zaterdag 27 september 2014

Shao Kahn Versus Nightmare

Welcome Back in the Fightclub fora battle of two final bosses.. Two  fighters will duke it out in the arena to decide who is the deadliest warrior.
In the fightclub today, we have Geoff Desmoulin, a karate blackbelt and biomedical scientist. Then there is doctor Armand Dorian, a trauma doctor and our medical expert. Last but not least, we have Max Geiger, our one and only computer expert. It will be his job to put all the data in the computer and run the simulations to see who will win the most in a 1000 battles

In a battle of warriors, we have two men who fight one to one on a regular basis. Both evil monsters, these men know how to destroy an opponent in single combat and are not afraid to do anything to finish off their opponents. Which of the two soul sucking final bosses will win in today's match and who will be destroyed. The emperor of Outword and conquerer of worlds Shao Kahn will go toe to toe with the embodiment of an evil sword Nightmare.
Who will win.. The emperor or the Azure Knight. You see it now on Deadliest warrior.

'We have one man who might look like a human but he is not. Shao Kahn has been alive for centuries and his body is thicker then that of any ordinary humans. Not only did he survive countless of assasination attempts but he also went up against a god and won.' Doctor Dorian began. 'Then we have Nightmare, which is actually just a host controlled by the blade soul edge. The sword is so powerfull that ordinary people cannot wield it and only the very strongest of minds do not get destroyed, even though they would suffer if they wielded the sword. Soul edge is powerfull enough that if there are enough pieces together they can drive men insane.' The doctor continued. 'This is going to be one hell of a match and I will need all of my medical expertise to know what attacks would hurt, which would disable and ofcourse what weapons would kill.' He finished.

'Two great warriors will be facing off here. Shao Kahn versus Nightmare. Two awesome and evil men who will take your soul within a second if they had a chance.' Max started off. 'I am going in here thinking Shao Kahn takes it. He is incredible old and has taken down gods and dragons. Also I never managed to beat him!' The frustrated young man added.

'Two final bosses of fighting games. You do not find them tougher then that.. or weaker for that matter as they fought both incredible strong opponents, they also could be beaten by the likes of Johnny Cage and Maxi.' Geoff said. 'If I have to pick one that will prove the winner, then my guess is Nightmare. Where Shao Kahn is still a person and can be killed. Nightmare is not an actual person and will be much harder to kill.' The host explained.

Let us start off this match by introducing the fighters of today's episode. Player one is none other then the leader of outworld. Shao Kahn.

The emperor of Outworld. The conqueror of worlds. This man has many titles but one thing is for sure. He is ruthless and power hungry. Shao Kahn began as the royal adviser of the then ruler of Outworld, Onaga the dragonking. Not being happy with only being a adviser, Kahn did what Iznogood could not and killed the emperor through poison. 
Shao Kahn then did what his predecessor started, conquering worlds. 
However to be able to conquer a world, Kahn needs his warriors to win ten Mortal Kombat tournament in a row and altough this has worked on different worlds.. Earthealm has been able to stop this and Shao Kahn needed to resort to trickery to get past the rules the Elder Gods set.
After the events of Armageddon, Shao Kahn managed to win the power of a god and beat every single warrior from all the different realms to get to the top of the piramid. he even managed to best his arch nemesis Raiden in single combat, only to have the thundergod reverse time itself to make Armageddon not happen. 
Now Shao Kahn needs to start over trying to conquer Earthrealm and finally make this realm of humans part of the Outworld empire.

The weapons that Shao Kahn will use in this battle are the Light spear, his Wrath Hammer, Tai Tzu and Lui He and finally the Outworld Magic.

His opponent is as Vicious and always searching for more Souls. It is the monter Nightmare.

Nightmare, is not human. Neither is he a being from another word. Nightmare is a living incarnation of the sword Soul edge and the one being that needs to be destroyed if one wants the sword. 
However lately, the cursed sword had taken over the body of a swordsman and formed a new Nightmare. The being that is Nightmare is constantly looking for new souls to suck in and become stronger. With little regard for human life, Nightmare will do anything to get his souls and is not afraid to use those loyal to him for evil purposes. 
Over the years, Nightmare has fought all different opponents and even armies all on his own. This gave him all different enemies who all seeked to destroy Nightmare for their own personal reasons. Nightmare has been destroyed a lot but he always managed to return in one form of another as long as shards of Soul edge ramained. Brutal and ruhtless, the Azure knight will destroy all that stand in his way.

The weapons that Nightmare will use in combat are his Dark Energy, Soul edge, the Nightmare Arm and his Night Terror transformation.

What is Deadliest Warrior without Experts? Those who fought besides or against the warriors and know these men and the warrior that they used in combat. They will test the weapons and will try to convince us why their warrior should be crowned Deadliest.
The first expert of Shao Kahn is his own adviser and Sorcerer Shang Tsung. 
Living in outworld as well, Shang Tsung is a servent of Shao Kahn and has fought for him many times in the Mortal Kombat tournament. However he has tried to Overthrow the emperor more then once as well.

'Shao Kahn is crude but effective. He does not like to play mindgames and takes what he wants. However he is cunning as well, Controlling the mind of Queen Sindel and make her become his wife to have a better grip of Edenia for example. Or when he used a clone as I and Quan Chi tried to kill him.'  The sorcerer spoke as he stroked his long white beard,

The second expert is as brutal as Shao Kahn is himself. It is his general Goro. Goro is a general and fighter for Shao Kahn and has been champion of Mortal kombat for nine straight tournaments in a row. 

'The emperor is a tank.' Goro growled. 'Even gods lose to his might and his hammer. Shao Kan will destroy this opponent and take his soul.'

Nightmare has two experts of his own, who are equally convinced that their warrior is the superior warrior. The first one is a former host of Soul Edge and a man who wants to destroy this evil weapon. It is Siegfried. This 16e century german born man has been the host of Soul Edge for a very long time but was able to redeem himself and now seeks to Destroy the blade.

'I know first hand how terrible Nightmare is. This is a monster that cannot be beaten by mere mortals and his neverending search for power makes Nightmare unstoppable.' The man said.

The second expert is someone who has been turned from a human to monster due to the effects of Soul Edge shards and is a servant of Nightmare. Charade has fought for Nightmare and has done his evil bidding. 

The eye in his chest looked at the camera while a dark voice sounded. 'I know how Nightmare fights and I can copy it myself. It is a brutal and effective way to kill.'

With the warriors and experts introduced, It is time to start testing the weapons. We start off with the Iconic weapons for both warriors and their selection for Medium Range. It is a battle between the Wrath Hammer and Soul Edge.

'This is the Wrath Hammer.' Goro said as he held up a very big hammer. 'The favorite weapon of our emperor and a very strong one.' Goro spoke.

The Wrath Hammer. Not only usefull for hitting nails. Also for hitting skulls.

'What my four armed friend is trying to say is that this hammer has some unique properties.' Shang Tsung spoke. 'Only those with strenght far above the ordinary can even hold the hammer, let alone  use it/' The sorcerer continued. 'Shao Kahn is able to summon it out of thin air, has smashed skulls in, destroyed complete bodies with a swing, hammered opponents in the ground like nails and even a smash to the ground has send multiple fighters flying in many directions.' Tsung added. Both Max and Geoff tried to lift the weapon, without much succes.
'If a hit does not kill, it stuns the opponent, which he uses in a deadly combination.' Tsung added. 'Shao Kahn also swings his weapon around like a tornado and throws it at the opponent.' Goro added. 'Throwing a weapon is simple with his incredible might and when Shao Kahn needs it again, he simply summons it.' The sorcer spoke. 'Also when an opponent is hit by a hammer throw, he will not be able to move for a short while.'
'That is impressive.' Geoff said. 'And I have just the test to see if this weapon lifts up to its reputation.' The host added. 'What is that then?' Goro asked as he picked up the hammer.
'I have a skull here and a short distance away a skeleton. The test is simple. First destroy this skull and then throw the weapon at the skeleton.' Geoff explained to Goro. The monster nodded and lifted the hammer in the air.
'Three....Two.....One....Ram it!' Geoff yelled. The hammer came down on the skull, crushing it instantly. The Shokan warrior then threw the Wrath Hammer at the skeleton, which broke apart and fell on the ground. ´Done.´ Goro yelled. ´Well let us see the damage you inflicted.´ Max grinned.
´I want to look at the skull, but there is a problem.´ Doctor Dorian began. ´There is no skull to look at. All we have left are just a few small pieces of bone.´ He added.
The small group then walked up to the skeleton. ´Well look at that. When I heard you threw the weapon, I first doubted the effectiveness but look at this.´ The doctor said. ´You hit the skeleton right in the chest and it seems you broke all the ribs, the back, the chest itself, the neck, the arms, the legs and even the head has some serious damage.´ Armand pointed to all the points. ´Not only did you break almost every bone in the body, the pieces of bone are getting send inwards and do actually more damage.´ he added. ´Two solid kills it seems.´ Geoff spoke. ´If test only half.´ Someone suddenly spoke. It was Siegfried who had questioned the host. ´What do you mean?' Geoff asked. 'Nightmare wears armour. I want to see a test where armour is worn and only then can we call it a real test.' The blond fighter spoke. 'Very well.' Geoff nodded.
'I know have a skeleton in the armour of Nightmare.' Geoff pointed towards the armoured suit. 'Goro if you can deliver an attack, we can see what will happen.' The host explained. 'my pleasure.' Goro grinned. The warrior took the hammer and before Geoff could even the heads up to begin, Goro slammed the hammer into the head of his target. A big swing followed that hit the chest and send the target flying to the wall as pieces of armour broke away. 'Done.' Goro came again.
'You have destroyed the armour.' Max said as he looked at the target on the ground. Geoff removed the helmet and showed that half the skull was missing. 'Not the destruction we have seen before but the opponent inside is rather dead.' Doctor Dorian explained. Geoff then removed the chest piece and again the damage was clear. 'We see again broken ribs and arms. As with the head, the damage done is not as great as the test before but the attacks still kill.' 'Three targets, three dead.' Max summed up.
'Well we have a better weapon for the job.' Siegfried spoke. 'It is the weapon that controlls the warrior. Soul edge.'

A sword with his own mind and destructive power

'From what I understand we cannot use the real Soul edge here correct?' Geoff asked. 'That is correct.' Siegfried said. The sword itself so evil that it can corrupt everyone in the room and drive us insane.' The man explained. 'Speak for yourself.' Shang Tsung commented.
'What is the story behind the sword?' Max asked. 'There are two different stories about the origin of the sword.' Sigfried explained.  'Some say that this used to be an ordinary sword that became evil due to all the blood and hate that the blade made contact with. The other story say that this sword was carved from the body of the heroking Algol' The man said. 'What the origin story is... This is a very special blade with very special powers.' 'So explain the powers of this sword.' Max said. 'First off, this sword needs souls. It sucks souls out of warriors and those who use the weapon and are not do not have a strong enough mind risk the chance of having their souls sucked out.' The expert explained. 'However for those who can use it, the sword gives an incredible might and opponents can be propelled a few feet in the air when attacked.' 'Awesome.' Max interrupted. 'It can also use electrical and fire attacks to give an attack even more power.' The swordfighter told the hosts.
'Let us test this weapon then.' Geoff said as he walked the expert towards a gel torso. 'I think you know what to do.' Geoff said. 'I have an idea.' The man laughed as he swung the sword around.
'Three.....Two....One..Swing It.' Geoff yelled out. The first move of Siegfried decapitated the target. He then slashed open the chest and thrusted his sword into the heart of the torso and with that move, electricity hit the target.
'Not only did you manage to cut through skin and flesh. you also cut through bone. That is impressive.' The doctor said as he studied the body. 'You have done quite some damage. The decapitation is a kill, the cutting open of the torso is no direct kill by itself but all the intestents the body wants to keep in will spill out.' Armand explained. 'The thrust to the heart is a kill on itself and the shock would hurt even more.' 'Would the shock attack kill on itself?' Geoff asked. 'No I am afraid not but it would hurt a lot.' The doctor said. 'Not that it matters, he is missing a head.' Max joked.

'Okay, are we going for the Hammer or the sword?' Armand asked. 'I say sword.' Max started. 'A sword is better balanced, can both cut and thrust and you have seen what incredible power it gives off. Besides that it can use elemental attacks and let us not forget that this sword Soul Edge controlls the warrior.' 'I have to disagree Max.' Geoff said. 'You have seen the effect of the hammer on the armour and we know that Soul Edge can be broken, if that happens then the fight is over. I think that the hammer can do just that.' The host said. 'Apart from that the hammer can stun which will give Shao Kahn free hits and we have not even discussed the ability to throw the hammer yet.'
'So it is up to me.' Armand sighted. 'Both are great weapons that have their own uses and with respect to both weapons and both warriors, I choose the hammer.' The man spilled. 'Why?' Max asked. 'It is like Geoff said. I see the hammer being able to break the sword and when that happens, Nightmare is destroyed.'

For Medium range weapons, the edge goes to Shao Kahn and his wrath Hammer.

Now Medium range went to Shao Kahn, It is time to look at the Long range weapons of these arena fighters. The long range of Shao Kahn is his Light Spear while Nightmare has his dark energy.

'Now you have some sort of energy javelin correct?' Max asked the sorcerer. 'Yes. The light spear is a weapon that Shao Kahn can create out of thin air and throw at an opponent.'

The Light spear, A deadly spear of energy.

'Where is the weapon ?' Max asked. Sanh Tsung lifted his hand up and a long bright green javelin appeared out of thin air. 'here it is.' He spoke. 'Looks awesome, what can it do?' Max asked. 'Hurt people ofcourse.' Tsung spoke. 'It also completely negates armour.' The sorcerer added.
'Well you are going to throw it at an gel torso and we will see what damage it will do.' Geoff said. 'You can throw it three times.' The host added.
'Three....Two....One...throw it!' Geoff yelled out. The sorcerer created a spear and threw it at the torso. It hit the target right in the chest and a second spear followed that hit the shoulder. The last one went straight through the head. However after each hit, the spears dissapeared.
'Now you do not have the effect of a normal spear here and there is missing a hole. Having said that however you can see that some damage is done here.' Armand said as he looked at the torso. 'Is it enough to kill?' Max asked. 'Looking at that this very moment... and it seems that the shoulder hit only managed minor injuries....the light spear to the chest did some damage however nothing lethal and only the the attack to the head would be lethal.' 'Out of three attacks only one lethal hit?' Max asked. 'It looks like it.' The doctor said as he studied the target. 'And a headshot is a hard thing to pull off with such a weapon.' Geoff nodded.
'We have something more accurate.' Siegfried spoke. 'And what is that then?' Shang Tsung asked with a sceptic voice. 'Ever heard about dark energy?' It was charade who uttered those words.

Dark energy, an evil magic fueled by souls

'Dark energy is a weapon that Nightmare can use during combat.' Charade explained. 'It comes at some sort of shield around Nightmare and pushes the opponent away.' 'How strong is this sort of attack?' Geoff asked. 'Depends on the amount of souls aquired. the more souls, the stronger this attack is.' Charade spoke. 'He once destroyed an entire army with this single attack.' Siegfried joined the conversation. 'That is awesome.' Max said.
'Okay we have here a testdummie.' Geoff said as he showed a human shaped fubber dummy to the two experts. 'I have placed pressure pads on it and if you give one solid attack, we can tell you what will happen.' Geoff explained. 'Very well.' Charade spoke and as Geoff walked up to the laptop, a barrier of dark energy formed around charare that hit the target. 'Awesome!' Geoff yelled out after the expert was done.
'Okay, according to my computer, the force was as high as the punch of an olympic boxer.' Geoff spoke, 'What kind of damage does that do?' Max asked. 'This means that weaker opponents can in fact be killed by it but strong ones such as Shao Kahn, it will only do some damage and push him on the ground.'

'Who gets the edge here?' The doctor asked. 'I think that dark energy was awesome. The more souls, the stronger it is and you can hardly dodge such an attack.' Max said. 'I have to go witht he Spear actually.' Geoff came in. 'It does a steady amount of damage and is overall a more solid weapon.' The man explained.
'It is up to me again it seems.' The doctor laughed. 'I like the spear but it can miss while the dark energy cannot. Also the energy will push Shao Kahn to the ground. There is a huge advantage when your opponent is on the ground and you are not.' The doctor explained.

The edge for long range goes to Nightmare and his dark energy.

With Long range and Medium range done, it is the turn of the close range weapons as the two fighting styles: Tai Tzu and Lui He will face off against the Nightmare arm.

Geoff walked up the mat, that has been placed in the middle of the fightclub. 'Time for some hand to hand combat action.' The host smiled. 'May I introduce you to the two favorite fighting styles of the emperor: Tai Tzu and Lui He?' Shang Tsung asked. 'Ofcourse you may.' Geoff spoke.

Two Martial arts for the price of one

 Goro stepped on the mat as the sorcerer spoke. 'These are two chinese martial arts and the favorite ones of Shao Kahn.' Goro gave a roar and punched the air with short punches. 'These are not the only fighting styles that he has mastered but the ones he uses the most. They consist both of strong yet fast attacks and a solid defence.' Sang Tsung explained. The man then changed into Shao Kahn and walked up the mat.
'Round one. Fight!'  Max yelled.  The fake Shao Kahn started throwing punches at Goro, who had trouble blocking them. Shang Tsung then grabbed the throat of the four armed fighter and threw the warrior on the ground. Goro rolled backwards and stood up as the fake Shao Kahn kneed the warrior in the face and followed up with a uppercut. Goro rubbed his head but Shang Tsung was already moving forwards and slammed his knee in the chest and followed up with two punches that send the large fighter backwards. 'Seen enough?' Sang Tsung asked after he had turned into himself. 'Yes!' Max was overjoyed.
'Okay team Nightmare, what is your response tot this?' Geoff asked.
'The very large hand of Nightmare.' Came the response of Siegfried.

The hand of Nightmare, a hand to fear

'Nightmare has one regular sized hand and one very large one.' The german warrior began. With that hand, he is able to pick up another warrior and throw him around like a ragdoll.' Siegfried continued. 'Will Nightmare punch with this hand?' Geoff asked. ' He does but in combat he prefers to grab the opponent, He can throw the target in the air or through walls. He can even steal the soul of the opponent by punching the target in the air and slam the sword in the ground and use dark energy.' Siegfried told.
'Okay I have two tests for you.' Geoff explained to Charade. 'First I have a rubber dummie as before and I want you to hit this as hard as you can.' 'Very well.' The warrior spoke as his arm turned as big as that of Nightmare himself. 'GO!" Geoff yelled and with a quick movement, the fighter punched the target. 'Okay You hit 1.6 times harder then with the dark energy.' Geoff said as he walked up to the warrior. 'i have to say that this would kill a weak opponent.' Geoff added. 'Now for test number two, I want to test a claim you two put forwards.' Geoff started. The host guided the expert towards a small wall, where a mannequin stood. 'You told us you could throw a man through a wall with this arm, That will be proven or disproven now.' The host smiled. 'Will be done.' Charade said without a doubt. Geoff stepped away and the warrior picked up the mannequin. Seconds later, the mannequin flew through the wall.
 'Doc what are we dealing with here?' Geoff asked Armand. 'I see a concussion here at the least but the head could also be split open.' The doctor said. 'What we have here.' Geoff pointed towards the head of the mannequin. 'Indeed.' The doctor said before he continued. 'Then there is the damage that the pieces of stone can do. Think about broken body parts, wounds and the trash that gets into the wounds...Too much.' The doctor said.

'I prefer the two martial arts of Shao Kahn.' Max said. 'It is attack, speed and defense over straight up punching and grappling.' He added. 'I have to agree with you Max. The Tai Tzu and Lui He are deadly on themselfs and do not require other weapons to help.' Geoff spoke.

For the close range, the egde goes to Shao Kahn and his two martial arts Tai Tzu and Lui He

Only the special range is left to test now. Both warriors have one more change to prove their strenght as the magic of Shao Kahn faces Night terror.

'Okay team Shao Kahn. What is the story about the magic of Shao Kahn?' Geoff asked. 'Apart from the fact that he is a superb fighter and a great ruler, Shao Kahn is also a very accomplished sorcerer that has taught me  a lot of deadly techniques.' Shang Tsung calmly said

Magic, a power worthy of a conqueror

'Okay So Shao Kahn is very strong, uses an very strong weapon and can do magic?' Geoff asked the experts. 'Yes. As I said Shao Kahn has taught me personally and it is because of him that I can travel through the realms undetected.' Shang Tsung said. 'Do not forget, He beat a god.' Goro added. 'What magical abilities are we dealing with here?' Max asked. 'You have been introduced to two already. The Light Spear and the summoning of the hammer.' Tsung explained as he walked towards Geoff. 'Ahh yes.' The host said, nodding. 'What else can he do then?' Geoff continued. 'Shao Kahn can do an uplifting knee and charging spike attack. With the first, he slams the opponent with his knee and a green trail of magic makes the move faster and more painfull. The second is almost the same, with the difference that the emperor slams his shoulder in the opponent.' 'Okay.' Max said. 'Then there is the explosive ball where a ball of green energy erupts from his eyes and hit the opponent full force.' The sorcerer said. 'Then there is mystic choke, where the opponent gets ingulved into a green force field and slams said opponent twice in the chest and the emperor's shield. By moving his arm, Shao Kahn creates a shield that pushes the opponent away and reflects back any energy based attack.' 'Dam how much more magical powers does this guy have?' Max asked. 'One more. Shao Kahn can regain a tiny bit of health  by ridiculing the opponent.' The sorcerer finished. 'He what?' Max asked. 'He will degrade his opponent and that gives him a small healthboost' Shang Tsung explained. 'Damn.' Came the response of the wizzkid.
'Okay I have a test set up. Most of these magical abilities still come down to force and therefore we can measure the force being done.' Geoff spoke. 'We will be using the rubber dummie for that. Shang Tsung, you morph into Shao Kahn and hit the opponent with each off the attacks as we determine the power of that.' The host added. 'Very well.' Tsung spoke as he walked up to the rubber target. The sorcerer took the form of Shao Kahn and walked and stood in a fighting stance. 'Are you ready?' Geoff asked. 'Ofcourse.' Came the reply. 'Hit it with the uplifting knee.' The host said and Shao Kahn moved his knee upwards ramming the chest with full force as a green shadow trailed him. 'Okay. The first attack would break several ribs and damage internal organs.' Geoff explained. 'Not a direct kill against a armoured opponent but it would hurt nontheless.' The host explained. 'Also do not forget that you hit the solar plexus and shut down all the nerves in the body with one move.' The doctor added. 'Okay, Next I want to see the charing spikes.' The host said as he looked at his computer. Shang Tsung attacked and smashed the rubber dummie on the ground. 'Not as damaging as the move you peformed just yet but it would break the collarbone of an unarmoured opponent. Against one wearing armour, this move would just hurt.' Geoff explained his findings. 'Also let us not forget that you put your opponent on the ground with this move, making him vulnerable for another attack.' Max added.
'Next I want to see the Mystic choke.' Geoff explained. Shang Tsung moved his hands and the rubber target got surrounded by green energy, lifted in the air and got slammed in the chest twice. 'Okay. Each of  these attacks did the same amount of damage as the charging spike.' Geoff explained. 'This would hurt and break something but is no kill by itelf.' Shang Tsung nodded.  The next move is the explosive ball.' Shang Tsung moved his head backwards and a ball of green energy hit the face of the target. 'This is the most damaging move of all. This would break the nose, the saw and give a concussion.' Geoff said. 'Now for the last move  I want to see the emperor's shield.' Geoff explained. Shang Tsung nodded and hit the target with a green shield. 'This move did the least amount of damage of all.' Geoff began. 'Where all the other moves could break the armour of the opponent, this would not do it.' 'Do not forget that any energy based attack will be returned. that is the real power of this move.' Shang Tsung explained. 'Ahh yes.;  Was all Geoff responded with.
'What counter does Nightmare have for this?' Max asked the other two experts. 'His tranformation into Night terror.' Siegfried answered with a serieus expression.

Night terror. A transformation into a monster

'What is Night terror?'  Geoff asked. 'Night terror is a monster.' Came the short reply of Siegfried. 'By having both pieces of soul calibur and soul edge, Nightmare is able to transform in the monster that is Night terror. Unable to speak but he will have an increase in both speed and strenght.' The expert explained. 'He also gains wings and a laser attack that destroys the opponent.'  'Any more?' Max asked. 'Yes, he can create a fissure that stuns the opponent, no matter how far the opponent is away as long as he is standing on the ground.' Wow.' Max replied. 'Night terror can unleash a shockwave to attack the opponent from a range called Right Slasher. Furthermore, he can fly and therefore attack from above.' The german swordfighter finished.
' test these weapons, I suggest we head outside.' Geoff said.

'Okay. we have taken the rubber dummie with us so you can show what you can do.' Geoff said to Charade. 'Very well.' The warrior spoke. He created wings from his back and his hand became larger as the copy warrior flew up into the air. 'Rook splitter!' Geoff yelled out. The creature cried and smashed himseld int he ground creating a trail towards the dummie and hit it. 'Okay. The attack is less then impressive but the main factor here is stunning.' Geoff explained to Siegfried next to him. 'yes, this followed by another attack is really damaging.' The expert nodded. 'Now a dive attack!' Geoff yelled and the Night terror form flew towards the dummie and hit it. 'This attack is twice as powerful as the punch from the large hand.' Geoff explained. 'Now the Right Slasher.' Geoff yelled out. The monster flew through the air and slashes of energy hit the dummy.
'This move would take off the arm or leg from a weaker opponent. Against someone as Shao Kahn.. It would only hurt a lot.' Geoff told Siegfriend. 'Now lastly the beam!' It was not Geoff but Siegfried who commanded the other expert. Charade flew through the air and hit the target with red energy. This instanly made a hole in the rubber target.'Awesome.' Max yelled out loud. 'This speaks for itself.'  Geoff laughed as he looked at the damage. 'When you have a hole in your body, Your chances of dying are pretty high.' The doctor added.

Back in the fightclub, the three hosts discusses who would get the last edge. 'I have to go with Nightmare.' Geoff said. 'The magic of Shao Kahn was not that impressive and you have seen what Night terror can do.' 'Agreed.' Max nodded. 'That stunning attack and the beam might win Nightmare the match.'

For Special weapons, The edge goes to Nightmare and his ability to tranform into Night terror.

With all the tests done, there is still one more detail to discuss. The X-factors. An X-factor is something that cannot be tested or compared but is a special ability that will give the warriors an edge during the fight.
As a deadliest warrior's first, both warriors have the same X-factor that drives them into combat. Their soul hunting and soul stealing abilities.

'Shao Kahn is always looking for new souls to devour. When he does, he gains the knowlegde, memories and experience that a soul used to have and is able to use those himself.' Shang Tsung explained. 'He has already taken countless souls into his body.' The sorcerer finished.

'Soul edge is always looking for new souls.' Siegfriend began. 'It is his food, he need souls and will do anything to get new souls. Other then that, souls power him up and give Nightmare extra strenght.' The german added.

Before we find out who is the Deadliest, Shao Kahn or Nightmare. We will look back at the weapons and the edges given to them. 
For Long range, The Light Spear went up against the dark energy. The dark energy proved victorious and won the edge for Nightmare.
'Dark energy cannot miss and is a good personal defense for Nightmare.' Max explained.

In Medium range, we saw how the Wrath hammer dueled Sword edge and won the edge.
'Okay sword versus hammer. The Wrath Hammer can be thrown, which will give Shao Kahn a advantage.' Geoff explained.

The close range match was one of Lui he and Tai Tzu versus the hand of Nightmare. The two martial arts won the edge for Shao Kahn.
'The two martial arts combine strenght, defense and speed while the Hand only brings strenght.' Doctor Dorian explained the decision.

In Special, the magic of Shao Kahn lost again the Night terror transformation of Nightmare
'Night terror is just much stronger and can fly. This may prove too much for Shao Kahn to overcome.' max said.

After having seen both warriors and their weapons in action, have the hosts changed their minds on who they think will win?

'I first thought that Shao Kahn would win this match but Night Terror convinced me that Nightmare will be the last one standing.' Max said.

'Going in this match, I would have put my money on Nightmare. However Shao Kahn is much tougher then I first believed and especially that hammer of his.. I would put my money on the conqueror now.' Geoff said.

With everything having said and being done. The experts are convinced, The hosts have a good idea on who is stronger and there is nothing left to be done anymore....Other then start the computer and find out which fighter steals the soul of his opponent. Who Will be the Deadliest Warrior. You will find it out......Right Now!

A blade erupted from the arm of the Tarkatan warrior and headed towards Nightmare. 'You useless fool.' Nightmare yelled as he blocked the attack with Soul edge and split open the skull of his opponent. Another Tarkatan jumped into the attack but his head was grabbed by large hand of Nightmare and crushed. The warrior threw the dead opponent aside and swung his two handed sword in a circle, killing four tarkatan around him. The strange warrior had been right. For once, a man had approached Nightmare, not looking to gain Soul Edge but to point Nightmare to a different land where thousend of souls lay waiting. This grey sorcerer had been right, there were enough souls here for the taking and now Nightmare was in the castle that this Quan Chi had talked about. The castle of the man who contained more then a milion souls, just by himself. These souls would be for Soul Edge.
Nightmare gutted another Tarkatan and made a burning upward slash to destroy another one of these soldiers. Another three Tarkatan took the place of the one who just died and Nightmare laughed. 'You fools.' He yelled as he punched all three in the air. The Azure knight then pushed Soul Edge in the ground and used his dark magic to absorb another three souls. Blasting another two away. Nightmare walked up to the throne room. The place where he would find his opponent, the vessel of so much souls.

'What?' Shao Kahn spit out. 'This warrior has ravaged different cities in Outworld and took the souls of those living in it.' Baraka spoke. His angry face now only showing fear. And he is now in my castle?' The emperor yelled. 'Yes. Some of your champions have tried to stop him but they all failed. My soldiers are fighting him now, without luck.' The Taratan general admitted.
An opposing fighter, send here to destroy Outworld and attack Shao Kahn.. Only the earthgod Raiden could be behind this. If this opponent wanted a fight, a fight he would get. Besides, it seemed that this man was also a collector of souls, he would be full of souls himself then. Souls that would become those of Shao Kahn.
The double doors into the throne room were kicked open and a large warrior, clad in armour walked in. 'You are mine, weakling.' Nightmare yelled. 'Bow down Baraka.' Shao Kahn responded. The general looked up at his master in suprise but did bow down. The Hammer came down on the skull of the Tarkatan and crushed it. Shao Kahn jumped up and landed in front of the intruder. 'You incompetent fool.' He said.

Soul Edge flew towards Shao Kahn, who blocked the attack with his hammer and came with a counterstrike. Nightmare blocked the attack and thrusted at Shao Kahn, who jumped away and threw a Light Spear. The spear hit Nightmare and as the warrior stepped back, Shao Kahn spoke: 'is that all you've got?' Sword and hammer clashed again and as as Soul edge pushed the weapon of the opponent aside, Nightmare hit with a dark energy attack that pushed the emperor backwards and followed up with a downward slash full of electrical energy. This hit the chest of the Outworld leader. Howling in rage, Shao Kahn hit his opponent with a shoulder spike attack and followed up with an uppercut. Nightmare was pushed away and had to block as the ruler of Outworld threw punches at his opponent in a rapid succesion. A knee to the chest followed two punches in the face. Now Nightmare punched, using his large hand and created distance between himself and his opponent. The Azure Knight then grabbed Shao Kahn and threw the other against the wall. 'You will regret this.' Shao Kahn yelled as he stood with his arms in his side. Nightmare attacked with Soul Edge and hit the helmet of his opponent as Shao Kahn took his hammer and swung it around at high speed. Nightmare jumped away but was in the end hit by this tornado of hammer attacks and he heard his armour crack. At that moment Shao Kahn kneeled down, trying to catch a breath. Nightmare attacked with a fire infused upwards slash that flung Shao Kahn away. The knight then continued by grabbing the emperor and throwing him against the wall yet another time and finally attacked with an extended dark energy attack. Using the souls he had gained in Outworld, Nightmare pushed Shao Kahn through the thick walls of the palace and the emperor fell to the ground.

'Is that all?' Shao Kahn asked as he stood with his arms in his side again. Nightmare ran towards Shao Kahn, who first threw a Light spear that just inches missed and then used his explosive ball. This energy hit Nightmare in the face and Shao Kahn smacked his opponent away with an uprising knee.
Both opponents stood poised to the ground, awaiting the move of the opponent. Nightmare stepped forwards as Shao Kahn threw his hammer. The block of Nightmare failed and the warrior stood dazed as Shao Kahn slammed his fist in the chest of the opponent. The knight got thrown away and pieces of his armour broke off.
Using his dark energy, Nightmare pushed Shao Kahn away again before the latter could attack and instead attacked himself with a electricity infuelled cut from above. The helmet of Shao Kahn stopped the attack, only to break on impact. 'You pay for this.' Shao Kahn pointed at his opponent and then threw his hammer again. This hit target and the emperor ran at his opponent, holding his Wrath hammer once again. The hammer hit Nightmare with full force and more of the armour broke off.
Knowing that he needed extra power to win, Nightmare changed.

Shao Kahn watched at his opponent changed and took this time to heal himself a bit. 'You worthless fool.' He said to his opponent, who was now done with changing. Where this Nightmare first looked like a knight, now armour and bone intertwined and a pair of wings had grown out of his back. This opponent looked very much like Onaga. 'Is that all you've got?' Shao Kahn taunted again and as response Night Terror smashed the ground. Shao Kahn got hit and found himself unable to move as blades of energy hit the warlord. Shao Kahn threw a Light Spear but his opponent was already up in the air and the attack missed. The emperor then threw his hammer, which missed as well and Night Terror smashed his opponent with the large fist.
Another dive attack missed as Shao Kahn jumped away just in time and slammed his fist in the face of his opponent. As Night Terror flew up again. Shao Kahn managed to hit with a ball of energy from his eyes. ´Mwhahahahahah.´ Shao Kahn laughed as Night Terror flew through the air.A red beam came from Night Terror, that hit Shao Kahn. The emperor cried out in pain as Soul Edge hit the warrior square in the chest and send him crashing into a small house. Night Terror landed to attack, only for Shao Kahn to ram his shoulder in the opponent using charging spikes and then hit with the Wrath Hammer.
Shao Kahn threw his hammer again, only for Night Terror to once again flee in the air. Night Terror unleashed a laser beam just as Shao Kahn created a shield out of green energy. The beam hit the shield and flew back at Night Terror, who got hit by his own attack and fell on the ground. Using this moment, Shao Kahn slammed his hammer several times at his opponent. Night Terror cried out and held up Soul Edge to block as Shao Kahn  kept hitting with his hammer. After four such blows, Soul Edge broke. Night Terror cried as the monster changed in the corps of a man. Using this moment, Shao Kahn absorbed all the souls that escaped Soul edge.

Winner: Shao Kahn

'In this battle between final bosses, Shao Kahn emerged victorious 611 times while Nightmare only managed to win 389 times.' Max spoke as his face appeared again. 'For both, the mid range weapon were the strongest weapons.' He added just before explaining the reason why the Mortal Kombat warrior won. 'Nightmare is Soul Edge and he uses the sword as his main weapon. 'When Soul edge breaks, Nightmare gets destroyed and Soul Edge has been destroyed a lot in history. This gives Shao Kahn two ways to get rid of Nightmare while the Soul Calibur warrior could only take down Shao Kahn by killing him.' 'The more brutal warrior has won this match.' The computerwizz finished.

Light spear:           35                         Dark Energy:            10

Wrath Hammer:   444                        Soul edge:                 154

Martial Arts:         20                          Nightmare hand       50

Magic:                  112                         Night Terror:           175

'I am surprised. How can such a computer measure the power of a being a Nightmare?' Was the answer of Siegfried after hearing the result. 'In a real fight, Nightmare would dominate without a doubt.' He added

'The emperor has won. That is no surprise.' Shang Tsung spoke. 'If Shao Kahn was this easy to kill, I would have done that a long time ago myself. The real warrior has won.

Tune in Next Week as we have a fight between two heroes who prefer to punish bad guys themselfs rather then have the law judge them. It is an epic battle of Chaotic Good as The Punisher takes on Judge Dredd. Do not miss it!

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