donderdag 12 januari 2017

The Arena. Chapter 1: A new beginning

Fred Devons watched the arena through the window. 'It still has the same properties as it used to have?' He asked a small man with a thick mustache. 'Yes sir. With one push of the button we can have a football stadium, an ancient chinese tomb or even a vulcano in here.' The man pushed some buttons and the arena turned into a football stadium. 'Good.' Fred smiled as he walked away.
It has been ten years since the disaster of the first tournament. Everything had been going well and everybody all over the world had watched the tournament. However when his warriors rebelled and international armies attacked the island, everything had fallen apart. Ten years,.. It had cost Fred ten years to recover from that disaster. He had to lie low, pay off several criminal organisations and find a a way to get his island back. But in the end, Fred Devons came back on top, he always did.

Fred walked to his office, where he and his wife Atthe would have a meeting with two investers. He had met Atthe during his first island tournament and she had stayed with him all the way. Now they were married and ready to make it big again. 'Both are in your office already.' Atthe spoke as she walked towards Fred. 'How many warriors do we currently have?'Fred then asked. 'The knight and the Ronin have been brought in today, which means that we only need the Viking and Aztec warrior.' His wife answered. 'You are great.' The man spoke. He gave her a kiss and stepped into his office.

'Mr. President and Mr. Leono, it is always good to see you.' Fred greeted his two investers. 'And it is always a pleasure to see you.'Albert Leone answered with a smile. 'Yes it seems that you are almost ready to start?' Mickey Tromp asked. As new president of the United States and businessman, he had been a key figure in rebuilding the tournament. The island now belonged to Mickey Tromp and he had funded the recovery of some important pieces of technology. This also meant that Fred did not have to worry about getting invaded again but it also meant that half of the money they were making, would go straight to the president.
Albert Leone was the boss of a big crime family, which was active in both the US and Italy. He also had connections with other criminal organsations around the world. Albert had supplied Fred with most of the guards on the island.
'We are picking up the last two warriors tomorrow and will then air our first commercial.' Fred explained with pride. 'Our first match will air next week.' The two other men nodded in agreement.

Fred took a sip of whiskey as he looked at the prisoners through the security camera's. Most were sleeping or calmly sitting down, having given up their attempts to escape. Only the knight still slammed his fists against the bars and yelled in French. He would stop too. Soon he would realise that it was useless to escape.
In the first tournament, he had pitted real life historical warriors against each other in a tournament to the death. Now he was doing it all over again. With only one history boomer that had survived, it took longer to collect all the historical warriors. Now they were almost complete and could begin over. Everybody would know of Fred Devons once again.

With a hard boom, the history boomer arrived in the jungles of South America. The history boomer was a time machine, able to take the user into history and back into the present. It had place for four men and two prisoners Fourteen historical warriors had been collected thus far and now it was time for the last two.
'So what are we looking for?' Joseph asked. 'A guy who is dressed like a jaguar.' was the answer of Edward. 'What the fuck is a jaguar?' Joseph replied. 'An animal. Now shut it and come.' It was their leader Elmar, who spoke.
A man named Eddy joined the three and the small group headed further in the jungle.
Suddenly, the four men heard sounds coming from around them. 'Weapons ready.' Elmar shouted. Small spears suddenly flew from the trees towards them. The four dodged as good as possible, with only Edward getting hit in the side. They returned fire to the trees. More yelling around them and two warriors appeared, armed with wooden swords which had sharp stones embedded in them.
Joseph aimed his shotgun and fired straight in the chest of one warrior, while Elmar fired a knockout dart, which hit the other one.
As he took the man and dragged him to the history boomer, the others gave coverfire. With the Aztec jaguar loaded in, the history boomer dissapeared with a hard boom.

The familiar sound was heard as the historyboomer arrived at its next designation. however screaming and yelling overtook the sound of the historyboomer. From their vehicle, the four men saw how a small village was attacked. 'What is going on here?'Joseph asked. 'What do you think' Came the snarkly reply of Edward. 'Two groups of vikings fighing each other.' He added. 'But they have no horns on their helmets.' Joseph was clearly confused. Elmar took controll of the situation. 'Eddy and I will go and capture a viking. You two will stay here. Joseph, open the door when we come back, Edward keep your AK ready.' The others nodded and the two left.
'Be carefull, Elmar.' Said as the two walked around a corner. The two suddenly saw a viking, who had his back towards them. He was nearly naked and had a bald head. Elmar saw a chance and shot his knockout dart in the viking, who turned around. The two now saw that the man sported a large red beard. He heaved his large axe and ran towards them as Elmar hit his target with another knockout dart.
Just before the viking berserker could hit them, he fell headfirst on the ground. The two dragged their target towards their historyboomer and as Elmar had thought, the raid gave them enough cover to stay undetected.
With the viking loaded in, the historyboomer left for the present.

'Sir.' The last two warriors have arrived.' Elmar spoke to Fred as his head peaked through the door of the office. 'Good.' Fred nodded. 'Anyone injured?' He asked. 'Only Edward minor wound to his side. Nothing serious this time.' The soldier added. Fred had barely heard the last words as he stared at the security footage, where the two new warriors were locked in their prison cells.
All warriors collected and everything ready to go. As soon as he pushed enter on his computer, the first commercial would go live in all social media platforms. Then, a week from now the first episode would start. The first match where a knight would fight a gladiator. Fred smiled once again as he pushed enter.

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