woensdag 12 augustus 2015

Naruto: The eye of Arean 1. Summoning Help

'Are you sure this will work?' A concerned hokage asked. 'No. But we can always try. If there is a chance it will work, we need to take it.' Came the voice of his first advisor. 'You are correct as always Shikamaru.' Naruto admitted. The young hokage looked at the small group of ninja, sitting in a circle, around a seal that was drawn on the ground. They were about to start a very ancient jutsu. Among the ninja, Naruto spotted his old teammate Sakura Haruno and another ninja from his age group, Ino Yamunaka.
Naruto had always dreamed about becoming hokage and now he was the chief of the village, the job was harder then he had ever imagined.
'Continue the ritual.' Naruto spoke. The ninja's nodded and started chanting.
It all had begun a few weeks ago, when information had reached the village, that the village hidden in the grass had been destroyed and all ninja had been wiped out. The very few survivors that managed to get away spoke about men with extraordinary jutsu, dressed in black coats with red flowers printed on them. At that moment, he knew that the akatsuki had returned.
Following the destruction of the grass village, this new Akatsuki had invaded the land of stone and destroyed all in their path. Both the leaf and sand village had send ninja's to stop this threat but all failed and only one hidden leaf ninja had returned home. He had confirmed that indeed it was the akatsuki, who was behind it. the old members had risen from the dead to kill again. The Jonin had also spoken about new members, who had never been seen before. They had powers out of this world. One could controll a opponent like a puppet, without chakra strings. Another could turn opponents in zombies for short periods of time.
Now he was here, in a dark room, on the outskirts of the village. Earlier that year, they had discovered in an old archive, an ancient jutsu that was supposed to summon warriors from others worlds to this one. Guessing that the enemy had used a similair jutsu, the most logical option was to fight fire with fire and summon warriors to help the Leaf fight their new opponents.
Yet, it felt strange to ask help from those outside of this world and Naruto did not know what to expect. How strong would these warriors be, would they help the leaf or only bring on another fight and would they be suitable ninja?

A bright light shone as the seal caught fire. It was a dark purple fire, that reached the roof of the building. The ninja's were sweating but continued the ritual as suddenly the the fire flashed green. Following that, a figuru appeared. Before the Hokage could see the figure clearly, it shot out if the door. 'What was that?' Naruto asked. 'Part of the ritual I hope.' was the answer of Shikamaru.
Before the two could recover, the fire flashed green again, with another figure appearing in the fire. As with the first, this figure flew out of the door. This process of the fire turning green, showing a figure and having it fly off, happened another five times.
Just after the eight figure appeared, the fire dissolved and left a creature on the ground in the circle. This blue creature was not human or animal, it resembled a demon.
The creature looked around and jumped over the exhausted ninja, running towards the door.
'Stop!' Naruto yelled as he blocked the enterence. The beast ran at him and just before it reached the hokage, it dissapeared.
'Where did it go?' Naruto asked, confused. 'Behind you.' Shikamaru yelled. The blue beast had appeared outside of the door and fled into town.
The young hokage suddenly started to regret his decision. Dad, did you have these problems?  Naruto thought by himself.
'These warriors are spread out, I suggest that we use search teams to find them before the enemie does.' Shikamaru spoke. 'I agree.'Naruto nodded. 'We can.' Before the young hokage could finish his sentence, a loud scream was heard.
The two rushed towards the cry, thinking that the demon had appeared again, only to find a small croud of people surrounding a young woman. This blue clad woman used a water jutsu to keep others at bay as she yelled: 'Where am I. Who are you!'

The two men walked up to the young woman and Naruto offered her a hand. 'We don't mean you any harm.' He spoke calmly. The woman nodded and the water returned to a flask. She then stood up and asked again. 'Where am I?' Naruto laughed. 'Welcome in the Hidden Leaf Village. I am Naruto Uzumaki and I am the leader of the village. 'Okay Back to work everyone.' Shikamaru yelled at the villagers, who dispersed as Naruto led the young woman to his office.
'My name is Katara and I am from the southern watertribe.' The woman introduced herself. 'I suddenly appeared here. 'Where is Sokka? Where is Aang?' Katara then asked.
Naruto quickly explained about the ritual and why they needed the extra warriors. When he was done, she nodded. It took some time for her to realise, that Katara was not on her own world anymore and that her brother Sokka was far away.  'I think I understand and I will help. She knew Aang would be dissapointed in her, if the waterbender had turned down this man with his blond hair.

'That is why we need to find them before our enemie does' Shikamaru spoke. The adviser had just explained the ritual to the ninja in front of him, as Naruto and Katara stood behind Shikamaru.
'Kiba. You and Akamaru search with Rock Lee and TenTen.' 'Alright! You can count on our noses.' The hyped up ninja spoke, before he left the room. His dog Akamaru was close behind and the other two followed with a simple nod.
'Sai. You will go with Hinata and Choji.' The silent man nodded and headed out, followed by the chubby best friend of Shikamaru and the wife of the Hokage.
'Shino, you will go with Konahamaru and Ino.' The adviser finished. The three ninja nodded and started their search.
'Temari.' Shikamaru started as he looked at his wife. 'What?'  The woman asked. 'We need you to head to Gaara and explain what we have done. Maybe, his ninja come across these fighters.' It was Naruto who spoke. 'Also give this to him.' Naruto handed her a scroll. 'It explains more about my plans.' He added. 'Very well.' Temari nodded and left.
'What do you want with me?' Sakura asked. 'You stay with Katara.' Naruto said in a friendly manner. 'Okay.' The kunoichi guided Katara outside.
'Still no regrets?' Shikamaru asked. 'No.' Naruto said, trying to convince himself.

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