woensdag 19 oktober 2011


Nostro smiled as he walked up the stairs of his great castle. History has been rewritten and it was his doing. No more would the mortals rule the earth. His undead people would get the chance now.
The master vampire walked trough the long and empty hallway towards the ballroom and while walking, he thought about the attacks. The ancient vampire had been hidden for centuries, only appearing in history to find food for himself. Now he was back and he was back for good. There was only one thing Nostro wanted, a world for his undead people to live.

In a time, now long forgotten. The master vampire had tried to destroy the human race and claim this world for his people. He almost succeeded, untill the ancient gods started to meddle in. These gods and their disgusting heroes slew his people in a battle that shook worlds and forced the great Nostro himself into hiding.
The old gods that were known by different names in the different places fought hard against the army of undead monsters during the battle and the heroes that aided them fought brave and would go into history as legends.
When the battle was over, Nostro fled, knowing that some vampires and werewolfs survived the clash of titans. He hid into the shadows, waiting.
The heroes of the winning side would go into history as legends and altough each culture named them different, the fact that they showed valour, courage and power in the battle stayed the same. Nostro and his creatures

 Nostro had waited for ages, always in the shadows. The vampire was there when the heroes of old died and he saw how people started praying to new gods, neglecting the old ones. When the people stopped praying to the old gods, the power and controll they wielded lessened. Nostro waited patiently for one day, the old gods had no power at all.
That day had come two weeks ago. The vampire had felt it coming and was prepared for an attack.
He collected the handfull of vampires and werewolfs that still existed and summoned the zombies from their graves.
The day the old gods had lost their powers, he made his attack.

When the zombies first appeared, the mortals were taken by suprise and many died in the first few days of the zombie attack, but the mortals were smart and managed to counterattack the zombies succesfully. The battle raged on and when it looked like the mortal armies would finally get some victories, the werewolfs were released to tear the humans to pieces. Unprepared for such an attack, the mortal troops got dealt a destructive blow from which they could not recover.
While the zombies and werewolfs were fighting the human armies, the vampires took out all the worldleaders and other important and influencal people, turning some of them in other vampires and killing others.

Two weeks after the inital attack, the world was finally in posession of Nostro. The vampire walked into the dark ballroom, he smiled as he saw his coordinates already gathered. The four vampires and werewolf waited patiently for the leader to come in and speak to them.
'Gentlemen' he spoke. 'After ages of waiting, ages of hiding and ages of fleeying, we are in controll!'
His voice was dark and one that would give instant chills, but these were used to it and only cheered.
'I have gathered you all to see how everything is going. I hope you will not dissapoint me.'
The first one to step up was a young man in leather clothing. He had a small black beard and a bald patch on his head. The most remarkable of his attire were the chains the he wore on his arms.
' My lord.' He spoke with an old English tongue. 'We are hunting down all rebelling humans. so far we had little succes, but together with Theobald, i have no doubt that I will succeed.' 'We succeed' the Werewolf snarled. 'Easy on' Nostro spoke to Theobald. The werewolf silenced on this command and watched angry to the rest. 'Now, Ernesto, please continue.' The leader spoke to the vampire that was just speaking.
'Well. Theobald and his werewolfs are very good in finding mortals. We then capture them and interrogate them. This methode works well and we have all fugatives cornered soon. ' 'Good to hear that news. very well done the both of you.' Ernesto nodded while Theobald growled happily. He was the most sane of all the werewolfs and altough he spoke in rough words, one could make out what he said without a problem. Therefore he was chosen as the leader of the werewolfs and the only one allowed to meet with the vampires.
'Now Severus' The master vampire pointed his attention towards a vampire with slick black hair and a unusal large nose. When he spoke, one could hear a hiss tone. 'My lord, we have done research for the crystal you have found and so far we were able to find evidence that there are more of them.' When the mastervampire heard that, he had a sparkle in his eyes. 'I knew' he whispered.
'But there is other news' Severus spoke. 'We found out that the old gods had planted twenty five Crystals on earth, to be used in time of great danger. You found one of them. According to our studies, they can influence time itself. How it works, we are not shure yet.' When the vampire was done, Nostro spoke again. 'What about the other crystals?' 'We are unable to locate them now, but we are still searching.' was the short answer. 'Very well. I want them found en destroyed. Anything made by the old gods is dangerous.' The master vampire finished.

Somewhere else, an old man ran through a storm. He was wearing and old and black hoody, a leather jacket and a backpack. At his side, he wore a rusty old curved sword and a handpistol. The man showed great speed and agility considering his old age and managed to climb a group of rocks quickly. He looked back but could not see anyone followwing him. When he was certain he was alone, he stepped into a small cave.
The man took the backpack from his back and opened it. From the backpack, he took a collection of green crystals. Twentyfour in total.
He placed the Cystals on the ground and started to to speak an incantation from one of the old languages. After a full two minutes, a bright light appeared in the cave and decended on the crystals. The crystals were gone a moment later.
'May the Portaas be found by able warriors who can battle this ancient foe and and bring earth in control of the humans again. His voice was booming and gave an echo.
Seconds later, the man heard voices outside the cave. He took his 9 mm handgun and directed it towards the entrance.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. you said this would be written as a story, but in no way was I expecting something of such quality :D

    Seriously, I'm blown away by the epic scope of this prologue :D It has all the makings of the best kind of fantasy XD you're making me tingle!

    I can't wait for more, man :D This is so amazing, I can't wait to see what happens next.


    Master of the Boot

  2. Holy Crap! This is honestly blowing my mind out, man!

    This looks to be the best type of fantasy battle I'll ever see!

    I can't wait to see more! :D

  3. Awesome prologue man, this is looking to be a great battle!

    Love the Snape cameo, and I cannot wait to see the great historical personalities in this battle!
