire

- I am a fan of traditional vampires. Nosferatu ofcourse, but also the older dracula incarnations. Now i do know that there is a difference between Nosferatu and Dracula. That is why I combined the two.
The vampire is the last of the three monster types and the ones who have the least members. They are twice as strong as a really strong human being and are twice as fast. They can fly, hypnotise, create fogs and controll werewolfs and zombies. They can kill using their fangs and claws but also can use melee weapons very well and have a high intellect. I should say that they are as ugly as Nosferatu on the pic above.
They can turn others into vampires but have to drink the blood of the victim and feed the victim blood of themselfs. This will begin a transformation that takes a day to complete. If the unlucky warrior dies during the transformation, he will still become a vampire. The vampires are the supreme hunters and will be on top of the monster hierarchy. The vampire also feels pain and will only be able to come out of hiding in the night.

- Such a monster is hard to kill ofcourse, but nothing is impossible. Like the previous monsters, they hate fire and will burn very well. Other ways to kill the vampires is to get something to impale the heart or get to the brain. Either of the last two ways will give a instant kill. You can also lob the head of and kill the vampire this way. Daylight will have the same effect as fire and will burn the vampire. 

Now I come to the most important part. The warriors.

I have chosen to use 20 warriors instead of 10. I chose for that because that will make the story more awesome and makes for a greater story overall.
The warriors I have chosen are partly because i want them in the story and partly because you guys chose them. Without fruther ado, here they are:

Joan of Arc                                   Genghis Kahn
Julius Ceasar                                  Pirate
Miyamoto Musashi                         Vlad the Impaler
Apache                                           Ivan the Terrible
Spartacus                                        Hannibal Barca
Shaolink Monk                                Zande
Spartan                                           Aztec Jaguar
Templar Knight                               Viking
Alexander the Great                         Ramses II
Saladin                                            Sun Tsu

These are the warriors, deal with them!


Other matches

Ofcourse, i will do normal matches after the story and after thinking, I decided to do fictional matches as well as real matches. 
I will write the fictional matches the same way as my normal ones. Write info on the warriors. Write info on the weapons. Then I will compare the weapons and finally do my analyse and write fightscene between the warriors. i will do some group fighting in my very own third season. 

Blackbeard Vs. Dick Turpin
The most famous pirate will face off against the most famous highwayman. In this battle between two dangerous men. Will the man who'se name was giving fear to seamen win or will the young highwayman that made the roads unsafe get the kill.

The Joker Vs. Indiana Jones
i promised you guys this match and I keep word. In this battle between the clown prince of crime and one of the greatest adventures, who will win?
The joker is known for his insanity and his amazing killcount while Indiana managed to escape dungeons and labyrinths and managed to elude tribal warriors, cannibals and nazi's. Who will win?

Ninja Vs. Hassasin
Two elusive groups of killers that prefer to strike in the dark and kill with poison are facing each other. In a match of assasins and spies, who will be victorious and able to move and kill better without the other knowing. Neither warrior group fought on a battefield but both preferred to keep in the shadows. A dark game will unfold.

Thor Vs. Raiden
Two thundergods will fight each other in an epic clash. Which master of electricity will be the suprime god when Thor from the marvel comics faces Raiden from Mortal kombat. A duel that might chance the world will  unfold.

Vlad Dracul Vs. Ivan the Terrible
Two dangerous real life people who were known for torturing and killing are facing each other. Which of these two would win if they faced off against each other. Neither one cared for a life more or less, even those of their own soldiers and they both loved to torture villagers. In a match of swords, polearms and early firearms, who is stronger?

Eric Cartman Vs. Stan Smith
A cartoonic battle between the sadistic, jewhating, gingerhating and hippykilling Eric Cartman and the loyal, ultra right winged CIA agent who would kill his own mom if the cia asked it from him. Stan Smith
Both of those are more of a match for each other but who will walk away to tell the tale??

Sioux natives Vs. Frankish Knights
Two groups of warriors that fought from horseback. Will the natives win in this clash of weapons or will the forerunner of the knight win the day. More then 1000 years apart but more then a match for each other. Who will win. the Sioux will not use guns in this match.

Yoda Vs. Ryu Hayabusa
One of the greatest jedi's in Star wars history faces the most famous fictional ninja. Who will win in a duel between two good guys. The small but acrobatic Yoda can use his forcepowers and Lightsaber to his advantage and fought dark lords. Ryu Hayabusa fought demons and used his skill, his katana, his magic powers and his agility to overcome all dangers. In A duel to the death, who would rise victorious.

1800 Gangs Vs. Modern Hooligans
If a gang from around 1800 faces a modern day group of hooligans, which group will win? Both groups destroyed, murdered and were a pain in the ass. Now these bastards will face each other. It will be a battle of tools turned into weapons and farout brutality. The gangs will be about streetgangs like the natives, dead rabbits, etc. If you do not know what i am talking about go and see the movie gangs of New York

Katara Vs. Storm
A waterbender and close friend of Aang, from the Avatar the last airbender series faces an woman from the X-men who has control over the weather. As these two females fight, which of the two would win? Both can use water but only one can fully control it while the other as other weather abilities. These two black females do have some suprises on their sleeves and should not be underestimated.


This was my blog for now. Comment your opinions on the monster match if you will. Who will win?

Also I would love to hear your opinions on the winners of the other matches. 
Talk to you guys soon

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow! I gotta say this looks promising, especially with twenty warriors. I wonder how they will get along, especially with all of their different personalities and goals . My only wish is that the last two warriors of your were included, as they are truly awesome historical fighters (not that the ones above aren't though).

    Can the zombies run or do they shamble?

    I'd like to see how Hannibal's elephant deals with all of the zombies :D

    Overall I look forward to reading your next chapters, and with your new fighters.

    My predictions for your rest:

    Blackbeard Vs. Dick Turpin : Blackbeard, for seemingly having more experience and probably betterguns.

    The Joker Vs. Indiana Jones : Which Joker version? Heath Ledger's would wipe the floor with Indiana, not sure about the others.

    Ninja Vs. Hassasin: Really can't call this one.

    Thor Vs. Raiden: Hah battle of the thundergods. I am calling Thor for his mighty hammer

    Vlad Dracul Vs. Ivan the Terrible: The subjects of whoever loses ultimately wins ...assuming the actual winner doesn't manage to conquer them.

    Eric Cartman Vs. Stan Smith : as much as Cartman is awesome, he has never Successfully taken on a government agency. Stan Smith

    Sioux natives Vs. Frankish Knights: Frankish knights, comes down to armor

    Yoda Vs. Ryu Hayabusa: Very tough one, but I think the force will ultimately give it to Yoda.

    1900 Gangs Vs. Modern Hooligans: you need to rephrase this.....which gangs? Crips? Les Apaches? I say the Modern gangs win for possessing semi-automatic weapons 9with a few full Auto!)

    Katara Vs. Storm: This is a mismatch. Lightning and water DO NOT go well, and as soon as Storm zaps the water Katara is controlling she's going to get shocked. In addition she can fly through the air and out of reach, in addition to having superior experience as an x. The only way katara is going to prosper is if its full moon and she can use her blood bending, in which case Katara slaughters Storm.

    Good luck and take care!

  2. Hey man :D

    I'm more excited for than than ever :D I'll definitelly be looking forward to this ;)

    I personally applaud the format you're planning to take and think it'll work out very well :)

    This promises to be a highly exciting monster match :D

    My prediction for winner will be Hannibal or Mushashi. I think that Joan will take down quite a few monsters but she'll be killed. Vlad might live but there's also a good chance he won't since his shock tactics won't work on the monster. The same goes for Ivan, though Ivan will probably be having the time of his life.

    I think that Alexander will live if his arrogance doesn't get the better of him. The Spartan will definitely live, I think he's a contender. That big shield will definitely help with those zombies and maybe even the wolf.

    The monk might be at a disadvantage due to his lack of armor but the same goes for the pirate.

    Also great matches :D For the Indy vs Joker one I'm leaning towards the Joker but I know that Indy is a tough guy.

    Stan Smith vs Cartman: I kind of lean towards Cartman since Stan is a bit on the stupid side.

    Ivan vs Vlad: In terms of cruelty they're even but I give it to Ivan for his tech advantage.

    Sioux vs Franks will be interesting, but I'll have to see.

    Either way, see you around man :D


    Master of teh Boot

  3. Heey thank you guys.


    I thank you on your thoughts about El Cid and Maharana Pretap. They are both awesome warriors and it did not feel right to include them in the story. I actually was thinking about sun tsu and el cid to be the last battler. I chose for Sun Tsu because storywise, it would suit better.

    As for the joker, I go with the comicbook/cartoon version. His weapons will be out of the ordinary. Think handbuzzer, jokergass etc.

    With the gangs I actually think about the urban street gangs like the dead rabbits and the shirt tail. Now I look back at it, I noticed I made a mistake i timing it. it is around 1800, not 1900.
    Neither group will have firearms and most of the weapons will be improvised.

    With katara versus storm, Katara will have some abilities to bend blood. Also katara can use her waterbending and trap storm to her own lighting. It might be a blow out, but a blow out that can go either way in my opinion.

    @ Master

    some good guesses. keep those up and thanks for commenting
