donderdag 23 juni 2011

The Hero of Oakvale vs. The Hero of Brightwall

A short explanation.

Normally i would post the Next matchup for my tournement now which would be Ramses II vs. Xerxes I.
But I wanted to do something fun in between. Something different, something comical.
Then i got the idea. What Master of the boot is doing, is actually pretty fun to read and imagine. I will do the same, only my way. So now i will be doing fantasy matchups, dw style in between real warriors. With these fantasy style warriors, it is my pick who will win, altough knowing me, i will chose the most likely to win.

A few rules: the warriors will get the weapons they are most known for, or if in need, i will choose the strongest weapon that they could have had. The same thing goes for armour. If, like with this first fable match, you can choose between boy or girl, i probably will go for boy and if you can chose between good and evil, i will pick good, for the sake of the story. Sometimes, i will not stay with four weapons tested, feeling that more weapons bring an more balanced result.

For this first match, i have chose two hero's of Fable. One with armour and one with gunpowder. Both use magic altough the hero of Oakvale will have possesion of 4 spells and the hero of Brightwall will only have two since he can only use two magic gauntlets at the same time.

I hope you guys like it.

Welcome to our fightclub After having done a lot of historical warriors, we will now use warriors from universes different then our own. The same rules, the same tests and the same computersimulation but with different warriors and different weapons.
Welcome to Deadliest warrior!
In our fightclub we have our old faces of Geoff Desmoulin, the karate blackbelt and biomedical scientist.
 Doctor Armand Dorian, Trauma doctor and Medical expert and Max Geiger, our very own computer expert who will input the data and give us our simulations.'
The three faces are shown with some footage of several warriors, old and new.

Today, we have a fight till the death between two of Albions greatest hero's and blood relatives.
The Hero of Oakvake, the man who defeated Jack of Blades twice and became king of the Arena.'
(Footage is shown of a man in full armour of silver, fighting an horde of balvarines with his sword.)

And the Hero of Brightwall, who build up an resistance against his own brother, king Logan and became king himself. He then defended Albion against an demon from outside.'
(The Hero of Brightwall is seen, wearing blue royal clothing, fighting hobbes.)

Now we will find out who would win in a duel to the death. They lived in Albion, 500 years apart from each other, and now we will see who would win if they would fight each other to the death. No Rules, No Mercy, its a duel to the death. The deadliest warrior!'

'Each warrior brings an arsenal of deadly weapons and an duo of experts to test them.
For the Hero of Oakvale, these weapons are: the sword Avo's tear, the Murren GreatAxe, Skorms Bow, Arken's crossbow, his fists and Will magic. His armour is that of the very first Archon, steel. 
To test these weapons, we have Guildmaster Weaver. This man has trained and guided the Hero of Oakvale during all his quests.'
An old man with a bald head and a white mustache and a tattoo on his forehead is shown, walking with a cane. He appears before the camera. 'I know that the boy will win in the end, i trained him myself.'
The next expert for this hero is Whisper, best friend and fellow hero of the guild. All the way from the south islands.
A dark skinned girl is shown, fighting with a staff. She appears before the camera. 'I used to call him farmboy, that is untill he defeated me several times. I am shure he will win.'

His rival has an great set of weapons also and even so confident experts.
This hero will wield the sword Avo's Lamention, the Dragonbone hammer, The Sandgoose, the dragon stomper .48 pistol, the Hero dog and Will magic.
The experts for this hero are Page, a female who lead the bowerstone resistance and played an important part in the attack against King Logan and the restoration of Bowerstone. 
A black skinned woman appeared before the camera. 'I know that the Hero of Brightwall will be succesfull. I have seen him in battle and honestly, I was happy he was on my side.'

Also for team Brightwall, here is soldier and womanizar, Ben Finn. Ben also fought alongside the hero of Brightwall numerous times and is now second in command for the albion army. 
A handsome young man with blond hair and military uniform, wearing a gun is seen inspecting a rifle and then appears on camera with rifle in hand. 'This is the reason why the hero of Bightwall will win. Gunpowder. It destroyed the Knight in his match against the Pirate and this match will be no different.'

Our experts are convinced, but what do our hosts think of this match?
Geoff takes the screen. 'Both warriors are great but I have to give this one to the hero of Bightwall. You don't take a knife to a gunfight.'
Next is Max who appears. 'It was an hard choise but i think that the armour and the magic of the hero of Oakvale will prefail.'
Lastly Doc. Dorian is shown. 'I will be curious to see how wounds will look like after magic powers, especially considering the fact that both are heroes and can take hits that would kill anyone else.'

 'With the introductions complete, here we will go with the first test, the short range weapons. Each team has brought us a sword today.'
Both female experts came forward, Whisper was holding Avo's tear and Page held Avo's lamention. They both showed the swords to the three hosts. 'Whisper, you are first' Geoff said.
'This is avo's tear', she said as a beautiful sword was shown. 
'Farmboy.. ehh Sorry, old habit. The Hero of Oakvale aquired this sword as he gave up ultimate power to save his sister. The old hero's deemed him worthy enough that he was allowed to use this sword. After that, He used it in countless battles, even in the battle against the dragon form of Jack of Blades.' She explained further. With that said, a clip was shown of a kneeling hero, recieves the sword from a tomb and then a clip of the hero fighting undead with it 'There is one last thing', she added. 'As long as the hero has this weapon equiped, his magic abilities and health will increase if he is weakend.' 
'That sounds impressive' Geoff said. 'We cannot test the healing capibilities but we can test its lethalitly. We have here a gel torso and head. It reflects the density of human flesh. I want to see what kind of damage this weapon will do against an opponent.' Geoff said further. 'No problem, this thing killed Balverines with one swing, a human it can handle.' the woman with the green and blue outfit said as she stood ready before the torso. 'On my mark' Geoff said. 'Three, two, one. Do your worst' With the countdown expired, Whisper attacked the head. Decapitating the torso with a single swing. She then thrusted the sword in the chest of the victim. After Whisper was done, she looked visibly tired. Doctor Dorian was first on the scene, with Max and Geoff behind him. The other three heroes showed interest too. 'Well, with all my expertise, I can say that this guy is dead. First of all, you chopped of his head with one strike, which is an impressive feat. Then you impale the chest with the sword, breaking trough the ribcage and hitting all the main vessels, which is also a killblow. This guy is double dead.' The doctor finished. 'And you did it in one and a half minute.' Max added. 'That is nice and all my dear.' Page spoke. 'But I have an better weapon for the job. Gentlemen, I present Avo's Lamention.'
'This weapon is actually a sister to Avo's tear but appeared much later in history. This weapon is two handed, even more deadly then its sister sword and can deal shockdamage.' Page said. 'Many bandits have perished while fighting this weapon.' She added with a smile. 
'A real deadly weapon then.' Max concluded. 'And how did your hero aquire this piece of weapon?' Whisper asked her opponent. 'Well' Page began. 'Suddenly her fellow expert appeared. 'He got it from a chest behind a demon door.' Ben Finn answered. 'A really grumpy one, for what i've heard.' 
'Max is on the clock, expert ready?' Geoff asked page. She nodded while keeping a tight grip on the sword. 
'Three, two one. Hacking him!' Geoff yelled. With the starting signal, Page swung the sword from left to right, cleaving open the stumach of the gel opponent. For the next move, she lifted up the sword in the air and hacked down, driving the sword from the neck in the chest. As it got stuck, the blade got a blue glow on it and electricity hit the gel torso. 'two minutes round.' Max yelled as Page was done. This time, Ben Finn was first on the scene, giving a high five to page. 'You can hold my sword every time baby.' he said. Page yelled angry at Ben and he quickly stepped back, letting doctor Dorian at the site. 
'Well, with this first attack you went for the belly, ripping it open. Altough it is not an deathblow in itself, the intestents will drop out and you can die of it minutesl later. So i would say this is a delayed kill. With the second attack, you went for the neck and not only cut half of the neck, but also went into the chest, just above the heart. What is more is that the electric power that the sword holds, actually made the heart stop. These are two killing blows in one attack.' 
After the high speed footage, the hosts argue on what sword is better. 'I really love the electricity that the lamention can do.' Geoff said. 'Yes but the tear has healing powers that work even if the sword is not in the body of an opponent. What is more, the tear is shorter and has less weight and it did his job quicker then its counterpart.' Max said. It was now the call of doctor Dorian on who would win this match. 'I love the lamention, the electricity it gave off was astounding. What is more, I have never seen a weapon that could kill in two different ways with one blow. But the tear is somewhat better. Lighter to use and quicker. Plus the healing factor means the winner.'
The edge for the short range weapons goed to Avo's tear. 

With the short ranges decided, we will look at the long range weapons of both contestents. Team Oakvale will use another godly weapon. Skorm's bow, made of wood. While team Brightwall will show the legendary  rifle Simmons's shotgun. A steel rifle with tremendous power. First off for introduction is skorm's bow.
Weaver was seen walking towards the dw crew. 'This is the famed longbow skorm's bow. It is the single most powerfull bow in the whole of Albion and how much longer you draw the string back, the more powerfull it will become. This thing can kill an rocktroll.' he explained. Suddenly Ben Finn and Page walked towards them. 'I have heard that your hero peformed sacravises to gain this weapon.' Ben spoke. 'There goes your logic about the Oakvale hero not caring for power.' Page added. The cheeks of the old guildmaster became red but he kept himself stable. 'It was one small bad thing' he admitted. 'But it was for the greater good.' he spoke in defence. 'What do you guys have to offer us?' Max asked team Brightwall. 'Gentlemen, i present you the pride of the Albion. The sandgoose. 
'The sandgoose is the most powerfull gun made and can take out a balverine with two shots.'' Ben said with a smile. 'The sandgoose is an mythical creature, so i think that the power of the weapon is exxagerated as well.' Whisper said. 
  'Enough arguing, lets go testing these weapons.' Geoff said.

With that said, the team heads to the shooting range
When the camera zoomed in on the desert like place Geoff began to speak. 'Mr. Guildmaster, if you want to go first. We have set up ten mannequins here and i want you to kill as many as possible within three minutes. Can you do that?' As answer the old guildmaster simply nodded and walked to the right distance. He saw that the mannequins were placed on different ranges and some were clusterd. One even was behind a wooden wall with only the leg peeking out.
Geoff counted down again and gave the command to shoot. The old man turned out to be very adequat with the bow and the first arrow flew straight in the chest of the mannequin. The next arrow took the head off, of one of the mannequins and soon all but one had arrows pointing out. The last mannequin was behind the wooden wall. Weaver aimed, kept the arrow cocked back for half a minute and just as Geoff yelled that the time was up, the arrow rammed itself trough the wood into the victim behind it. 
'Let us see the damage you have done.' the doc spoke, suddenly appearing on the scene. The team, including Weaver walked towards the mannequins. By the sight of all the mannequins with arrows in them, Max got hyper. 'This one has an arrow in the throat, this one has one straight in the chest, another one in the chest, one trough the heart, one arrow in the face and this one has his head shot off.' the computerwizz spoke. 'This is indeed incredible' Armand Dorian beamed. 'This is the very first time that i have seen an arrow take an head off. Every shot is an kill and if those were real people, they would be very dead.' 'There is more' Geoff said suddenly. He was standing by the mannequin that was hidden behind the wooden wall. 'This guy is nailed to the wall.' Together with Dorian, he pulled the arrow out to see if the it was an kill shot. 'The answer was yes. The arrow had driven itself into the chest of the puppet, ripping open the chest close to the heart. 'What is more, the splinters from the wooden wall entered the body, making it an more painfull way to die.' The doctor explained. Ímagine needles in your body.' He put it. 
With the bow test complete, the results were clear. All the mannequins were hit with an killstrike and half of them had two arrows in them.

Ben Finn came forward again. 'before you all get hard for the bow, it might be nice to let me show why the gun replaced the bow. He got what he wanted and new mannequins were placed in the same way as the last were and one of them was wearing Archon's armour. The same armour that would have been worn by the hero of Oakvale. Ben aimed his gun a few times and took an steady pose. On the command of Geoff, Ben started shooting. He aimed carefully and after four shots, he needed to reload the gun, taking seconds away from actual shooting. When he was up and running, he fired the sandgoose again. After repeatinly firing and loading, Geoff yelled time and the four of them went to look at the damage done. Most of the hits were lethal.Some mannequins had as much as four bullets in them while others had only one. A few bullets had missed target. For the bullets that had hit, all but one were kills. 'If you look at this one' Docter Dorian spoke while standing near the mannequin wearing the armour, 'you can see that this hit the chest. The armour does not protect against damage but merely lowers the damage. It could lead to internal bleeding but I am not very shure of that.'  'Overall, nine kills and one maybe, right?' Max checked. 'That is correct', The doc said. 
After seeing the highspeed footage of both weapons, the team has made an decision. 'Well it turned out the Skorm's bow shot five arrows a minute and the sandgoose managed to get eight shots off in a minute.' Geoff began. 'That said' continued Max, 'We saw greater accuracy and range with the bow. Edge Skorm's bow.'
With the egde given to skorm's bow, the team prepares for the new tests. Due to the all the weapons being tested, there are four mid range weapons, devided in two catogories. Melee and ranged. First off, the melee tests.

Team Oakvale brings in the Murren Greataxe.

 This  axe with an eagle as blade is perfect for chopping limps and cleaving trough body's. Whisper was holding the weapon while Weaver explained it. 'The origin of this weapon is unknown but it is believed that it was created and used by a man with godlike power. What is known is that this greataxe was used by Scarlet Robe, the mother of the Hero of Oakvale.' 'Wait.'  Geoff interrupted him. 'You mean that Scarlet Robe is family of the Hero of Oakvale?' Now the old guildmaster got a smile on his face. 'Yes. it is an fact that very few people know. Ofcourse, when the Hero trained under me, she was presumed dead and imprisond by Jack of Blades. There was no reason to make the connection.'

To test this dangerous weapon, we have invited a king of the Witchwood Arena, brother to Whisper, we have here Thunder. With that said, a few images are visble or Thunder fighting against bandits and the Hero of Oakvale in a cave. 
Then the big man came in. He had black skin, like his sister, an afra, steel armour, an sword and a shield with the face of the Lion in it. As he came in, he walked straight towards Max. 'This is how a real man wears an afro' he spoke. He then grabbed the Murran Greataxe and started swinging it in the air. 
He then walked with Geoff and max to a giant piece of meat. It came from a cow. 'Listen, it is your job to destroy this cow. I want to see if  it can destroy the spine and how much damage it can do in total.  
The countdown came and Thunder started hacking. The attacks rained down on the meat and if it could fight back, it would not have stood a chance anyhow. When Thunder was done, he looked at the carnage. 'This is very impressive' Armand Dorian spoke as he put on his gloves. he felt the wounds and found them quite deep.  If this was an actual person, you would hit all the internal organs, ripping everything to pieces. What is more is that you actually managed to break the spine. Geoff added the little information that he had. 'Even if the blade of the axe does not kill you, the force behind it will. I measured 120 psi. You only need 80 for a killingblow.'

With the testing of the Murren Greataxe complete, it is now up to team Brightwall to show what damage their weapon can do. Their weapon of choise is the Dragonbone hammer. 

This hammer, made of the vertebra of a Dragon is usefull to break bones and to crush skulls. 
Testing this weapon will be Page. The team had set up three skulls of which one of ballastic gell with a pressure pad. 
Before Page demonstrated the hammer, she showed how the handle was used as offensive weapon by tripping the opponent, hitting the stumach and hitting the face. She demonstrated it by using it against an foam opponent. 
'Page, are you ready?' Geoff yelled. 'Yes i am' she answered as she stood for the three skulls. 'Three, two, one. Crush them!' Page lifted up the hammer, which looked like it was on fire and as it came down on the first skull, the skull got pulvarised. The second skull got the same fate and the final skull, made of the gell got ripped open, burnings marking the place of inpact. As she was done, the three hosts gathered. 'With these skulls, I can be quite simple. Two skulls are just gone and the third one has its head split open. What is more is that the movement of the neck indicated an broken neck and there are burning marks on the top.' Armand spoke. 'What is more is that the pad measured an inpact of 240 psi, the largest we have ever seen on this show. 'What was that of the fire suddenly appearing on the hammer?' Max asked. 'I forgot to mention that, the hammer can attack with fire adding to the punch. It is because of the augmentation. Augmentations made the electricity in the Lamention and the healing in the Tear' Page said. 'Augmentations are ancient old stones with power that can infuse it in a weapon.' the old Guildmaster added. 
Now both weapons were tested, an decision was made. 'The Murren greataxe was really great, but the dragonbone hammer was incredible.'Max said. 'Edge Dragonbone hammer.'

Ben Finn walked with ease to the two female warriors discussing on an old kingdome issue. 'Lady's' he began. 'How about a double date. You two double date me!' Before any of the girls could answer, Thunder stormed forward and grabbed Ben Finn in a chokehold. 'You keep your filthy hands off my sister' He yelled at his opponent. He then released the young militaryman. As Ben stood up, he turned his attention to Page. 'Sorry my dear. It is only the two of us.' 'Not in a lifetime' the answer was as Page walked away.

Three tests are done and three more to go to find out who is the deadliest warrior.
Now comes the special weapon test, unique weapons for both warriors. 
First we will test that what brings Team Brightwall to the table. The Dog of the hero. Just like his father, the Hero of Bowerstone, the Hero of Brightwall had an dog as compagnion. He used the animal for treasure hunting, spotting danger and as offensive weapon. It was not uncommen for this dog to attack opponents and bite opponents in the neck who were on the ground. 
Page walked in, holding the dog on a leash. 
To test this it, a foam torso was placed on a table. The job of the dog is to push it to the ground and bite it. 
With everything set up, the team gave an go and the dog reacted, knowing what to do. he growled and jumped on the torso which dropped  on the ground. The dog then placed its teeth on the throat, leaving marks. As he was done, he walked away towards the familiar face of Page and Ben Finn. 
'This man is dead' The docter said 'You see the claws here on the chest where the dog jumped up, that was just a miner injury, it would not hurt the Hero of Oakvale. But as you can see where the bitemarks are placed. It would puncture the lungs and rip the throat. That is a kill' 'Not to forget that this animal is an great diversion tactic. Suddenly that Oakvale hero would be attacked from two sides' Ben Finn added 

Now it was the turn of Team Oakvale. Thunder walked up towards Geoff, Max and Dorian. 'I present you my fists.' He said. 'What?' Page suddenly askes. 'Your hero really is old fashion is he thinks he can handle our hero with his fists.' She said mockingly. 'Listen lady' Thunder spoke. 'Bare fist fighting is an very old sport. it was the very first principle in which all Heroes are teached and he became fist fighting champion, defeating all the opponent in four rings, scattered around Albion. When all other weapons fail, you must trust on your skill with your bare hands. Otherwise you are a worthless hero.' 'Enough bickering guys.' Geoff said. 'Lets test it.'
Another foam dummy was put up, with pads measuring the power of the punches. 
As Max gave the sign, Thunder yelled and started punching the foam opponent. The first three punches came down on the face, two others landed on the chest and the final was an hammerblow against the temple.
After looking at the data that the computer collected, it was clear. 'The damage done by the fists was not that impressive. According to our data, the only kill was the blow against the temple and that was barely a kill. The other attacks would not do much and only knock the opponent out at the most.' Max explained. 'What we must mention is that if the Hero of Oakvale hits the nose, there is a chance that the nosebone breaks and the shards enter the brain. Then that would be a kill.' Armand added. 
The three hosts agreed without doubt on the winner. The egde is given to the dog.

The next test is the second midrange test. The ranged one. Arken's Crossbow will be tested against the Dragonstomper .48
First off are the experts of the Hero of Oakvale. 
'Gentlemen' Whisper spoke. 'This is Arken's Crossbow.
'It looks rather old' Geoff commented while holding the weapon. 'It is' was the response of Whisper. 'The old Arken made it after an opposing army attacked them from an ambush and killed all the compagnions of him. Arken made this crossbow from pieces of weapons scattered around the area of battle and killed all opponents. It found its way into the hands of the Hero of Oakvale, who used it many times in battle. 

Now it was the turn of the opposing team to explain their weapon. For that team, there was Ben Finn.
As he walked towards the three hosts and Whisper, he held an pistol. 

'This is the Dragonstomper .48' he spoke. 'only six of them were ever made. Five are in the hands of Reaver and this is the last one. It has six shots and is one of the most powerfull handguns ever made' 'That is untill modern times' Geoff corrected him. 
The seven people made it to the desert shooting range to test these weapons. 
'First off is Whisper' Geoff said. The girl nodded and placed herself before the mannequins. Again, three minutes were on the clock and as the times started, she started with firing arrows. 
As she was done, the hosts checked the damage. Of the ten mannequins, nine were hit by killshots and one was unscaved. 

Next up was Ben Finn with his Dragonstomper. He already had taken place before the mannequins and looked at them with the eye of an  professional. 'Ben, Are you ready?' Geoff yelled. 'Always' was the answer and soon thereafter he started firing his gun. Three minutes later he was done and all the mannequins had two to three bullets in them. 
After both tests were completed and the three hosts had had studied the highspeed footage, the results were clear. 'According to the computer, the crossbow  fired only three to four arrows a minute while the Dragonstomper managed to shoot eight. The crossbow had the longer range, but that does not matter on a midrange distance. What does matter is that altough the Dragonstomper shot more times, not all hits were kills. With Arken's Crossbow they were, it was more precise.' Geoff said. The three hosts don't agree and argue on what weapon is superior. In the end, the more bullets and the quicker shots give the Dragonstomper the egde. 

One more test to go before we we find out who is deadlier. The Hero of Oakvale or the Hero of Brightwall.
The last match up will be one of willpowers. The Will magic of the hero of Oakvake will be tested against the magic gauntlets of the Hero of Brightwall.
Now to test the magic abilities of the gauntlets, we have a special guest. He used to be king of Albion, the brother of the Hero of Brightwall. Here is Logan. An strong looking man with a little beard and black here came walking into the Deadliest Warrior fightclub. 
'My brother will be victorious' he spoke. ' He has started an rebellion and taken my kingdom, he will not have a problem at all with a forefather.' His voice was confident and steady. 
'Its an honour your highness' spoke the voice of Max. The man nodded and walked to the table to select two gauntlets. With those two, he walked up to the hosts to show them. 'Well, i wanted to let the Oakvale team go first, but since you want to start, why not.' Geoff said. 
'These are gauntlets to reach the magic within the blood of our family.' He spoke. 
From all the different gauntlets we have decided to use two. A gauntlet to create fire and an gauntlet to create a vortex of wind. I can also combine the two powers. Spellweaving. Finally with all thee forms i can target individuals or perform an area spell where i target an whole area around me.' 

(all the magic abilities of fable 3. fire: 0.03- Fire/vortex: 0.55- Vortex: 3.55)

'Very well' Geoff said. 'We keep that in mind when we set ups the tests. Guildmaster, you are up now.'
Weaver walked up to the hosts and started explaining. 'What I am about to show you are the ways of the will. I and every of the old heroes can create will with the bare hands. There are a lot of Willpowers but I will concentrate on only four. Fireball, in which i can hurl a strong ball of fire towards the opponent, lightning, where I can attack up to four people at the same time with an lightning spell. Enflame, thereby fire erupts from the ground and lastly Ghost Blade. Four swords that appear from thin air to attack the opponent.' 'Sounds impressive' Max commented.

(all the spells of Fable. Enflame: 1:20- Fireball: 1:26- Ghostsword: 1:42- Lightning 2:01)

The Hosts and experts had already made it to the desert area to test the magic when the clips showing the magic in action were done. 
Team brightwall was first with testing and as Logan walked up in the area were several dummies were set up as a group and one dummie  was a little distant away. Logan needed to cast an area spell first and then send an target spell to the single dummie. Three locations in the same way and Logan only needed to fire and walk to the other locations.
'Logan, are you ready?' Geoff asked. 'Yess!'  the answer came back. The countdown came and Logan started off with a firespell, sending a wave of fire in all directions. He then created an ball of fire in his hand attacked the lone dummie. After he was done, he walked up to the second location and Geoff yelled that he could go again. Now he created a vortex of wind and the dummies were lifted up by a strong gust and an tornado like wind brought them with it and dropped them on the ground. The targetspell send an mini tornado towards the dummy and dragged it with it. Pushing the dummie on the on the ground.
Lastly the spellweaving was tested and the tornado was now not only dragging the dummies with it but also fire. lastly a combination of fire and wind was send towards the opponent.
After Logan was done, the crew checked the damage. After seeing the damage, Doctor Dorian reported. 'The first group of dummies got severe burnings and an human being would burn to death. The Tornado looked kinda silly and the gust itself would not kill but the chance is that you hit anything that hurts you pretty badly and falling from the full height is enough to kill, if the opponent would drop.' 'also as opponent you would be pretty confused if you would be in such a miner tornado' Max interrupted. 
'Lastly' The combination attack. Well you have the best of both attacks.when the attacks are finished, you are on fire and dropped from a great height. Not a pretty way to die.' He finished. 'What i did notice, it took some time before you could launch the attacks' Geoff commented. 
'That is true Logan admitted. A fully powered up attack does the most damage and if I would have let it go earlier the attacks would be less powerfull.'

After that, it was now up to the guildmaster to show his power. For him were three locations set up also. One was identical to the set up of the earlier tests. A group of dummies, meant for the enflame and one dummie apart for the fire ball. Then there were four dummies near each other for the lighting and lastly a big piece of meat to test the ghostswords on.
After the countdown, the old guildmaster slammed his fist in the ground, erupting flames that attacked the dummies. He then loaded an fireball in his hand and as it was loading, high screams came from it. After the third scream, he threw it at the dummie. Then he used the will to speed towards the piece of meat and suddenly, four swords appeared, attacking the meat. While the swords were busy, the old guildmaster send electricity from his fingertips and hit the four dummies. During the shocks, the swords disappeared. 
With this test done, the team checked the damage. 'Again from both fire attacks, severe burnings external and internal. The swords did great damage but it really takes a lot of those attacks the actually kill. Lastly the electricity, again it took some time before the opponent would die.' Dorian concluded.

Back at the fightclub, the hosts could not agree which magic was better, 'I go for the gauntlets' Max said. 'Okay, it takes some time to load it but even lesser attacks are attacks and all three spells could target a person and area. Also all those were immediate kills, opposed to the will.' 'I Cannot agree. Even though the swords don't kill with one strike, they are great diversion, four swords flying at you. The lightning stunnes the opponent and you really can cast a lot. The enflame and fireball were perfect. Even if they did not kill, you have knockback damage.' Geoff explained his opinion.
It was up to Armand Dorian now to decide which weapon was better. 'The gauntlets can get off the hands and would be ineffective then but the will powers can deplete. Personally, I would give the egde to the will. All the attacks that did not kill instantly were a great distraction and kept the opponent from attacking.' With two against one, the egde was given to the will magic.

Now all weapons were tested and all the edges given. Close range went to Oakvale with Avo's Tear. Mid range melee went to the dragonbone hammer of Brightwall. Mid range range, went to the dragonstomper .48 of team Brightwall. Skorm's bow was the winner of the Longe range test. The special test went to the hero dog and lastly the magic went to team Oakvale. With all the tests complete, only the computer can decide who would win in this legendary match between hero's.
After that was said, the fight began.

A man in a whole suit of armour walked away from the demon door into a forest next to it. The demon door had spoken that he needed to confront the future before it would open. What that meant, the hero of Oakvale did not know. He only knew that fighting was is speciality and he would win, there might be something special inside the demon door.

The hero of Brightwall walked to the forest. The demon door had spoken that he needed to defeat history before the demon door would open itself for him. He was king and the demon door refused to open, how terrible. Well at least did he have his dog on his side. The loyal compagnion never dissapointed him.
Suddenly, the dog growled, a sign that an enemie was approaching. As he took his rifle, the famed Sandgoose, an arrow hit the three next to him and he saw a man in armour similair to that there was in the Brightwall liberary. He walked up to his opponent and fired his gun.

 The hero of Oakvale had attacked the intruder knowing this was the enemie spoken about by the Demon door.
His first arrow missed by inches and as he put an other arrow on his bow. The opponent fired an magical weapon that made noise. Three or four times, he only knew that he got hit in the side and it rather hurt. The hero placed the greataze he had against an tree and loaded his crossbow. Before he could fire it, he saw that his opponent was near now and had an shorter weapon in hand. He put the Arken's crossbow on the ground and collected fire for his fireball in his hand.

The King of Albion had switched his rifle with his pistol after he had noticed that the the rifle either missed or did not hurt much. Now he fired the weapon that Reaver was so famous for and fired all shots. 
The bullets hit the target but did not bring him down, instead, an fireball flew at him and he was hit square in the chest. Knowing that loading the weapon would take too much time, he put the dragonstomper away and send a weak windgust towards his opponent to push the opponent off guard. 

The wind forced the slayer of Jack of Blades backwards but now he knew he was dealing with another hero. Casting lighting, he managed to control his opponent when an dog suddenly jumped at him. The hero dropped to the ground and the spell stopped. The warrior pushed the dog off him and saw the other guy running at him with a sword. He pulled out his own and the sister swords collided. The Figting was intense and both warriors used the swords to full extend without backing down. The dog jumped on the Hero of Oakvale again, but this time, he knew to stay on his feet. The Hero was now under attack from both opponents, one with a sword and one with dangerous teeth. Thinking fast, he dropped on his knee and slammed his fist on the ground. The fire that erupted pushed both opponens back and as the dog attacked again, the hero could sidestep and slash the leg of the dog. The dog was put out of combat now. As he turned his attention to his other opponent, a huge fireball hit the Oakvale born and send backwards, knocking avo's tear out of his hands. As he stood up again, an tornado of fire soared towards him and picked the hero up. He was hoisted every possible way and finally dropped down on the grond, the fire burning his plate armour and his body. 

While the Oakvale hero was stuck in the tornado, his Brightwall counterpart loaded the dragonstomper again and took the dragonbone hammer, aiming to crush a skull as soon as the vortex dissolveld. 
The Vortex dissolved and as the Brightwall hero walked up to his opponent who was on the ground, the man lifted his and and four swords appeared out of nowhere. He knew this kind of spell but mostly the swords fired off in a direction and dissapeared. These ones stayed and fought. As he defended himself with his hammer, he did not see his opponent grabbing an greataxe. Just before it was too late, he saw him and was just able to dodge. The two fought with the heavy weapons with neither one getting an egde on the opponent.The hero of Oakvale dropped the Murren Greataxe that once was used by his mother and slammed his fist in the face of the opponent. The other hero dropped his weapon in shock as the Oakvale hero punched him several times ion the face and chest. 
 Trying to ignore the pain, the hero of Brightwall collected his wits and send an small gust towards his opponent. The gust pushed the guildsman enough backwards for the king to take out the gun. Then he unleashed the bullets of the dragonstomper .48 and the Hero of Oakvale was brought to the ground. Blood everywhere. The hero of Brigthwall took no chances and grabbed Avo's Lamention as he walked up to his opponent to finish him off.  He was tired and weak but did not dare to  As he walked up to the armoured man, he saw the man holding an very old and ancient crossbow. The Hero of oakvale started to run towards his opponent but the bolt flew towards him and pierced his throat. As he dropped down on his back, the sword landed in the grass and green orbs shot out of his body to enter that of his opponent. With the lifeorbs appearing, the Hero of Oakvale knew it was over. 

Winner: Hero Of Oakvale.

After the fight, the data appeared.

Hero of Oakvale: 535
Avo's Tear:          130
Murren Greataxe: 112
Arken's Crossbow: 19
Unarmed              : 0
Will Magic            : 154

Hero of Brightwall     : 475
Avo's lamention         :113
Dragonbone Hammer: 121
Dragonstomper .48    : 122
Sandgoose                 : 35
Hero Dog                  :  5
Gauntlets                    : 79

Then max appeared on screen. 'In the end, The hero of Oakvale was victorious with 535 kills opposed to the 475 kills of the Hero of Brightwall. It was an close match with the will magic being the decisive factor. The best weapon of the Hero of Brightwall was his dragonbone hammer. Worst was the special catogory, scoring 0 and 5 kills.'

'I am suprised' Geoff said. 'I realy thought the gunpowder would make a difference but i guess that it did not work great on an hero and the fact that the gauntlets took a long time to be really dangerous was the undoing 
of the Hero of Oakvale.' 

'i  knew farmboy would win' Whsiper spoke. He just always 'wins.'

I am not suprised our Oakvale hero was victorious. After all, he did kill Jack of Blades twice.' was the comment of the guildmaster.

'Beh. We lost' was the comment of Ben Finn with a sad face. 'I guess that we have to seek be sorrow together' he said to Page, who answered by walking away.

Next time on deadliest warrior, we put both icons of their respective franchises together in a match. The notorious dark knight Batman will face off against the ice cold killer Sub-Zero. Who would win in a matchup to the death. And this time, they did meet before.

Well I hope you all liked it. Dont judge me too hard, it was my first time doing this and i really need to work on my own style with this sort of Match ups. My next writing will be Ramses vs. Xerxes and after that the new deadliest fantasy warrior episode will turn up on my blog. 
A special thanks to Master of the Boot. You made me enthousiastic to write this and i hope you don't mind.

Lastly, I wanted to do batman vs sub-zero before i knew you would and i want to continue it. I have already weapons in mind and i hope it will be different from yours.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. This is a great matchup, and it was really interesting to see you comparing these two Fable warriors. I too thought that the hero of Brightwall would win, but I can see how things would go the other way.

    As a fan of Fable 3, i got to say I love to see the whole Paige/Ben relationship, though I would have loved it if you brought Reaver in as well.

  2. Hey man :D Great job on this one. Aside from a few spelling errors (miner when you should have used minor) you did a great job ;) I really enjoyed this one and I'm flattered beyond all belief that you emulated my style.

    So you asked for my seal of aproval, well you've earned it ten times over. This was a great match and it felt like I was watching the real show. Great work, you kept us guessing until the end.

    A word of advice, occasionally you repeat certain phrases. Try to avoid that, it is a common mistake. Beyond that, fantasic ;)


    Master of the Boot
